When Wu Wenlei's car left the entrance and exit, he also met Fang Dongshan who was staying there to enjoy the shade, but the two did not speak.

After Wu Wenlei rode his motorcycle back to the repair shop, he settled the dispute and lost a little money to the customer who repaired the car, even if the matter in the shop was settled.

The car repair shop is not far from the Xiaoshan Reservoir. Wu Wenlei didn't spend much time dealing with the dispute. Seeing that it was still early, he rode his motorcycle towards the Xiaoshan Reservoir again.

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After returning to the original fishing spot, Wu Wenlei took out the fishing gear again to go fishing, but it didn't take long for Fang Dongshan to walk towards him, shaking his aged body.

Fang Dongshan walked behind Wu Wenlei and said to him, "Didn't I tell you just now that you need to buy tickets at the entrance? Why did you ride your car here again."

Wu Wenlei was a little puzzled for a while: "What do you mean by that?"

Fang Dongshan's voice was a little louder: "I said you didn't buy the tickets, you have to go to the door to buy them, I have reminded you twice, pay the money, fifty yuan."

Wu Wenlei said, "Didn't I just give you fifty fishing tickets?"

Fang Dongshan was unreasonable and said, "You gave it to me just now, but you also left on a motorcycle just now. You are coming again. Of course, you have to collect the tickets again. Fifty yuan, hurry up."


After Wu Wenlei heard Fang Dongshan's words at the time, he made it clear that the old man deliberately charged more for his tickets to make things difficult for him because he had a conflict with him.

Wu Wenlei naturally wouldn't give this kind of money. He said, "Old man, you haven't seen money in your fucking life, have you? I just gave it to you, and you want to ask me to take it?"

Fang Dongshan is very persistent and arrogant: "If you come here to fish again, you have to pay. This is the rule."

Wu Wenlei scolded: "I'm following your mother's rules, old man, I won't give you money. If you want more money to buy an urn, I can give you twenty or thirty yuan."

In this way, the two of you quarreled with each other because of this.

Fang Dongshan had to give Wu Wenlei another fifty yuan, but Wu Wenlei would not give it.

After a few quarrels, Wu Wenlei and Fang Dongshan moved hands, pushed him into the water, and threatened to kill him.

When he said he was going to kill Fang Dongshan, Wu Wenlei's voice was so loud that he shouted, and Zhang An, who was opposite the reservoir, could hear it.

Wu Wenlei cleaned up Fang Dongshan twice, and after yelling at him a few words, the stubborn old man Fang Dongshan began to admit his cowardice, and stood there angrily and stopped talking.

Seeing Fang Dongshan's cowardice, Wu Wenlei felt relieved for a while, secretly scolding this old man as a guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard, and if he is arrogant, he doesn't even dare to let go of a fart. .


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After Wu Wenlei watched Fang Dongshan leave, he continued to catch fish.

During the next fishing process, Fang Dongshan did not argue with him again.

Wu Wenlei caught no fish at around four o'clock in the evening. Because of the conflict with Fang Dongshan, he was not in high spirits, so he put away his fishing gear and rode home.

When Wu Wenlei was talking about this, his tone was very calm and he was not nervous at all. His demeanor was like expounding a fact.

Li Guo, Zheng Yong, and the others, when Wu Wenlei recounted what happened that day, they all stared at this Wu Wenlei to observe.

Wu Wenlei spread his hands and said, "Comrade police, what I said is the truth, I had a little conflict with the old man, and I pushed him "three eight zeros" and said that I would kill him, but That's just my momentary anger, I wasn't stupid enough to kill him, it's not worth it at all to trade my life for his old life."

Li Guo looked at him and said, "You had a conflict with Fang Dongshan the day before yesterday. How many times have you had physical conflicts?"

Wu Wenlei stretched out a finger and said, "Once, I pushed him and pushed him into the water."

Li Guo asked, "Where did you push him, did you touch his skin?"

Wu Wenlei tilted his head and made a thoughtful look. After a while, he said, "I should have pushed his chest and shoulders at the time, all through the clothes."

"Confirm?" Li Guo's tone was full of doubts.

"Well..." Wu Wenlei pondered slightly and said, "I'm sure, it should be pushing his chest and shoulders through the clothes."

"You lied." Li Guo drank abruptly: "Then why did we find your fingerprints on the back of Fang Dongshan's head?"

Fang Dongshan's body was soaked in water for more than a day, and was washed down by the current. Even if the murderer left fingerprints on him, it would be destroyed.

Li Guo deliberately said this, and Wu Wenlei was stunned after hearing it, and said, "I found my fingerprints on the back of the old man's head? No, I remember I touched him at the time, and the position I pushed him was on the chest. Side and shoulder, how can I find my fingerprints on the back of my head..."

The policeman sitting next to Li Guo said, "That's because, after Zhang An left the Xiaoshan Reservoir at about three o'clock, Fang Dongshan's temper was not enough, and he went to the place where you were fishing again and entangled with you. In the water, he was drowned alive."


Wu Wenlei sat paralyzed on the chair, although he was paralyzed, but his expression was very relaxed, and said: "Comrade police, how many times do you have to tell me before you believe me, after the man who was fishing opposite me left, I and I Fang Dongshan never met again."

"Because of the old man's face, I felt very unhappy. I decided not to go fishing at Xiaoshan Reservoir anymore. I left around four o'clock."

Li Guo asked, "Are you sure about the Xiaoshan Reservoir that left at four o'clock the night before yesterday?"


Li Guo asked, "Can anyone give you proof of the Xiaoshan Reservoir you left at four o'clock?"

Wu Wenlei said: "After I left Xiaoshan Reservoir at about four o'clock, I went back to the village. When I got home, my wife was still playing cards in the chess and card room in the city. Someone in my village should have seen me. You can find my village. The people here ask."

"Isn't that old man killed at [-] o'clock the night before yesterday? I left the reservoir at [-] o'clock and returned to the village after [-] o'clock. I didn't have time to commit the crime. You have wronged me."

Wu Wenlei was defending himself and asked the police to question people in his village. He had returned to the village at four o'clock the day before yesterday.

Li Guo and the others didn't care too much about Wu Wenlei's defense.

Because the forensic doctor judged that Fang Dongshan's death time was five o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday, but this is only an approximate time, and this time still has a range of fluctuation. The specific time of the judgment is one or two hours before and after the fluctuation. of.

Even if Wu Wenlei returned to the village after four o'clock, he still had time to kill Fang Dongshan.

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