Li Guo said: "The time of death determined by the forensic doctor has a floating range. Even if you didn't lie, the time you left the reservoir and the time you arrived at the village are also within the floating range, and you still can't get rid of suspicion."

When Wu Wenlei heard the words, he was slumped on the chair, stretched out a hand to cover his forehead, and sighed: "I swear with my life that I am really not the murderer who killed that old man, really not. what……"

Shen Yue was standing next to the door, quietly watching Li Guo and the others interrogating them. Shen Yue always felt that the change in Wu Wenlei's demeanor before and after was strange.

Li Guo continued his interrogation, but Wu Wenlei insisted that he was not a murderer, he did not kill anyone, and Fang Dongshan's death had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Zheng Yong suddenly remembered something. He looked at Wu Wenlei and said, "You said your family runs a motorcycle repair shop?"

"Yeah, he runs a motorcycle repair shop." Wu Wenlei nodded, indicating that he was right.

"What's the name and location of the motorcycle repair shop you run?" Zheng Yong continued to ask.

Zheng Yong would suddenly ask this, and Li Guo and the others knew the reason.

The reason is very simple. Wu Wenlei runs a motorcycle repair shop, and Dong Zheng in the No. [-] interrogation room next door is a mechanic in a motorcycle repair shop.

Is it possible that these two major suspects are the relationship between the boss and the employee.

The suspect Dong Zhengcai is the employee of the suspect Wu Wenlei?

If this can involve a relationship, it's a little subtle.

Under the watchful eyes of Zheng Yong and Li Guo, Wu Wenlei told the motorcycle repair shop he opened.

What disappointed Zheng Yong and the others was that the motorcycle 4.5 repair shop opened by Wu Wenlei was not the motorcycle repair shop where Dong Zhengcai worked. There was still a certain distance between the two repair shops.

After interrogating Wu Wenlei for a while, and using some tactics, Wu Wenlei was still very confident and refused to admit it.

Wu Wenlei's refusal to admit it immediately made Li Guo and the others a little distressed.

Dong Zhengcai pleaded not guilty, and this Wu Wenlei also pleaded not guilty. These two suspects, shouldn't they really have nothing to do with the victim's death?

Wu Wenlei, who refused to admit his guilt, is still shouting that he is innocent. The police can't treat him like this. Treating him like this is a violation of the law.

Li Guo and Zheng Yong looked at each other. At this moment, Wu Wenlei suddenly shouted: "You have always suspected me, but why do you ignore another person who is very suspicious?".


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After Li Guo, Zheng Yong and others heard Wu Wenlei's words, a trace of curiosity was immediately aroused.

"What do you mean?" Li Guodao said, "Which suspicious person have we ignored?"

Wu Wenlei gasped and said indignantly: "It's Zhang An who was fishing in the reservoir with me one day, you suspect that after he left, the old man and I clashed again, why don't you suspect that after I left the reservoir? Later, Zhang An returned to the reservoir, the old man he killed, and then stood up as a witness and wronged me?"

Hearing Wu Wenlei's words, Li Guo chuckled lightly and said, "Wu Wenlei, you are not good at splashing dirty water. You have to accuse Zhang An of being the murderer, right? We don't agree with what you said. It's not unthinkable."

"However, Zhang An never had a conflict with Fang Dongshan. He went home to entertain relatives that day, and he also had proof of his alibi. He did not have the time or motive for committing the crime."

After Wu Wenlei heard the words, his eyes turned 11, and he said, "Then why do you say that I am the murderer, the evidence, the evidence? Take the evidence out."

If necessary, the police can lie to the suspect, tell him that he has found evidence of his murder, and that there are witnesses.

It is possible to defraud a suspect, but a conviction requires evidence, and the criminal evidence of the murderer cannot be forged.

Except, of course, a pinch of rat shit.

After Wu Wenlei asked to see the evidence, a hint of embarrassment appeared on Li Guo's face.

Although the expression on the policeman sitting next to him did not change, he was speechless for a while and did not speak.

In the interrogation room No. [-], there was a momentary silence because of Wu Wenlei's words to look at the evidence.

The silence was short, and Wu Wenlei's tone became even higher. He said, "Evidence, show me the evidence that I killed the old man. If there is no evidence, why do you arrest me? Why?"

"What the witness Zhang An said is the evidence. The fingerprints you left on the back of Fang Dongshan's head are the evidence." Li Guoyi slammed his fist on the table and shouted, "Is this evidence not enough?"

Although Li Guo questioned like this, his heart was still empty. When questioning this, he was thinking that the evidence in front of him was simply not enough to convict Wu Wenlei.

"It's not enough, of course it's not enough." Wu Wenlei said loudly: "One of my relatives is a lawyer in criminal cases, but I know some laws. If you say I'm a murderer, you have to show solid evidence. Although Zhang An provided what he said. I saw the situation, but he didn't see me kill, and his testimony can't convict me."

"You have no witnesses, no physical evidence. Why do you say that I am the murderer? I didn't kill the old man at all."

Wu Wenlei was usually used to being arrogant. He had some money, and he walked sideways in the village. Now, when he was interrogated, he was subjected to a little police interrogation.

Li Guo sneered: "It seems that you do know a little bit of the law, as well as human and physical evidence. Wu Wenlei, you have to make a quibble, right? Well, the physical evidence will soon be in front of you, so you can see it clearly."

Wu Wenlei nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll wait. I'll also ask my relatives to be my lawyers to seek justice for me."

Li Guo interrogated a few more words, and then handed over the interrogation to the other two police officers.

Li Guo stood up, looked at Zheng Yong, and walked towards the interrogation room together.

After a few people walked out of the interrogation room and came to the outside of the interrogation room, Li Guo closed the door and slammed his fist on his palm, saying, "Hey, I'm really depressed, why is there no conclusive evidence? This Wu Wenlei is an old man. You tiao, you are not afraid of interrogation at all."

Li Guo thought that he had just said to show him the physical evidence, and he confidently expressed that he was waiting, and his heart felt unhappy for a while.

"It can be seen that he is an old fritter." Zheng Yong put his hands on his chest and pondered: "He seems very confident that he is not the murderer of Fang Dongshan."

Li Guo said: "I can also see that he is very confident, and he is not afraid that I will show evidence of his murder. He will be like this. Is it possible that he is not the murderer of Fang Dongshan, or that he has dealt with Fang Dongshan after killing Fang Dongshan. Corpse, confident that there will be no fatal clues left?"

"There is such a possibility..." Zheng Yong's eyes narrowed slightly, and after being silent for a few seconds, he said slowly: "Or, that kind of possibility..."

Li Guo, who was thinking about it, heard Zheng Yong say, 'Or, that kind of possibility', he knew what Zheng Ju should have thought of, and said, "Zheng Ju, what possibility are you talking about?"

Zheng Yong and Li Guo looked at each other, hesitated slightly, shook their heads and said, "Forget it, my guess is a bit big, go to Mr. Lin, ask him for his opinion, and tell him what I think possible."

"Okay." Seeing that Zheng Yong didn't say anything for a while, Li Guo didn't mean to urge him.

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