She nodded slightly and said yes, and followed behind Zheng Yong, heading towards the No. [-] interrogation room.

Dong Zhengcai in the No. [-] interrogation room handed it over to the other police officers, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue, and the others, and quickly came to the door of the No. [-] interrogation room.

The lead police officer in charge of finding Wu Wenlei stood at the door of the No. [-] interrogation room and spoke to someone.

After seeing Zheng Yong coming, he immediately greeted Zheng Yong respectfully.

Zheng Yong glanced at the No. [-] interrogation room, and the leading police officer immediately began to report: "Zheng Bureau, Li team, this person's name is Wu Wenlei, we found it in a village near the city, according to fishing Fan Zhang An's identification, this Wu Wenlei, is the man who had a conflict with the deceased Fang Dongshan on the day of the incident and touched it."

After Zheng Yong heard this, he said he understood, and then asked, "Did he explain anything?"

The leading police officer shook his head and said, "No, we just brought him back. We didn't talk to him about the case on the way back, but..."

"But what?" Li Guo asked immediately.

A smile immediately appeared on the face of the leading police officer, and he said, "Although he didn't discuss the case with this Wu Wenlei, and he didn't admit anything, but this guy Wu Wenlei saw our police come to the door and faced Zhang An's identification, His performance was unusual, and I saw the guilty conscience in his eyes, on his face."

"When questioning him, his forehead was sweating, and he sat on the ground before he could stand firm. On the way back, he didn't say a word, but he was lost, as if he had no soul, these reactions of his , makes me think that he is the murderer who killed Fang Dongshan, the administrator of the reservoir."

Zheng Yong and Li Guo nodded slightly after hearing what the leading police officer said.

According to what he described, all Wu Wenlei's reactions and performances showed that he had something to do with Fang Dongshan's death.

If it is a person who has nothing to do with the case and is not the murderer, when you arrest him, his reaction is very fierce, because he did not kill, he is full of confidence.

On the contrary, those who have violated the law have insufficient confidence and are very guilty.

Zheng Yong stepped forward and walked into the interrogation room. Li Guo and the others followed behind Zheng Yong.

When several people walked into the interrogation room No. [-], Wu Wenlei, who was sitting in the interrogation room, also raised his head and looked at Zheng Yong and the others with a look of fear.

Zheng Yong's eyes met Wu Wenlei's. After Wu Wenlei felt the aura of Zheng Yong's body, he immediately retracted his gaze and did not dare to continue to meet Zheng Yong.

Li Guo sat in front of Wu Wenlei, went straight to the subject, and said, "...Are you confessing yourself, or do you want us to tell?"

Wu Wenlei glanced at Li Guo and said, "Tan... confess what?"

"Confess the history and facts of your murder." Li Guo's tone suddenly became more severe, and his eyes became sharp.

Wu Wenlei's body trembled. If he hadn't been locked in the interrogation chair, he would have collapsed to the ground by looking at him.

"I, I, I..." Wu Wenlei stammered out a few words about me, but he couldn't say the following words.

Not to mention the police officers present, even Shen Yue, who was on the side, could see that this guy had a problem.

Shen Yue muttered in her heart: "Wu Wenlei and Dong Zhengcai admit it quickly, it's time to return to the sea of ​​magic..."

"Bang." Li Guoyi slammed his fist on the table and continued to ask, "Tell me, why did you kill people?"


PS: Regarding writing a detective case in Chinatown, I am going to write an original case. How about adding characters like KIKO, Chen Ying, A Xiang, Tang Ren, and Qin Feng?

Everyone knows the answer to the Chinatown case, so there's no need to write about his case, right?

Ask for opinions, you can say it in the book review area. .


1088 The way to deal with it [Subscribe]

Wu Wenlei was so frightened that he said, "No... no... I didn't kill anyone."

"No murder?" Li Guo stared at Wu Wenlei's eyes and said, "Wu Wenlei, do you dare to say that Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, didn't kill him?"

After hearing Li Guo's words, Wu Wenlei was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and glanced at Li Guo with a blank expression.

Wu Wenlei's look made Li Guo frown slightly, and he felt that Wu Wenlei's eyes were a little weird, but it didn't look like the cowardly look just now.

After Wu Wenlei glanced at Li Guo, he lowered his head deeply and fell silent.

After Li Guo recovered from Wu Wenlei's strange eyes, he asked, "Wu Wenlei, what about you, do you admit that Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, was killed by you?"

Under the gazes of everyone, Wu Wenlei remained silent.

After a few seconds, Wu Wenlei slowly raised his head and said to Li Guo, "Comrade police, I really didn't kill anyone. The reservoir administrator Fang Dongshan you mentioned is the old man from Xiaoshan Reservoir, right?"

Li Guo heard the words and said 587: "It seems that you still remember Fang Dongshan."

"Remember." Wu Wenlei began to speak fluently, instead of stuttering like he did just now, he said: "I like fishing. I have been to various reservoirs, fish ponds, small rivers, and big rivers in Xuanbei County, because my home is far away. The Xiaoshan Reservoir is relatively close, so the number of visits to the Xiaoshan Reservoir is relatively high.”

"That Fang Dongshan has been working in Xiaoshan Reservoir for many years. He and I are acquaintances. Of course I know him."

Li Guo and the police officer next to him looked at each other, and both of them had doubts in their eyes.

Wu Wenlei, who was still so scared just now, why is his speech so smooth and orderly at this moment, and his voice does not tremble at all.

Could it be that he has already figured out how to deal with the police, so he is so calm?

Li Guohe and the police officers beside him felt that it was very possible for Wu Wenlei to think of how to deal with the police. After all, it had been a long time since he arrived at the county public security bureau from his home. He was silent and did not say a word along the way. .

Maybe during this time, he thought of a way to deal with it.

Before Li Guo could continue to ask questions, Wu Wenlei continued, "Comrade police officer, what do you mean, it seems that the old man was killed?"

Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said, "Fang Dongshan was killed, you should know better than anyone else, right?"

"No no no." Wu Wenlei waved his hands again and again, sighed, and said with a serious face: "Comrade police, if you hadn't said just now, I wouldn't even know that the old man died, how could the death of the old man have something to do with me? what."

"We have witnesses who can prove that you have something to do with Fang Dongshan's death." Li Guo said.

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