"What witnesses?" Wu Wenlei glanced around the interrogation room, and glanced at Zheng Yong's face on the side. When his eyes fell on Shen Yue, those eyes lit up slightly, as if Shen Yue was waiting. A beautiful woman that amazes him.

Li Guodao: "At noon the day before yesterday, where are you?"

Wu Wenlei said, "Noon the day before yesterday, I seem to be at home at noon the day before yesterday."

Li Guo widened his eyes: "You lied, you went fishing at Xiaoshan Reservoir at noon the day before yesterday."

When Wu Wenlei heard this, he reached out and patted his forehead with a look of annoyance: "Yes, I went fishing at noon the day before yesterday, comrade police, I'm not lying, it's just that you are so serious that you scared me, My thinking is a little rigid, and I just didn't remember it for a while."

Li Guo said with a gloomy face, "At noon the day before yesterday, besides you went to Xiaoshan Reservoir to fish, there was another person fishing in Xiaoshan Reservoir. According to that person's confession, after you went to Xiaoshan Reservoir to fish at noon the day before yesterday, you and the reservoir administrator Fang Dongshan first had a quarrel, and then there was a physical (bbdj) conflict. You pushed Fang Dongshan into the water next to the fishing platform, and threatened to kill Fang Dongshan if he talked more, right?"

Wu Wenlei leaned back on the cold interrogation chair, and the posture he sat on it looked a little relaxed.

He said in a helpless tone: "Comrade police, yes, after I went to Xiaoshan Reservoir for fishing the day before yesterday, I did have a little conflict with that old man, but it was just a little conflict, and I won't put my finger on it because of a little conflict. The sick old man was killed."

"Comrade policeman, I run a motorcycle repair shop. In the county town, I have two other shops that can collect rent. My wife went abroad some time ago and bought me a lot of high-end things. I The living conditions are very good, and I have such good conditions, there is no need to kill an old man, which will lead to my whole life."

Wu Wenlei wrote that I was innocent at the moment, his tone was calm, and his eyes were full of sincerity, as if he really didn't kill Fang Dongshan.

After he finished speaking, he asked Li Guodao, "Comrade police officer, how did that old man Fang Dongshan die?"

Li Guodao: "You were pressed into the water of the reservoir and drowned alive."

Wu Wenlei said quickly: "Comrade police, how many times have I said it, I really didn't kill the old man. He drowned in the water? Could it be that he drowned himself after falling?"

"Impossible." Li Guo shook his head and said, "According to the forensic identification, the reservoir administrator Fang Dongshan was drowned in the water at around [-] o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, and witness Zhang An saw it at around [-] o'clock the day before yesterday. When you and Fang Dongshan have a conflict, they fight."

"Zhang An left at three o'clock because of something at home. As soon as he left, only you and Fang Dongshan were left in the reservoir."

"Wu Wenlei, you have sufficient time and ability to commit the crime, as well as the motive for committing the crime. We also found your fingerprints on Fang Dongshan's body. You are the murderer who drowned Fang Dongshan. The evidence is conclusive, so there is no need to argue."

Li Guo said that he found Wu Wenlei's fingerprints on Fang Dongshan's body, which was deceiving him. The forensic doctor did not find the fingerprints of the suspected murderer on Fang Dongshan's body.

Wu Wenlei stretched out a hand, covered his forehead, and said, "The old man was drowned at around five o'clock the day before yesterday? That proves even more that I am not the murderer, because the day before yesterday I went fishing in Xiaoshan Reservoir, and at four o'clock, went back."

Immediately, Wu Wenlei told Li Guo and the others about the situation that day.

According to Zhang An, a fishing enthusiast, Wu Wenlei went to Xiaoshan Reservoir later than him the day before yesterday. After Wu Wenlei arrived at Xiaoshan Reservoir, Fang Dongshan walked over and asked Wu Wenlei to collect the money for fishing tickets. Wu Wenlei threw the money to Fang Dongshan, and the two quarreled a few words. Fang Dongshan left.


PS: I beg brothers for some free flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you. .


1089 Another narrative [2 more for subscription]

After Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, left, Wu Wenlei took out his fishing gear and fished for a while. Then he received a call, packed up the fishing gear, and left on a motorcycle.

Not long after Wu Wenlei left, he returned to the fishing spot. At this time, Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, came again. The two quarreled. Wu Wenlei also moved Fang Dongshan and pushed him into the water. Kill Fang ~ Dongshanlai.

Fang Dongshan finally confessed and left in despair, Wu Wenlei returned to the fishing platform - continued fishing there.

These are what he saw and smelled that day provided by the fishing enthusiast.

Zhang An's story, Li Guo, Zheng Yong, and the others all know it. From the perspective of the parties, Wu Wenlei talked about the conflict with the reservoir administrator Fang Dongshan after he went to the Xiaoshan Reservoir at noon the day before yesterday.

At noon the day before yesterday, after Wu Wenlei had eaten lunch made by his wife at home, he packed up and was going to go fishing.

Among some fishing enthusiasts, wives will complain and quarrel when they see that their husbands often go fishing and do not work well.

However, Wu Wenlei's family conditions are good, and his wife won't say anything at all.

After his wife saw him packing up his gear to go fishing, she told him to slow down on the road, then put on the accessories he bought while traveling abroad some time ago, and drove to the chess and card room in the car to play cards with people.

After Wu Wenlei packed up, he rode on the red and black motorcycle. Since the village he lived in was relatively close to the Xiaoshan Reservoir, he often went fishing there. His destination that day was the Xiaoshan Reservoir.

Generally, people who go to Xiaoshan Reservoir to fish pay the ticket price at the entrance, and then go in to fish.

But Wu Wenlei didn't have it the day before yesterday. After he got to the entrance of the reservoir, he followed the road along the bank of the reservoir and drove towards the Diaoyutai. After driving to the Diaoyutai where he often fished, he stopped.

After stopping, Fang Dongshan came. Fang Dongshan felt that Wu Wenlei didn't pay the money at the entrance and asked him to walk a long way to collect the money, so he was not happy, so he was more rude to Wu Wenlei.

Fang Dongshan's tone was very aggressive: "What's the matter with you? Haven't you been here to fish? Don't you know how to pay at the entrance and then come in?"

Wu Wenlei was originally a violent master: "You're blind, I've been fishing here so many times, you still don't remember me? Why don't I pay at the entrance? Can you handle it?"

Fang Dongshan: "I'm in charge of this reservoir, so I can manage it. You have to pay at the entrance and ask me to travel such a long way to collect money here. Are you educated?"

Wu Wenlei said displeasedly: "Old man, who are you scolding? You are so fucking uneducated, don't you just let you go a long way, you have to use this attitude? What is your boss's contact information? I want to complain to you."

Fang Dongshan was not afraid at all: "If you want to complain, hurry up and give me the money immediately. Didn't you see the sun is so big?"

Wu Wenlei took out a piece of fifty yuan from his wallet and threw it to Fang Dongshan.

The fifty-dollar piece of money was not thrown into Fang Dongshan's hands, but fell to the ground.

Seeing Fang Dongshan bending down to pick up the money, Wu Wenlei showed a disdainful smile on his face.

Fang Dongshan was also very angry. After picking up the money, he scolded Wu Wenlei twice, Wu Wenlei also scolded him, and then left.

Wu Wenlei has a bad temper and is rude to Fang Dongshan.

After Fang Dongshan left, he took out his fishing gear and started fishing. While fishing, Wu Wenlei also saw Zhang An sitting across from the reservoir.

Wu Wenlei didn't fish for a while when his cell phone rang. It was a call from the repair shop he opened.

The repair shop's repairman told Wu Wenlei that he helped someone repair a motorcycle a few days ago, but there was a problem with the repair. Now the owner has come to the door and asked for compensation, and is now deadlocked in the repair shop.

After receiving this call, Wu Wenlei had to pack up his fishing gear and rush towards the repair shop to deal with the shop's affairs.

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