Inside the MLM den, it is very chaotic. Men and women live together, and they can mess around at will. This woman sleeps with you today and sleeps with him tomorrow. There is no fixed object, as long as she can be happy.

In the small room on the second floor just now, there were dozens of condoms in the trash can. It is estimated that it is the gun room of these MLM members. If you need it, you will go into that room and take what you need, and then come out and let others go in and take it. required.

There are two rooms on the second floor, and there is no one in the other room, but there are various evidences that this is a pyramid scheme den.

After inspecting the room, the police officer walked up to Li Guo and said to Li Guo, "Captain Li, I found a lot of things in that room. Those things prove that this is a MLM den, and Dong Zhengcai was not found."

Li Guo already knew the result. He glanced at the people squatting in the corner, sighed, and said, "Take all these people away and hand them over to other departments. Let's not waste time and continue to investigate."

When Li Guo turned to leave, a man with his head squatting on the ground suddenly stood up. .


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The man stood up abruptly, startling the police officer next to him, thinking that this guy was going to do something drastic.

"What are you doing?" a policeman yelled.

The man was taken aback by this scolding. He had some scars on his face and stood still, saying: "Comrade police, don't arrest me, I was forced to do pyramid schemes, they won't let me go, I forced."

When Li Guo heard this, his mind was on Dong Zhengcai, who was running away, and he didn't care.

After all, many of the members of the MLM dens are forced to stay inside.

With regard to MLM, there is a difference between Southern and Northern MLMs. It is much more dangerous to fall into Northern MLM than to fall into Southern MLM.

The Beipai MLM uses beatings and restrictions on personal freedom as the basic means, and the brainwashing link is unimportant to the "[-]" statement of the Beipai MLM.

Once you fall into the northern faction pyramid scheme, you will lose your personal freedom. They will not let you leave the house or touch any communication device. If you do not cooperate or cooperate well, they will also treat you beatings and torture.

There was a college student who was tricked into joining the Beipai MLM organization for a week. He recorded what happened to him that week: living in a dog kennel, living in a stinky ditch, eating spoiled food, beating people, watering his nose, extorting money, and everything. .

And the game they play every day is: whoever loses, whoever licks his crotch through his pants.

Violence is the fundamental method of the North faction's pyramid scheme.

The Southern School MLM is different. The Southern School MLM will not restrict your personal freedom. They pay more attention to controlling your spirit, brainwashing you, and letting you stay willingly and 'success' together.

Southern-style pyramid schemes often use the banners of "government support", "pure capital operation" and "civil mutual assistance" to deceive people to other places and carry out a series of brainwashing projects in the name of inspecting projects, contracting projects, and visiting relatives.

"Local government secretly supports MLM" is the first lesson that MLM distributors have to teach each newcomer.

What they often say is: "The Public Security Bureau is right next to us, only 50 meters away. Could it make us do bad things? The Armed Police Force is also here, can he ignore it?"

In the society, rational people are reluctant to enter the pyramid scheme. In case you enter the pyramid scheme, if you belong to the northern faction, you can only say that you should obey first, act according to the situation, don't be hard, and find an opportunity to escape.

If it is a Southern faction, it is a fortune among misfortunes, and if you are smart, you can come out safely.

Li Guo also had the experience of scanning MLM dens. After seeing that this man was injured and another man in his twenties also had scars, he understood that this should be a MLM den of the Northern School.

Li Guo glanced at the man who stood up and said, "Don't get excited, if you were forced to stay here, then I can tell you now that you are safe, and our police will take these people seriously."

After Li Guo dropped these words, he continued to turn around and walk. The man heard the words, and his face showed a happy look, while the MLM leaders squatting on the ground next to them were gloomy and very ugly.

Just when Li Guo was about to walk out of the room, the voice of the man who stood up rang again: "Comrade police, the Dong Zhengcai you mentioned just now, is that the man your police chased before?"

Hearing this, Li Guowen froze and turned to look at him: "Do you know Dong Zhengcai?"

Li Guo was suspicious, because the man's accent was from a foreign country, and he was controlled in this MLM den. He didn't seem to know Dong Zhengcai, a car mechanic.

"I don't know, but I saw through the window before..." The man immediately said what he saw.

Before he was on the second floor of this building, under the pressure of the MLM boss, he was about to go offline.

He was going to the toilet. When he was walking past a window, he suddenly saw a man running downstairs from an alley outside the window. The man was very strong and ran very fast. quick.

When he ran to the side of the building, a motorcycle passed by.

He and the person riding the motorcycle seemed to know each other. After saying a few words, the man who was in a hurry got on the motorcycle and turned around and left.

At that time, the man who was tricked into the MLM den didn't care. He always wanted to run away, but he couldn't use the method of calling for help. He had been beaten many times before.

After he went to the toilet and passed by the window, he saw some police officers running downstairs, looking for someone...

It took him less than half a minute to go to the toilet. Half a minute ago, he saw a man running away on a bicycle in a hurry. Half a minute later, he saw a group of police officers looking for someone everywhere. He didn't have to think to know that the police were looking for that person.

When the man who was tricked into MLM saw the police, he wanted to call for help, but the MLM leader just came over. Because of the sound insulation of the windows, he didn't dare to risk calling for help, so he could only give up the opportunity to call for help.

After seeing the police coming to the door and saying a male name, saying that he could not be found, the man probably guessed that the person the police were looking for was the one he saw.

Hearing this, Li Guo immediately asked him to describe the approximate body shape of the guy who ran away in a panic, and determined that the person he saw was Dong Zhengcai.

"It turns out that Dong Zhengcai took a friend's motorcycle and went the other way. I said how did he disappear out of thin air." A police officer's tone was a little joyful. The clues provided by the man who was tricked into the pyramid scheme are still very useful.

Li Guo asked the man, "What kind of motorcycle is that, do you remember?"

The man who was deceived into the pyramid scheme said: "I remember the last three digits of the license plate number of that motorcycle."

When Li Guo and the others heard this, they were instantly overjoyed. They remembered the last three digits of the motorcycle license plate number, which is a good way to determine the identity of the motorcycle owner.

"What are the last three?" Li Guo asked.

The man 3.1, who was tricked into MLM, immediately started talking. After Li Guo heard it, he immediately made a phone call to the junior leader of a certain department of the Traffic Management Bureau.

The young leader of the traffic control bureau is a classmate of Li Guo. After receiving the call from Li Guo, he said that he would go to check immediately and find out the identity of the motorcycle owner as soon as possible.

With the last three digits provided by the man who was tricked into the pyramid scheme, the people from the Traffic Management Bureau quickly found the motorcycle in the system and determined the identity of the owner.

The leader of the traffic control bureau, Xiao Xiao, passed the information of the car to Li Guo, who showed it to the man.

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