The sound of Li Guo's knocking on the door did not stop. In the interval between the knocking on the door, he could still hear footsteps approaching.

With a click of the lock, the iron door was opened, and a young man with a cigarette in his mouth stood behind the door.

"What's wrong with him, who is it?" The young man said these words while opening the door.

After he said this, he also saw a large group of policemen standing outside the door.

A large group of police officers in police uniforms and caps suddenly appear in front of your eyes, which will make you stunned.

The young man was stunned at the moment, standing still, and the cigarette that had just been lit in his mouth also fell on the right side.

"Don't move." The two police officers rushed towards the young man with one stride, and pressed him to the ground.

Li Guo didn't talk nonsense with this young man, and rushed inside with someone. .


1082 Where are you going? 【Subscription】

The yard of this building is not big. After passing through the yard, you come to the living room.

After Li Guo and the others came to the living room, they heard the sound of playing mahjong on the second floor of the building. Li Guo immediately took people and rushed up to the second floor.

Li Guo and the others were very fast. When they rushed to the second floor, the mahjong players in the living room on the second floor didn't react. They sat in their seats and stared at the sudden policeman.

These people around the mahjong table are all young people, there are five in total, four are playing mahjong, and the other one is watching with a stool.

The ashtray of the mahjong table was full of deformed cigarette butts, and the living room on the second floor was filled with the smell of smoke.

"What, what?" A young man sitting at the mahjong table took the lead in asking Li Guo and the others.

Although they were still calm, they could still see the tension in their eyes.

Li Guo's gaze swept over the five young people, but he didn't see Dong Zhengcai who he was looking for. He said, "Apart from you, is there anyone in this building?"

Hearing the words, the young man who spoke immediately pointed his hand to the room on the left, and said quickly, "Ah Kuang came back alone just now, in that room."

After the young man finished speaking, he asked again: "Comrade police, you are not here to catch gambling, right? We just play casually, and we don't gamble much."

Li Guo ignored his words and walked towards the room with someone.

Reaching out and turning the doorknob, he found that the door was locked.

Without saying a word, Li Guo lifted his foot and kicked the wooden door.

The installation quality of this wooden door was very poor, just being kicked by Li Guo, the door lock was broken, and the whole door slammed into the wall behind.

After the door opened, Li Guo rushed in, and on the stool in the room, he saw Dong Zhengcai, who had been searching for a long time.

The house is not big, and the decoration is very general. Except for a bed, a table and some stools, there is nothing else.

At the moment, Dong Zhengcai is sitting on a stool. His face is haggard, his eye bags are dark, and his hair is messy, giving him a very decadent and embarrassed feeling.

Sitting on the stool, his body shivered, and police officers in police uniforms appeared in front of him, filling his eyes with fear and deep panic.

"Dong Zhengcai, where are you running?" Li Guo gasped, staring at Li Guo who was sitting on the stool, scolding.

Dong Zhengcai was shocked by Li Guo's scolding and almost fell off the stool.

Several police officers rushed forward and controlled Li Guo on the stool.

"Don't move, run, let you run." A police officer grabbed Dong Zhengcai's shoulders. Seeing that Dong Zheng wanted to resist, he increased his strength a little to prevent him from breaking free.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dong Zhengcai who was pressed on the ground screamed out in his mouth, he said: "It hurts...I won't run away, I won't run away, take it easy, take it easy..."

"Humph." Li Guo heard Dong Zhengcai's begging for mercy, and immediately snorted coldly and stepped forward.

After Dong Zhengcai on the ground saw Li Guo coming, he opened his mouth and said, "Comrade police, I..."

Li Guo didn't want to hear him explain anything, so he shouted: "What are you? Dong Zhengcai, you'd better shut up now, wait until the public security bureau, and then tell me the whole story, don't have any thoughts of running away. already."

"Okay, okay...I see..." Dong Zhengcai endured the pain from his arms and promised, saying that he would cooperate with the police's interrogation.


Dong Zhengcai's hands and feet were handcuffed, and he was picked up from the ground by two police officers and taken outside.

Li Guo looked at Dong Zhengcai, who was under control, and let out a deep breath.

This Dong Zhengcai was finally caught.

This is thanks to the guy who was tricked into the pyramid scheme. It wasn't that he saw Dong Zhengcai getting on A Kuan's motorcycle, and he remembered the last three words of A Kun's license plate number. Dong Zhengcai must not have been arrested and brought to justice so quickly.

Li Guo took out his mobile phone, found Zheng Yong's phone number, and dialed it.

At this moment, Zheng Yong is in the corridor of the Public Security Bureau, waiting for the news and the completion of Lin Chen's autopsy.

The autopsy was a meticulous and careful process, and Zheng Yong knew that it would take a long time for Lin Chen to end it.

After seeing the call from Li Guo, he immediately pressed the answer button.

"Officer Zheng." Li Guo's voice came from the receiver.

When Zheng Yong heard Li Guo's tone when he said the word Zheng Ju, he knew that what he was going to say next was definitely good news.

"Speak." Zheng Yong said.

"Dong Zheng just caught it, we'll be right back." Li Guo said, with joy in his tone.

After Zheng Yong heard the words, he exhaled a long breath and said, "Good job, this speed is fine."

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