Shen Yue said aside, "I don't know if the boss's autopsy on the two corpses is over."

"Let's go and have a look..." Zheng Yong said, "If Mr. Lin's autopsy results are not so quick, or there are no valuable clues, we can only use another method."

Shen Yue heard Zheng Yong say another way, she didn't know what Zheng Yong said another way, but Li Guo nodded understandingly, knowing what Zheng Yong meant.

The three headed towards the forensic laboratory, and when they passed by the No. 630 interrogation room where Dong Zhengcai was being interrogated, a police officer just came out of it. [-]

Upon seeing this, Li Guo immediately asked the police officer, "Did Dong Zhengcai explain it?"

The policeman stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "Um... Team Li, Dong Zhengcai has been in a coma. We splashed water and yelled at him, but he didn't wake up. I don't think he was pretending. I came out to ask you if you wanted to. Take him to the hospital?"

"Not awake yet?" Li Guo frowned. The last time Zhou Dakai pretended to be in a coma, this time Dong Zhengcai was really in a coma, but Dong Zhengcai was so strong, how could he pass out when he was excited?

Zheng Yong is here, so naturally he can decide this kind of thing.

Zheng Yong glanced at the No. [-] interrogation room and said, "To prevent the suspect from having an accident, let's send him to the hospital for examination."

"Good evidence." The police officer nodded quickly and said, "We'll take him to the hospital right away."

Li Guo instructed: "Let the doctor check to see if Dong Zhengcai is ill. A normal person would not faint like this."

The policeman agreed again and went to deal with Dong Zhengcai's coma.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and Shen Yue continued to walk upstairs. Halfway through, footsteps were heard on the steps, and a figure walked down.

The figure walking down is naturally Lin Chen. .


1092 Criminal Profile 【Subscription】

After seeing Lin Chen walking downstairs, the eyes of Li Guo, Zheng Yong and Shen Yue suddenly lit up.

Lin Chen came out of the forensic laboratory above, which proves that his autopsy on the two corpses has ended.

"Mr. Lin." Zheng Yong quickly stepped forward and greeted Lin Chen.

Li Guo also said hello, Lin Chen nodded slightly to the two of them, and asked, "When I came out of the forensic laboratory, I heard the police officer say that Dong Zhengcai had just caught it, and the person who had a conflict with Fang Dongshan in the reservoir also Caught, the two of them, how's the interrogation going?"

When Zheng Yong saw Lin Chen asking about the interrogation, his face was a little ugly: "Mr. Lin, neither of the two suspects came up with anything during the interrogation."

Li Guo added: "Ge Fang's death, most likely the murderer was Dong Zhengcai. During the interrogation, Dong Zhengcai flatly denied that he did not kill, and when we asked him why he was running away, he passed out. already."

"After the examination, he was really in a coma. Although he was in a coma, it was too late for him to be in a coma. When asked about the key points, he was in a coma..."

Zheng Yong said: "Dong Zhengcai has been sent to the hospital. He should wake up soon and be interrogated again in the hospital."

Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen's slightly tired face, originally she wanted to ask Lin Chen if the autopsy had anything to gain, but she didn't have the right opportunity to speak.

Lin Chen's eyes swept across Zheng Yong and Li Guo, and said lightly, "Don't focus on Dong Zhengcai."

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean..." Zheng Yong asked hesitantly.

Lin Chen glanced at him and said, "Dong Zhengcai is not the murderer who killed Ge Fang. The murderer who killed Ge Fang is someone else."

As soon as Lin Chen said this, Zheng Yong and Li Guo's eyes widened slightly.

Judging from the information and clues from the visit and investigation, Ge Fang's death has too much to do with Dong Zhengcai. Dong Zhengcai's various abnormal performances indicate that he should be the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang.

But now, Lin Chen said that Dong Zhengcai was not the murderer. After Zheng Yong and Li Guo were surprised, they both understood that Lin Chen would say this because he had discovered key evidence.

Zheng Yong had a happy expression on his face and said, "Mr. Lin, you found evidence on the body that Dong Zhengcai was not the murderer~"?

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Well, when I was doing the autopsy on Ge Fang, next to her perineum, I found a fingerprint that was damaged due to skin ulceration. I reconstructed the fingerprint and recovered it. The original appearance of the fingerprint is that of a little finger."

"After comparison, the little finger fingerprint found on Ge Fang's perineum does not belong to Ge Fang himself. I extracted the fingerprints of Dong Zhengcai's hands from the water cup I brought back from Dong Zhengcai's house."

"After comparison, the fingerprints on Dong Zhengcai's hands cannot match that fingerprint."

When Lin Chen said this, Zheng Yong and Dong Zhengcai's faces were already full of smiles.

Lin Chen actually detected incomplete fingerprints on the corrupted skin, and reorganized the fingerprints perfectly.

Lin Chen continued: "The little finger print is on the perineum, which is a private part. Ge Fang, a single girl, can't let others put their hands on her crotch. After leaving this fingerprint, Ge Fang has never walked before, if she does, the fingerprints on the perineum will be rubbed off."

"So, this fingerprint, which does not belong to Ge Fang, must have been left on her body by the murderer after Ge Fang was raped or persecuted, or after her death."

"According to the scene and some scars on Ge Fang's body, it is one person who murdered Ge Fang. There is only one murderer, and the fingerprints do not belong to Dong Zhengcai, so Dong Zhengcai is not the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang."

Shen Yue, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke up at this time, she said, "Dong Zhengcai's various suspicions are so big, I really did not expect that he is not the murderer..."

"Yeah." Li Guo also said: "Dong Zhengcai has no alibi, his whereabouts and behavior are strange, I think Ge Fang was killed by him, I really didn't expect it."

Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, where is that fingerprint now? Take it to the database to compare it, maybe it's a case done by someone with a criminal record."

Now when you apply for an ID card, you must record your fingerprints, but the fingerprints recorded on the ID card are either the thumb or the index finger, and the little finger fingerprints are relatively rare.

The found little finger fingerprints are compared with the fingerprint database of the ID card, and there will be no gain.

However, when criminals enter the detention center, all fingerprints are recorded and stored in the criminal information database.

This little finger fingerprint is firstly compared with the data in the criminal information database.

"...the fingerprints have been handed over to them, and let them do the fingerprint comparison." Lin Chen said.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zheng Yong and Li Guo both smiled slightly. There was no conclusive evidence before, but now that they have fingerprints, everything is easy to handle.

As Lin Chen walked down, he said, "If there is no matching fingerprint in the criminal information database, then first screen it according to my criminal profile of the murderer."

Criminal profiling is a commonly used investigation method, an analysis of the murderer through the crime scene, the corpse, and various circumstances investigated.

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