After telling Lin Chen about the situation and autopsy tools, the forensic doctor dragged his tired body and walked out.

"Zero Zero Three" After the forensic doctor left, Lin Chen was alone in the cold forensic laboratory.

Lin Chen put on a mask, gloves, and clothing, and then walked to the dissection table and began to examine the bodies of Ge Fang and Fang Dongshan.

The two corpses were examined by the forensic doctor, and some tests had not yet yielded results, but no suspicious fingerprints were found on them.

What Lin Chen has to do now is to repeat the examination that the forensic doctor had done on the corpse.

Redo the check a second time to make sure nothing goes wrong.

The temperature in the forensic laboratory is very low, and long-sleeved and professional clothes are required to be worn inside.

Lin Chen wore short sleeves and professional clothes, and started the autopsy in the forensic laboratory.

Shen Yue walked to the glass door of the forensic laboratory, glanced at Lin Chen inside, and then backed out, not daring to look more, for fear that her eyes would accidentally fall on the corpse on the dissection table.

Zheng Yong saw that Lin Chen started the autopsy. He didn't know anything about the autopsy, so he didn't go in and participate. Instead, he arranged for a few police officers to stand at the glass door of the forensic laboratory and listen to Lin Chen's orders at any time.

After Zheng Yong arranged the people, he walked out of the forensic laboratory, came to the corridor, and took out his mobile phone.

Zheng Yong found Li Guo's mobile phone number and dialed it.

After the phone beeped several times, Li Guo's panting voice came from there.

"Hey, Bureau Zheng..." Li Guo's breath was obvious.

Zheng Yong asked, "Why haven't you come back, Dong Zhengcai?"

Previously downstairs at Dong Zhengcai's residence, Lin Chen and the others saw Dong Zhengcai walking out of the alley. Dong Zhengcai saw the police and turned his head and ran away. Li Guo's twenty police officers chased after him. After chasing Dong Zhengcai back, Zheng Yong and Lin Chen came back first.

After doing the math, it's not too long to come back. Before Li Guo returned with Dong Zhengcai, Zheng Yong made this call.

As soon as he said these words, Li Guo's tone on the other side of the phone immediately twitched: "Zheng... Zheng Bureau... I... I..."

Zheng Yong frowned when he heard Li Guo's hesitant tone, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Zheng Yong asked: "I asked you, what are you stammering, did Dong Zhengcai catch it? Say it."

After Zheng Yong's slightly dignified words, Li Guo sighed and said, "Zheng Bureau... I'm sorry, Dong Zhengcai... ran away..."

Zheng Yong, who had a bad premonition in his heart, frowned even more after hearing Li Guo's words, and said sullenly: "Before, a dozen or two of you went after him, and you promised to bring him back in front of Mr. Lin. , actually let Dong Zhengcai run away? What are you doing to eat? Ah?"

Li Guo's voice was helpless, and said: "Zheng Bureau... That Dong Zhengcai escaped too fast, and the police officers who were chasing were not familiar with the terrain over there, so... so I lost Dong Zhengcai in pursuit. …”

Speaking of this, Li Guo gave a slight pause, and then assured: "But it doesn't matter Zheng Bureau, our Xuanbei County is so big, as long as the entrance and exit of the county are blocked, Dong Zhengcai will never be able to escape, and will be caught by us. ."

"Fart." Li Guo's words made Zheng Yong scolded directly, he said: "Blocking the entrance and exit of the county town, Dong Zhengcai will definitely not be able to escape? Why did ten or twenty of you chase him away? If there is no blockade, what if he escapes in a car? What if he hides in the mountain, where to find it? How can I explain it to Mr. Lin? You say."

The reason why Zheng Yong was so angry was because Lin Chen was involved in the case.

After Lin Chen saw Dong Zhengcai before, he was going to chase after Dong Zhengcai and caught him...

But Li Guo stopped Lin Chen and didn't let Lin Chen chase Dong Zhengcai. Zheng Yong himself asked Lin Chen not to work so hard. Someone had already chased him, and he would definitely be able to catch up with Dong Zhengcai.

But now ten or twenty police officers have chased down Dong Zhengcai and let him run away. How can Zheng Yong face Lin Chen?

If Lin Chen gets angry, how can he bear Lin Chen's displeasure.

Li Guo is Zheng Yong's confidant and subordinate, and Zheng Yong rarely speaks to him in this tone.

Li Guodao: "Zheng Bureau, it's really my fault for chasing the person, I am willing to take the responsibility of chasing the suspect this time, but now I want to ask Zheng Bureau to issue an order to block the major intersections and let me lead the way. The blockade and pursuit of Dong Zhengcai this time will make up for it."

Li Guo's tone was imploring. After saying that, he added: "Zheng Bureau, give an order immediately... I'm afraid that Dong Zhengcai will really hitch a ride and flee."

Zheng Yong gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at the forensic laboratory, and said: "The order will be issued immediately, you all be prepared, you must find Dong Zhengcai for me before Mr. Lin gets angry, Li Guo, this is, the order ."

Zheng Yong's last words were extremely severe, as if they were military orders in the army. Once they were issued, they had to be completed.

Li Guo assured: "Zheng Bureau, don't worry, I will definitely arrest Dong Zhengcai and return it to the 3.9 case."

As Li Guo's words fell, the conversation between the two ended.

After Zheng Yong put down the phone, he cursed secretly: "Damn it, how could Dong Zhengcai lose it with him, what a bastard."

Zheng Yong complained very much in his heart, but it was useless to complain at this moment.

Zheng Yong quickly returned to his office, picked up the office's landline phone, and began to block all entrances and exits of the county, and wanted to arrest the suspect Dong Zhengcai.

Zheng Yong is the deputy director. To issue these orders in the past, it was necessary to obtain the consent of the director, and he issued the orders together.

However, Director Zheng is already under investigation. Zheng Yong is the top leader of the Public Security Bureau. No department dares to ignore his words.

As soon as the order was issued, the police in the county town immediately took action. .


1076 The Last Building 【Subscription】

The police force of various departments in Xuanbei County took action under a phone call from Zheng Yong.

They went to all the main roads in Xuanbei County, and conducted card inspections, trying to prevent the suspect Dong Zhengcai from fleeing Xuanbei County as much as possible.

In addition to being afraid that Dong Zhengcai would take a car or leave Xuanbei County in other ways, he was also worried that he would hide in the mountains and forests.

Hiding in the forest, it is very difficult to arrest. In the past, some prisoners had strong survival ability, and they could live in the forest for several years or even more than ten years, while some prisoners with poor survival ability might die in the forest. in a corner.

Xuanbei County is surrounded by mountains, and there are many mountains and forests. If Dong Zhengcai ran in, it would be difficult to arrest him.

After Zheng Yong issued the order to search Dong Zhengcai, he stood up from his office chair and paced back and forth, worrying about when Dong Zhengcai would be caught. Lin Chen was doing an autopsy now. If he knew that Dong Zhengcai had run away, he would be angry. , how to deal with it.

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