"On the way to bring Wu Wenlei back, we didn't talk to him about the case. He has been silent and lost his soul. The police officer who arrested him, from his performance, can see that he may have drowned Fang Dongshan. The murderer."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "But after coming to the interrogation room, Li Guo began to interrogate him, and after asking Fang Dongshan whether he killed him, Wu Wenlei, who was stammering and frightened, calmed down."

"His answers began to flow smoothly, no longer stammering. He smiled helplessly from time to time, and from time to time he sat comfortably on the interrogation chair, all of which showed the ease in his heart. He even told Li Guo tyrannically to let him Put the evidence in front of you, and ask a lawyer to hold you accountable afterwards."

"From being ashes as before to being aggressive, this Wu Wenlei can be said to be a completely different person before and after. Moreover, his name for the deceased Fang Dongshan is an old man, which can also show that he is relaxed in his heart. Fang Dongshan's death is serious."

"That's right." An excited smile appeared on Li Guo's face.

Lin Chen continued: "Wu Wenlei lives near the Xiaoshan Reservoir, and his family conditions are good. Because of the proximity, he often goes fishing in the Xiaoshan Reservoir and is very familiar with the Xiaoshan Reservoir."

Zheng Yong said: "Mr. Lin, your criminal profile of the murderer is that when the murderer committed the murder to Ge Fang, he was not satisfied in that respect and had a very strong idea. It just so happened that Wu Wenlei, because of his good economic conditions, lost his wife in the previous paragraph. Time and people traveled abroad for nearly a month."

"When Wu Wenlei's wife was traveling, Wu Wenlei was alone. If he didn't go out to visit prostitutes, his thoughts would be very strong."

Li Guo also said: "Wu Wenlei's age is within the range of your profile, Mr. Lin, his physique is the same as your profile, and he is also familiar with the Xiaoshan Reservoir. He and his wife have been married for more than ten years, and they are also rich in sex. 丨experience."

Shen Yue naturally understood the words of several people.

She interjected with a smile: "Then, Wu Wenlei is most likely the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang. When the police came to arrest him, he was lost and his heart was ashes because he thought his murder of Ge Fang was exposed. When he came to the interrogation room and heard Officer Li asking Fang Dongshan if he killed him, he understood that he misunderstood the reason why the police arrested him."

"The police arrested him because of Fang Dongshan's death, and he didn't kill Fang Dongshan at all, so he was so confident and aggressive."

After Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue said, a smile appeared on his face.

He said to Shen Yue, "That's right."

Shen Yue chuckled: "Boss, you have analyzed the case so thoroughly, if I still don't understand, doesn't it make me look stupid?"

Lin Chen and Shen Yue looked at each other, Shen Yue's watery eyes were full of deep meaning.

Li Guo slammed his fist on his own palm and said with a smile: "I said why Wu Wenlei's bastard is so confident, let me show him the evidence, it turns out that Fang Dongshan was not killed by him, Ge Fang, only was raped and killed by him."

The police officer on the side said, "This also explains why Wu Wenlei panicked when he was arrested."

Lin Chen looked at the surveillance screen and said indifferently: "Wu Wenlei, this guy is very suspicious, immediately collect the fingerprints of his little fingers on both hands and compare them with the fingerprints found on Ge Fang's body."

"Yeah." Zheng Yong and Li Guo gave a kindness almost at the same time.

Immediately, several people walked out of the monitoring room and walked towards the No. [-] interrogation room where Wu Wenlei was.

The No. [-] interrogation room is very close, just a few steps away.

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Lin Chen pushed open the door and entered. The police officer who was interrogating Wu Wenlei in the interrogation room immediately stopped the interrogation and stood up to greet Lin Chen.

Wu Wenlei, who was sitting on the interrogation chair, had anger written all over his face. He raised his head and glanced at Lin Chen, who was a stranger, and then set his eyes on Zheng Yong and Li Guo.

Wu Wenlei said, "Don't your police handle the case according to the law? Why do I want to invite my relatives to be my lawyers, but you are all unwilling? Do you still want to torture me to extract a confession?"

"A lawyer?" Lin Chen walked towards Wu Wenlei and said, "Have you watched too many Hong Kong police and bandit movies?"

When Wu Wenlei saw Lin Chen talking, Zheng Yong and Li Guo did not speak, so he said to Lin Chen, "You wronged me for killing the old man who looked at the reservoir, but I didn't kill him at all. You slandered me like this, why can't I hire a lawyer. "


Lin Chen smiled and said, "Wu Wenlei, I believe in you."

The aggressive Wu Wenlei was slightly taken aback when he heard Lin Chen's words, but he didn't expect Lin Chen to say such a thing.

"Trust me?" Wu Wenlei said suspiciously, "What do you believe in me?"

Lin Chen said: "I believe you are not the murderer of Fang Dongshan."

Hearing this, Wu Wenlei had a smile on his face, and he said: "At last someone who understands has come, I have said it many times, I didn't kill the old man, they just didn't believe it, they even tortured me to extract a confession, and the police tortured me. Extorting a confession is illegal."

Lin Chen made a gesture to tell Wu Wenlei to stop talking, and his tone changed abruptly: "Wu Wenlei, you didn't kill Fang Dongshan, what about Ge Fang? It's that beautiful girl in a red top and short shorts more than a month ago, you and Does her death matter?"

Wu Wenlei, who originally had a smile on his face, after hearing what Lin Chen said suddenly, his smiling face instantly froze.

The frozen expression on his face and the panic in his eyes were all seen by Zheng Yong, Li Guo and the others.

Yes, when Wu Wenlei saw the police and was brought back by the police, he had this look.

"You...you...you..." Wu Wenlei's lips trembled, his eyes looked at Lin Chen in panic, and he said with a trembling voice, "What do you say...what do you mean?".


1095 The result came out [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen looked back at the terrified Wu Wenlei and said, "Don't pretend that you don't understand what I mean, Wu Wenlei, you are the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang."

"Ge...Ge Fang?" Wu Wenlei stammered: "What...what Ge Fang, I...I really don't know what you're talking about."

Lin Chendao: "We were at the crime scene. We didn't find Ge Fang's backpack or anything that could prove her identity near the crime scene. You should have seen those things whether you burned them or hidden them. Those things, know the girl you raped and killed, her name is Ge Fang."

Lin Chen said, stretched out his hand and took out a photo from his pocket, and put the photo in front of Wu Wenlei suddenly.

After Wu Wenlei saw the photo that Lin Chen took out, his pupils shrank, his body trembled "[-]", he just glanced at the photo, then immediately looked away, not daring to look directly at it. .

The photo that Lin Chen took out was not a terrifying photo of a rotting corpse, but just a photo of Ge Fang's face.

Wu Wenlei didn't even dare to look directly at Ge Fang's face, which shows how guilty this guy is.

Lin Chen shook the photo in his hand and said, "Why, don't you dare to look at Ge Fang's photo? You raped and killed her, are you very guilty, and you dare not even look at her photo?"

After Wu Wenlei heard Lin Chen's words, he suddenly turned his head back, stared at the photo of Ge Fang, and said, "I don't have it, I don't know who this woman is in the photo, I see Does not look at the photos have something to do with me being the murderer?"

Li Guodao on the side: "You just glanced at Ge Fang's photo, and immediately looked away and didn't dare to look at it. This shows that you have a guilty conscience."

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