The two people who walked past the window must have seen and heard the movement outside.

Now this man doesn't know what to say. When he opened his eyes and saw so many police officers, he was obviously lying.

Moreover, when Li Guo stood in front of him and looked at him, the man's eyes seemed very guilty, and the hand that pretended to be nonchalant was also trembling slightly.

"Yes, it's a very serious matter." Li Guo's gaze moved from the man's body to the living room of the building.

The living room in this building looks a little dark because there are no windows, but through the dim light, you can still see that the floor of the guest room 970 is very dirty.

Some food packaging bags, used paper towels, etc., fell to the ground, and there was still a lot of dust on the ground. It seemed that many people had no one to clean the living room.

The man's voice was a little stiff, and he asked Li Guo: "Comrade police, what are you investigating, tell me, I will definitely cooperate."

Li Guo stared at the living room and asked, "How many people live in this building?"

The man smiled and responded, "I'm alone, bachelor."

Having said that, he pointed to the messy living room with a wry smile, and said, "Comrade police, you can see that I am a bachelor by looking at the living room, otherwise the house would not be in such a mess."

Li Guo was slightly stunned.

The man lied again. The subordinate just now said that he saw two people walking past the window in this building, indicating that at least two people lived in this building.

But this man said he was a bachelor and lived here alone, which was too obvious.

"Are you sure you are the only one living in this building?" Li Guo turned his gaze back to the man, staring at him with burning eyes.

This man was stared at by Li Guo, and it seemed even more unnatural.

He said: "Yes, yes, just... just me..."

Upon seeing this, Li Guo showed a hint of coldness on his face, and he said, "Okay, our police are going to search your house now."

The man's face became more and more ugly, he stammered: "Police... Comrade police, I am... the only one living in this house, there is... what is there to search, if there is anything, you can directly follow I'll just say..."

Li Guo ignored the man and directly ordered his subordinates: "Go in and search."

"Yes." A few police officers standing nearest agreed, and they were about to rush towards the living room.

At this moment, the flustered man rushed to the living room and stopped at the door of the living room.

He looked very flustered, but his voice was very loud: "This is my house, no, why did you kick down the door of our house and search my house again, this is my house, I don't allow you to search randomly."

Li Guo wanted his subordinates to forcibly enter, but after hesitating for a while, he still took out a search warrant.

Li Guo put the search warrant in front of the man and said, "See clearly, this is a search warrant. Our police searched your home reasonably and legally. If you block it again, we will sue you for obstructing official business."

The man glanced at the search warrant in Li Guo's hand, and still arrogantly stopped at the door of the living room, preventing the police from entering.

He said: "I don't care what search warrant is not a search warrant. Anyway, this is my home. Without my permission, you are not allowed to enter."

Li Guo had already reasoned with him. Seeing his unreasonable appearance, he shook his head slightly and said to his subordinates, "This (bbcj) person is obstructing the police's handling of the case, so take him down."

Those police officers were already ready to take him down. When Li Guo's voice fell, the two police officers grabbed the man with his backhand and pressed him to the ground within a few seconds, unable to move.

After taking down the man, there was no obstruction at the door of the living room, and the police officers behind quickly rushed in.

"This is my house, can't go in without my consent..." The man who was pressed to the ground shouted on the ground after seeing the police officers swarming in.

It's just that no one cares about his words anymore, and his hands and feet are handcuffed and he can't break free.

The living room on the first floor of this building is very large, with only two rooms left and right.

The door of the room on the left opened. In this room, there were many iron-framed beds. The iron-framed beds had mats, blankets, and pillows. On the other side of the bed, there were several powerful fans.

Judging from the layout of this room, this room can sleep at least seven or eight people.

The house on the right side of the first floor was also opened. This house is slightly smaller than the house on the left, but it also has two iron-framed beds, and the floor is covered with floor coverings.

There was a trash can by the door beside the bed, filled with food scraps, cigarette butts and packaging bags.

After Li Guo saw the appearance of these two rooms, an idea flooded into his mind, causing his brows to immediately wrinkle.

If it really is what he thinks, it will be a little troublesome.

"Go to the second floor." Li Guo said, taking the lead in walking towards the second floor.

The steps leading to the second floor were also messy, no one cleaned it, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

Li Guo walked in front, and a group of police officers followed. When they came to the living room on the second floor, a police officer whispered in Li Guo's ear: "Li Guo, this house seems to be..."

The policeman only spoke half of what he said, and he didn't say it fully, but Li Guo and the others could already understand the meaning of the words.

Li Guo nodded slightly and said, "Maybe it's just..."

After Li Guo finished speaking, he walked directly towards a room, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door.

In this room, there is not a single bed. The floor is covered with paper sheets. On the top of the paper sheets are mats. Single-person mats are placed side by side. There are still a few that have been unplugged from the sockets. Phone charger.

This house is also empty, but everything here shows that many people lived here at the same time.

Li Guo went to the next room again. This room was relatively small, with only one bed and no floor covering. The curtains were closed, and there was not enough light.

When Li Guo walked into the room, he smelled a stench in the air.

At this time, a police officer pointed to something beside the bed and said to Li Guo, "Captain Li, look at this.".


1079 Cutting anti-theft door [2 more for subscription]

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