When Li Guo heard his subordinate's words, he immediately looked in the direction his subordinate's hand pointed.

Immediately, Li Guo saw that his subordinate's hand was pointing to a trash can placed next to the bedside table.

It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with a trash can in the room. Most people's homes have a trash can in their room. When the building was searched, the trash cans in the room of this building were also full of garbage, very dirty and very dirty. -chaos.

The trash can in this room was notable because there was no other trash in it, it was full of condoms and crumpled, wet tissues.

This trash can is not big. The trash can is transparent. At a glance, it can be roughly estimated that there are at least dozens of condoms in the trash can.

Li Guo looked at the trash can full of condoms and crumpled tissues and said, "Have all the rooms on the second floor been searched?"

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately responded: "All rooms on the second floor have been searched, and no one has been seen."

Li Guo glanced at the trash can again, then walked towards the outside of the house, saying, "Go to the third floor to see, there are definitely people in this building."

Li Guo led the people along the steps and walked towards the third floor.

After walking a few steps, he saw the staircase leading to the third floor, which was blocked by a security door.

It is impossible to go to the third floor without opening this security door.

When Li Guo saw the security door, he said softly, "The other people in the building must be behind the security door on the third floor."

This security door looks very sturdy, and it is difficult to kick it open by manpower.

There is someone behind the security door. If the person inside is locked, even with the key, the door cannot be opened.

Li Guo quickly made a decision, that is to use a cutting machine to cut open this security door.

On this side, a few policemen knocked on the security door and let the people inside open the door for inspection. On the other side, the cutting personnel have been notified and asked them to come over quickly.

When the few police officers could not communicate with the people behind the security door, and the people inside kept silent, professional cutting personnel had already arrived with equipment.

The cutting equipment was placed in front of the security door, and the cutting personnel brought professional equipment and started cutting the security door.

Li Guo and the others all retreated to the back, their eyes fixed on the security door. They hoped that behind the door, they could see Dong Zhengcai's figure.

After being affected by the harsh body for a long time, with a click, the cutting staff stopped the rotating equipment, took off the protective tool, turned his head to Li Guo and the others and said, "Okay, you can go in."

Hearing this, Li Guo rushed forward and kicked open the cut security door with one kick.


The anti-theft door was kicked open, and the door slammed into the wall on one side. When it was about to rebound, Li Guo reached out and held it down.

Because there is a small rooftop on the third floor, the room is one less than that on the second floor, and there are only two rooms.

The moment the door was kicked open, Li Guo heard a movement in one of the two rooms.

Needless to say, other people in this building must be in that room.

Li Guo made a gesture to his subordinates, and the police officers walked to the door lightly. After Li Guoyi waved, the burly police officer suddenly raised his foot and kicked the door of the house. .


A foot fell, and the wooden door of the house cracked, and the door was a little loose.

At the same time, there were several exclamations coming from the door, including a woman's exclamation.

"Kick again!" Li Guo shouted.

"Bang bang bang..."

After several consecutive kicks, the wooden door was torn apart and fell off the door frame.

The door was kicked open, and the screams inside became more obvious. Li Guo rushed in with someone and took everything in the room into his eyes.

This room is relatively large, and in one corner of the room, there are a group of men and women standing or squatting.

This group of men and women, the men were topless, the older ones were in their [-]s or [-]s, and the younger ones were in their twenties.

The women's clothes are also very simple, a top, a pair of summer trousers, not even a bra, and their hair is a little messy. It seems that they haven't taken care of themselves very much.

These women are generally around thirty-four years old, none of them are young, they all look average, and none of them are more beautiful.

After Li Guo and the others came in, the faces of these people were full of panic and fear of the police.

· · Flowers · ·

"What are you doing, why are you hiding here and not opening the door?" a police officer asked at the group of people.

This group of people look at me, I look at yours, and no one responds.

Li Guo searched among these people to see if there was any figure of Dong Zhengcai.

After watching it back and forth twice and not seeing Dong Zhengcai, Li Guo sighed in disappointment, and he shouted, "Everyone squat down with their heads up, and don't talk to each other."

After the group of people heard Li Guo's words, they didn't dare to defy them, they all squatted on the ground with their heads up and didn't dare to say a word.

The situation in front of him is already obvious. The man hid behind the big iron gate and didn't open it. He panicked, the iron-framed beds and floor bunks in the house, and the people hiding on the third floor.


These all show that this is a MLM den, and these people are members of the MLM den.

Before Li Guo saw that the man standing behind the big iron gate was nervous and had problems, he was delighted, thinking that Dong Zhengcai might be here.

Now that it was confirmed that this was a MLM den, Li Guo and the others were immediately disappointed. The man's nervousness was not because Dong Zhengcai was here, but because it was MLM.

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