
Today's urban area of ​​Xuanbei County is no different from the previous urban area. On the roads of the urban area, cars in twos and threes are driving on the road. With a hat on, in this scorching sun, the streets of the city will not seem unpopular.

But at this time, police cars began to appear on the urban streets of Xuanbei County.

The police cars didn't honk their horns or flash their lights, but they were numerous.

Police station police, security police, patrol police, traffic police, special police all dispatched.

Although the police cars were driving relatively quietly, the people in Xuanbei County started to discuss after seeing so many police cars and police dispatched, and police officers disembarked from the police cars at every intersection.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many police cars on the street today, so many police officers, what happened?" A small trader looked at the police cars and muttered.

"Isn't there something wrong? Could it be that a certain leader came to our county to inspect, so let these policemen greet him?" Someone echoed the speculation.

"Nonsense, the current government leaders are very low-key and can't be extravagant and wasteful. The dispatch of so many police officers will definitely not be to greet the leaders. Besides, in our small county, what big leaders can come to inspect." Another People say.

"Yes, you see, the special police, patrol police, traffic police, and civilian police have all been dispatched. I think something might have happened."

"Something must have happened, otherwise there would not be police guards at every intersection. I'm really curious, what happened?"

The police cars and police officers that appeared on the streets and intersections made people in the county talk a lot, and everyone was guessing if something big happened.

Some prudent parents also warned their children not to run around on the streets and to stay at home first.

Half an hour later, all the streets and entrances and exits of Xuanbei County have been deployed.

The photo of Dong Zhengcai was uploaded to every policeman's mobile phone. As soon as he saw Dong Zhengcai in the photo, he was immediately arrested.

Dong Zhengcai appeared at the entrance of the alley next to the rental house where he lived before. After rushing into the alley, the chasing alley hindered the chasing police officers. Coupled with Dong Zhengcai's amazing physical strength, he finally let him stay there. There was no trace in the building.

Dong Zhengcai disappeared in that residential building, and that residential building has also become a key investigation area.

In this task of hunting down Dong Zhengcai, Li Guo was given certain rights by Director Zheng Yong.

Li Guo, whose face was not very good-looking, stood on the periphery of the residential building, and he said to the police officer beside him: "There are more than 60 buildings in this residential building, and Dong Zhengcai disappeared in it. Hiding in a certain building, now let those landlords cooperate, immediately search every building, and don’t let any corners where people can hide.”

Hearing this, the police officer nodded and said, "Okay, Team Li."

A pair of police officers began to run into this residential building. They divided the area and carefully searched each building to ensure that Dong Zhengcai was not hiding in this residential building.

The residents of this residential building stood by the windows or on the balconies, looking curiously at the police officers who were searching everywhere.

Judging from the behavior of the police, they are obviously looking for someone, and the people who have dispatched so many police officers, needless to say, must have committed a serious crime.

The police will search here, indicating that the criminal who committed a serious crime may be hiding in this residential building. Residents who thought of this immediately panicked.

The unknown is terrifying. These residents have their own guesses. Some are thinking that the one the police arrested is a fugitive who escaped from the prison, while others say that the police are looking for a murderer. he.

No matter what kind of speculation, in a word, an atmosphere of panic permeated the area of ​​this residential building.

After the police showed their search warrants and searched their rooms, some residents hurriedly closed the doors and locked them, daring not to go out indiscriminately.

Just kidding, what if you run into that murderer.

Many police officers were quickly searching, and Li Guo stood there with his brows locked.

At this time, the women's room 760 East, who rented a house to Dong Zhengcai, walked out of his own building.

The landlady's face was very ugly and she was very worried. After she came to Li Guo, she said, "Comrade police, what should I do, what should I do..."

Li Guo was thinking about things, and after hearing the landlady's mindless words, he came back to his senses and asked, "What should I do?"

The landlady gave a bitter face and said, "Dong Zhengcai ran away. Maybe he will blame me, saying that I opened the door for you and tipped you off. If he comes to take revenge on me, what should I do? How to do?"

When Li Guo heard this, he was speechless and responded patiently: "You don't have to worry about this, Dong Zhengcai will not trouble you. Our police are trying their best to arrest him now."

"What if? What if he retaliates against me?" The landlady said worriedly, her living conditions were very good, and she lived a good life, but she didn't want to be in any danger.

Li Guo was already irritable in his heart, but after being said a few words by the landlady, he walked away and threw a sentence: "There is no contingency."

When the landlady saw that Li Guo was gone, she wanted to go up to speak, but was stopped by the policeman on the side.

Because of the sufficient police force, the search progress of this residential building was very fast. In a short time, all the searches were completed, and only the last building by the river remained. .


1077 The voice behind the door [2 more for subscription]

The last house by the river is located at the very edge of this residential building. The house is only two or three meters away from the river, and it is built along the river.

Li Guo walked in front of the house and took a look at the house.

This building is three stories high, and the exterior walls of the building have been sprayed with paint. However, due to the time, the spray paint on the exterior walls has fallen off a lot, and the walls of some locations have also fallen off to varying degrees.

It looks like this is an old residential building.

A police officer who participated in the search gasped and said to Li Guo: "Li team, all the houses in this residential area have been searched, and this is the last one left."

Li Guo nodded and walked straight towards the building.

Arriving at the door of this residential building, Li Guo stretched out his hand and knocked on the closed iron door.

"Dong dong dong..."

As Li Guo's palm fell, the big iron gate immediately made a thumping sound.

"Is there anyone inside? We are the police from the County Public Security Bureau, please open the door." Li Guo shouted into the door after knocking on the door a few times.

After he finished shouting, the door was still silent, and there was no movement.

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