After a simple sentence, the two hung up the phone. Zheng Yong smiled and said to Shen Yue who was beside him, "...Miss Shen, good news, Dong Zheng just caught it."

When Shen Yue heard this, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "That's great, the murderer of Ge Fang has finally been found."

"Yeah." Zheng Yong smiled and said, "I've finally caught it. The murderer of Ge Fang has been identified. The only one left is the murderer of the old man of the reservoir, Fang Dongshan."


Li Guo and his party escorted Dong Zhengcai to the police car. Dong Zhengcai's face was full of despair, and his body was trembling slightly after getting into the car.

A Kuan, who brought Dong Zhengcai back on a motorcycle, and his five young people who were sitting on the second floor playing mahjong were also taken away because they needed their cooperation in the investigation.

The villagers in the village showed indescribable smiles on their faces when they saw Ah Kuan and the others being taken into the police car by the police, and they were extremely happy.

When the police car drove out of the village, several villagers clapped their hands and said, "(Li Wangzhao) Good, good arrest, those sons of A Kuan were finally arrested."

Li Guo's car was at the back of the convoy. After seeing the villagers' reactions and words, his eyes darkened immediately.

A police officer said to Li Guo: "Li team, when we came here just now, there were villagers talking about it. That A Kuan and his five friends seem to do bad things a lot, so they are not good birds."

Li Guodao: "This case is getting more and more interesting. It involves a pyramid selling den and a few village tyrants. Hehe, since the villagers hate Ah Kuan so much, we should check their old background and directly follow the law if there is any problem. deal with."


Li Guo and his party, escorting Dong Zhengcai, happily rushed back to the Public Security Bureau, and Li Guo was also waiting for Zheng Bureau's praise.

Another team of police officers handling the case visited and investigated the villages around the Xiaoshan Reservoir.

They have only one goal. .


1083 Everything to be checked [2 more subscriptions]

The purpose of this team of police officers is to follow the clues provided by Zhang An, a fishing enthusiast, to find the man who had a dispute with Fang Dongshan, the old man in the reservoir, and who also moved his hands.

On the day of the incident, Zhang An saw that the man and Fang Dongshan moved hands. After Fang Dongshan was cleaned up and left, Zhang An returned home to entertain relatives from other places.

The man who quarreled with Fang Dongshan had great convenience, motive, time and ability to commit the crime.

He is one of the major suspects. If you find him, Fang Dongshan's death may be solved directly.

Zhang An, a fishing enthusiast, didn't see the man's face clearly, but he still remembered the man's body shape, motorcycle, and fishing toolbox quite clearly.

As long as you investigate based on these points, it is still easy to find the man.

This team of police officers took Zhang An to conduct investigations in various villages around the reservoir. People in the villages who love fishing and have fishing gear will be found by the police.

Let Zhang An see if it is the man that day, and whether the motorcycle and fishing toolbox in the family of the fishing hobby match.

Zhang An followed the police officers to visit 467 houses to investigate.

In the village closest to Xiaoshan Reservoir, there are six hobbies in fishing, and there are fishing gear and fishing toolboxes at home.

Now the people in the village have all means of transportation, they can't afford a car, and a motorcycle is a must.

The six men who like to fish have motorcycles at home, two of them are men's motorcycles, and four of them are women's motorcycles.

Zhang An saw the motorcycle the man was riding that day. It was a red and black men's motorcycle.

The six fishing enthusiasts in this village do not match the size of the man, and the motorcycles and fishing kits are also different. The man is not in this village.

This village did not, they went to the next village.

This second village has a small population. In the whole village, only one person has fishing gear at home and likes to fish.

After going to this person's house, Zhang An saw this man who liked fishing. The first time he saw him, Zhang An's eyes lit up slightly, because the man's body was very similar to the man he saw in the reservoir that day. Similar, same hair.


But as soon as the man opened his mouth, Zhang An realized that his voice was not right, not like the man's voice that day.

This man's home has only a few fishing rods, no fishing tool box, and only a bicycle for travel.

This guy with a body similar to that man was quickly ruled out of suspicion.

On the way to the third village, Zhang An said to the accompanying police officers, "What if I recognize the wrong person, or what if I don't recognize the person? Am I responsible?"

The police officer patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Looking for the information you provided, there will be no misidentification, so you can rest assured."

Zhang An was afraid of what responsibility he would take. After hearing this, he felt a little at ease.

After arriving at the third village, this village is a big one, but after investigation, there is not a single person who likes fishing in this village. After arriving at this village, the police officers left quickly and went to the next village.

When the police officers visited and investigated the village, some police officers who were responsible for collecting information on fishing enthusiasts in the city were also collecting the information and materials of those people in a tense and orderly manner.

They passed the collected information to the laptop of a police officer beside Zhang An.

When the police officer receives the information, he will call Zhang An over and ask him to identify the collected fishing enthusiasts.

It took a lot of time and energy for the information of fishing enthusiasts in the mobile phone city, but it still did not work. Zhang An, who had read the information and photos, shook his head, indicating that there was no one of those people that day.

After the investigation of the fourth, fifth, and sixth villages was completed, the police officers and Zhang An were all tired and soaked with sweat, but there was still no gain.

In some news reports, there is a simple sentence like 'investigated by the police'. Sometimes, I don't know how much hard work the police officers have to put in to get something.

Lin Chen conducted an autopsy in the cold forensic laboratory, dissecting the corpses from time to time, turning on the testing equipment from time to time, and re-testing the tissues on some corpses.

These police officers outside, under the scorching sun, were looking for that target.

After visiting more than a dozen villages, the police officers came to a village close to the city. According to the information provided by the village chief, there were five people in this village with fishing gear and motorcycles.

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