A powerful criminal profiler or a criminal police officer can profile the murderer's approximate age, income, physical characteristics, family and marital status, etc. through the crime scene.

Through the crime profile, you can have a general understanding of the murderer, and then use this general understanding to screen the suspect, which is very helpful for solving the case.

After Zheng Yong and Li Guo heard that Lin Chen gave the criminal profile of the murderer who raped Ge Fang, they all stared at Lin Chen, expecting him to tell the profile of the murderer.

Li Guodao: "Mr. Lin, please speak."

As Lin Chen walked, he said slowly: "The murderer is a male, aged between 20 and 40 years old, with a relatively strong physique and thick fingers. He is very familiar with the Xiaoshan Reservoir, and he is also very confident about the location of the burial. Friends, or divorced, or have a wife, but at the time of the crime, the murderer lacked sex life, and he also had a lot of experience in sexual intercourse."

"The murderer is a fishing enthusiast, carries a fishing line with him, and has a high IQ... He..."

"Boss..." Before Lin Chen finished talking about the murderer's criminal profile, Shen Yue suddenly interrupted: "How did you analyze this criminal profile?"

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's words, he smiled and said, "I said that the murderer's fingers were thicker, and it was seen from the fingerprints of his little finger. I said that he was very confident in the burial site, from...".


1093 Profile Analysis [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen explained to Shen Yue: "I said he was very confident in the burial location because he threw the fish hook storage box into the burial pit."

"The fish hook storage box is not big or small. It is impossible for the murderer to accidentally drop the storage box when burying the body. It is very likely that he thinks no one will find it there. , I don't need that fishhook storage box, so I threw it into the pit and buried it with the body, but unfortunately for some reason, there are no fingerprints on the storage box."

"When I surveyed the vicinity of the burial site, I didn't find any footprints or traces of walking. There is an old forest there. People rarely go there. , which further shows the murderer's confidence and understanding of the burial site."

"The murderer is a fishing enthusiast. Ordinary fishing enthusiasts know Xiaoshan Reservoir, but they must be unfamiliar with that forest. Only those who often go to Xiaoshan Reservoir to fish or live nearby will know about that forest."

Shen Yue listened to Lin Chen's explanation quietly, her bright eyes were full of novelty.

Lin Chen continued: "I said that the murderer talked about a girlfriend, or divorced, or had a wife, 520, but lacked sex. That's because on the day Ge Fang was killed, he dressed very sexy. If a man is satisfied in that respect, If the desire is not strong, at most he will look at Ge Fang a few times, mentally rape him in his mind, and then it will be over."

"But if it is a man who has not been satisfied in that aspect and has been holding back for a long time, seeing a sexy and beautiful woman in a remote place, under the brain and impulse of sperm, there is a possibility that she will be attracted to the sexy and beautiful woman. made an outrageous move."

"A man is satisfied in that aspect, no matter how beautiful a woman is in front of him, he has no interest. A man has a strong idea in that aspect. Even on a bus with many people, he will want to wipe the oil and eat tofu of the opposite sex. ."

"As for what I said, the murderer has a lot of experience in sexual intercourse..." When Lin Chen said this, he looked a little embarrassed, and Shen Yue, whose face was slightly red, chuckled: "This is the autopsy, It can be seen from the private parts of Ge Fang's body, how exactly, you are a little girl, so I won't explain too much to you..."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Shen Yue breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. If Lin (bbei) Chen really explained that kind of thing to her, she would be the only girl present here, which would be really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Zheng Yong and Li Guo listened to Lin Chen's analysis, and their eyes became brighter.

They looked at each other quietly, and exchanged their inner thoughts with their eyes.

Lin Chen glanced at the two of them and continued: "I said the murderer has strength, this is simpler, on the day of the crime, Ge Fang should have gone to Xiaoshan Reservoir to play by himself, and then met the murderer in the reservoir, the murderer saw that she was young After she's beautiful and sexy, you'll hit her."

"From the hut where Fang Dongshan lived, to the forest where Ge Fang was killed, there are several miles of mountain roads, which are very difficult to walk, but if you go from one part of the road down the mountain from the reservoir to the crime scene, the mountain road will Much better to go."

"So, Ge Fang should have walked around the Xiaoshan Reservoir, and then went down the mountain. The murderer followed her, and dragged Ge Fang from that part of the road to the forest where the crime happened."

"Although that road is easy to go, if you drag an adult woman, it takes a lot of strength to stop her from shouting and struggle. The murderer should have dragged Ge Fang for a while and felt that it was not good to take her away. I knocked her unconscious and carried her into that forest."

"In the woods, he bound Ge Fang's hands, then took off her clothes and trousers, and committed a crime against her."

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and Shen Yue listened to Lin Chen's words, and in their minds, they sketched the picture of Ge Fang's murder a month ago.

Lin Chen said: "The murderer violated Ge Fang, and his fingerprints left a lot on Ge Fang's body, as well as on Ge Fang's private parts, but because the body was buried for more than a month, the skin of the body was festering and the skin His fingerprints were destroyed, leaving only the mutilated fingerprint on the perineum."

Li Guo said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lin, the results of our case analysis meeting are very close to what you have analyzed. We have studied the distance between the crime site and the reservoir and road, and analyzed that the murderer should have been there. The one who attacked Ge Fang on the way down the mountain was the closest to the crime scene and the most suitable one."

Zheng Yong's eyes were full of light, looking at Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, after listening to your criminal profile of the murderer, I think there is a person who fits your profile very well, and I also understand a little bit about why he behaved like that before. "

After Li Guo heard what Zheng Yong said, he also said with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Lin, your crime profile has made us understand a problem that has just bothered us. There is a person who profiled with you. The murderer is very close."

Lin Chen heard the words with a calm expression, and asked lightly, "Who?"

Zheng Yong made a gesture of invitation and said, "Mr. Lin, come with us, you will know after watching the video of the interrogation."

Lin Chen nodded and said nothing, followed Zheng Yong and Li Guo to a monitoring room next to the interrogation room.

In this monitoring room, there are pictures of every interrogation room with monitoring probes installed. After entering, Zheng Yong said to the police officer inside: "Take out the monitoring picture of Wu Wenlei's interrogation just now and show it to Mr. Lin."

"Okay." The police officer agreed and immediately started to operate on the keyboard.

A few seconds later, the monitoring screen of Wu Wenlei's interrogation appeared on the LCD screen.

When Shen Yue on the side saw that Zheng Yong and the others were letting Lin Chen watch the surveillance footage of Wu Wenlei being interrogated, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she understood why Zheng Yong and the others said that before.

The monitoring screen was played at a normal speed. Wu Wenlei took a long time to be interrogated. If he wanted to watch it at a normal speed, it would take a lot of time.

So, Lin Chen said to the police officer: "The normal speed is a waste of time, adjust the speed to eight times."

"Uh..." The police officer hesitated slightly and said, "Mr. Lin, the movements of the people on the surveillance screen are not very large. It's okay to speed up the speed, but if you speed it up eight times, you can't hear what you're saying."

Before Lin Chen could speak, Li Guo spoke up: "What Mr. Lin said, you can just do it, don't ask too much."

"Uh... ok." The police officer immediately increased the speed of the surveillance video to eight times, and the interrogation screen on the LCD screen quickly accelerated. .


1094 can also explain 【Subscription】

The speed of the monitoring screen is very fast, the speed of the screen has become faster, and the sound of the video is also much faster.

That kind of fast voice, in Shen Yue's ears, it is impossible to hear what is being said.

However, Lin Chen stood there motionless, listening with a calm expression.

Lin Chen watched all the interrogation of Wu Wenlei at eight times the playback speed.

After Lin Chen read it, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

Zheng Yong saw that the video was finished and Lin Chen smiled, and he said, "Mr. Lin, when we arrested this Wu Wenlei, he acted very guilty, and he seemed very guilty about the arrival of the police and the identification of witness Zhang An. I panicked, my forehead was sweating, and I fell to the ground."

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