"After Ge Fang left, you followed up with your back. After following up, you never went back to work in the repair shop. Your colleague called you at night to ask about your whereabouts, but you didn't explain the reason. I took two days off in a row."

"After the two-day vacation, you went back to work at the auto repair shop. You became inattentive, lost your soul, and your whole person was confused, as if you had lost your soul. You are like this because you went after Ge Fang that day, and you didn't know what to do with Ge Fang. Fang became malicious and planned to lead Ge Fang to the Xiaoshan Reservoir and raped her in the woods."

"After you raped Ge Fang, you were afraid of taking responsibility for it, so you killed Ge Fang if you didn't do anything."

"You raped and killed Ge Fang under the impulse of your sperm, which made you very fearful and scared. You didn't go to work that day, and the two days you asked for leave were also because you couldn't calm down your inner emotions and couldn't go to work. , Your various performances are abnormal in the eyes of your colleagues."

"After that, you often asked for leave, and you didn't care about the work in the store. You told your colleagues and the boss that the reason for your leave was because you were not feeling well. In fact, being unwell was just an excuse for your prevarication. The reason for the leave is because you want to go back to the crime scene to see if there will be any clues left."

Li Guo's voice was loud, echoing in the not spacious interrogation room.

When he said these words, Dong Zhengcai on the interrogation chair showed an unbelievable expression on his face. He was very excited, and his face became red due to the fast blood flow.

What Zheng Yong and Li Guo didn't notice is that at this moment, besides them and a few police officers, there is one more person in the interrogation room. This person is Shen Yue who followed Lin Chen to the Public Security Bureau.

Shen Yue had always been at the forensic laboratory, but since she was afraid of the corpse and Dong Zhengcai was caught here, she came over to have a look.

Shen Yue stood by the door, quietly watching Li Guo's interrogation of Dong Zhengcai.

As a woman, Shen Yue was very sympathetic to Ge Fang's experience and hated the rapist.

After Li Guo finished saying those words, he paused for a moment and then continued: "Dong Zhengcai, after you killed Ge Fang and buried the body, you were always uneasy. When you were overwhelmed by all kinds of fears, you hid in the room. Crying, your cry, was just heard."

"You have a sperm on your brain for a while, mutilating Ge Fang's young life, and taking yourself in. Downstairs in your house, you run away when you see us, which is one of the good proofs."

The policeman sitting next to Li Guo took it and said, "Dong Zhengcai, the clues we have investigated all point to you, you are the murderer who killed Ge Fang, what else do you have to argue? ?"

Dong Zhengcai's mouth was slightly open, and after facing Li Guo's cold and stern eyes, his breathing became very rapid, and he said, "I'm not arguing, I have something to say, Ge Fang is dead, I don't know at all, I I don't even know she's dead, how could it be that I killed her? Comrade police, you are really mistaken."

Li Guo snorted coldly, "You didn't kill her, so why did you run away when you saw us downstairs, and ran so desperately to hide in that Ah Kuan's house?"

Dong Zhengcai's breathing became more and more rapid, his body was trembling slightly, he said, "That's because, that's because, that's..."

Dong Zhengcai said that several times in a row because of that, but he didn't say anything later.

In the end, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Zhou Dakai, who was chased by Lin Chen in the forest before, was so frightened that he fainted when he saw Ge Fang's rotting body.

Zhou Dakai was in a coma for a long time, and Lin Chen kicked him up after seeing that he was pretending.

At this moment, Dong Zhengcai was about to explain one of the key points. When he saw the police and ran away, he also passed out.

This inevitably made Li Guozheng Yong and the others think that this guy was pretending. .


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When faced with unanswerable questions, some suspects would choose to pretend to be in a coma. When they pretended to be in a coma, they thought about how they should deal with the police's subsequent interrogation and how to prevent them from revealing fatal flaws.

In the case of insufficient evidence, give these suspects some time, and there is a real possibility that they will be able to tell them what to do.

At this moment, Li Guozheng Yong and the others felt that Dong Zhengcai was pretending to be dead. After all, when he asked the key question why he ran away when he saw the police, he passed out, which was a bit of a coincidence.

"Dong Zhengcai, Dong Zhengcai!" Li Guo looked at Dong Zhengcai who was slumped on the chair and shouted.

After shouting twice, Dong Zhengcai did not respond at all.

Li Guo raised his fist again and knocked on the table. The table made a bang, and the sound of knocking on the table still did not wake Dong Zhengcai.

Seeing this, Li Guo stood up and walked to the unconscious Dong Zhengcai.

Shaking Dong Zhengcai's drooping head, Li Guo shouted, "Dong Zhengcai, Dong Zhengcai, don't pretend, okay?"

After shaking Dong Zhengcai a few times, Dong Zhengcai was still in a coma.

Li Guo stretched out Dong Zhengcai's eyelids and saw that Dong Zhengcai's eyeballs were rolled up, his eyes were slack, and his eyes were motionless.

Li Guo looked at Dong Zhengcai's eyes, and Zheng Yong asked, "How is it?"

Li Guo retracted his hand, turned to look at Zheng Yong, and said, "Ju Zheng, this guy Dong Zhengcai seems to be in a coma."

Zheng Yong frowned and said, "Answering a question can stimulate him into a coma. This guy has a problem no matter how he looks at it. Wake him up. If he pretends to be in a coma, it will give him time to make up lies. ."

"Yes." Li Nei's thoughts were similar to Zheng Yong's. Interrogating the prisoner was not a child's play, and Dong Zhengcai was not in a serious coma. He had to be woken up for interrogation.

When Li Guozheng was about to pour water to wake Dong Zhengcai, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly knocked on from the outside.

After hearing the knock on the door, Li Guo stopped his movements and looked towards the door.

Zheng Yong and Shen Yue also looked at the soundproof door of the interrogation room.

"Come in". "Zheng Yong spoke.

The door of the interrogation room was opened immediately, and a police officer came in. He glanced at Li Guo, and then his eyes fell on Zheng Yong: "Report to Zheng Bureau, the second team has a conflict with the deceased Fang Dongshan. The man who was brought back has already been taken into the No. [-] interrogation room."

"Oh?" Zheng Yong said, "The guy who had a conflict with Fang Dongshan, and the other guy did it?"

"Yes." The policeman replied, "It's him."

"Bureau Zheng, should we wake up Dong Zhengcai first, or go over and interrogate that guy first?" Li Guo asked Zheng Yong for his opinion.

Zheng Yong didn't hesitate, and said, "Dong Zhengcai is here for people to watch. If you can wake him up, wake him up and let him explain clearly. Since another suspect has also been caught, go see him first."

After Zheng Yong finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside.

When he was halfway there, he noticed Shen Yue standing by the wall, with a warm smile on his face, and said to Shen Yue, "Miss Shen, do you want to be with me?"

Shen Yue understood that Dong Zhengcai was so polite to herself because of the boss.

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