"I'm not guilty." Wu Wenlei said, "That's how your police handle the case? Oh, I don't look at this woman's picture, so I'm the murderer? I glanced at her and thought she was just like that. I didn't want to see it. Can't you?"

"Okay, of course." Lin Chen smiled and said, "It's your freedom whether you look at the photos or not, but when I was doing an autopsy on Ge Fang's body, I found it in a private part of her body. A little finger print belonging to the murderer, Wu Wenlei, when you raped Ge Fang, did you touch her body a lot?"

"Do you think that if you bury her in the ground, her body will rot and the fingerprints on her body will be gone? But it's a pity that a piece of skin on her private part still contains your fingerprints."

When Lin Chen said these words, he spoke very slowly, and Wu Wenlei's face changed almost every few words he said.

After Lin Chen mentioned that he had collected the fingerprints of the murderer, the muscles on Wu Wenlei's face twitched several times.

"Now..." Lin Chen's voice sounded like a talisman, ringing in Wu Wenlei's ear: "We will extract the fingerprints of your fingers on both hands and compare them with the fingerprints found on the private parts of Ge Fang's body, if they don't match. , I'm sorry, Mr. Wu Wenlei, we have wronged you, you have to ask a lawyer to sue us, please feel free."

"But, if your fingerprint can match the one on Ge Fang's body, then you should be prepared for death."

After Lin Chen said this, he reached out and took the fingerprint scanner from a police officer behind.

Lin Chen took the fingerprint reader and said to Wu Wenlei, "Mr. Wu Wenlei, please stretch out your left hand first."

Wu Wenlei's body trembled, he raised his head and glanced at Lin Chen who was holding the fingerprint reader, the sweat on his forehead flowed down into his eyes.

Sweat was salty and flowed into his eyes, which immediately made Wu Wenlei's eye narrow.

Seeing that he didn't stretch out his left hand, Lin Chen said again, "Stretch out your left hand, why don't you dare to let us collect it?"

Hearing this, Wu Wenlei slowly spread his left hand clenched into a fist and stretched it towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen grabbed Wu Wenlei's wrist and quickly collected the fingerprints of his left hand.

After collecting, he said, "Right hand."

Wu Wenlei's body and hands kept shaking, and under Lin Chen's signal, he slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Drip drip..."

With a few beeps from the fingerprint collector, Wu Wenlei's right hand fingerprint and palm print were also collected.

Lin Chen handed the fingerprint scanner to the previous police officer, and said to him: "Send it to the technical department, and let the technical department match it immediately to see if it matches the fingerprints found on the body..."

"Yes." The policeman immediately took the fingerprint reader, turned and ran to the information technology department upstairs.

Zheng Yong stepped towards Wu Wenlei, who was sitting on the interrogation chair, his body trembling non-stop, and said: "From your performance and physical reaction, you can see that you have something to do with Ge Fang's death, rather than putting the evidence on you In front of you, it is better to admit it directly and save yourself the torment of waiting."

"I..." Wu Wenlei's voice was hoarse, he said: "I... I am not a murderer... I... why should I... why should I admit..."

Li Guodao: "Then don't say more, the fingerprint comparison is very fast, and the result will be known immediately."

"Well..." Wu Wenlei's voice stiffened, and he sighed.

With Wu Wenlei's humming down, the interrogation room became quiet.

No one said anything, Zheng Yong Li Guo and the other dozen or so police officers in the interrogation room all looked at Wu Wenlei.

Wu Wenlei was relaxed and comfortable sitting on the interrogation chair before, but at this moment, there is no way he can see the slightest feeling of comfort on his body.

Facing the gazes of more than a dozen police officers, Wu Wenlei lowered his head and shivered, his whole body was like a sieve.

Although the result of the fingerprint comparison has not yet come out, everyone present can see that Wu Wenlei is the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang nine times out of ten.

Time passed by minute by minute, and no one spoke in the interrogation 5.0 room, which put more pressure on Wu Wenlei.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, there was a sound of footsteps from far to near outside the interrogation room.

Many people looked towards the door of the interrogation room. A few seconds later, the police officer with a fingerprint scanner and a report in his hand rushed in.

With joy on his face, after seeing Lin Chen, Zheng Yong and the others, he said loudly: "The result of the fingerprint comparison has come out. The fingerprint of Wu Wenlei's right little finger matches the one found in Ge Fang's private parts, and the two are exactly the same. , Wu Wenlei is the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang."

Following the police officer's words, Wu Wenlei, who was sitting in the interrogation chair, suddenly burst into tears.

Wu Wenlei finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and couldn't bear it any longer. .


1096 Begging for mercy 【Subscription】

Everyone in the interrogation room saw Wu Wenlei cry like a big man, no one was surprised, and no one had sympathy for him.

Wu Wenlei crying so much is also related to the huge emotional gap.

When he was arrested by the police in the village at first, he thought he was going to die, and his heart was ashes. When he went to the Public Security Bureau, he heard that the police were looking for him because of Fang Dongshan. He felt that he had come back from the brink of death, and he was in a good mood. I don't think I'm going to be finished.

Then Lin Chen said that he was the murderer who raped and killed Ge Fang. Wu Wenlei's heart fell to the bottom again, and he was also frightened when his fingerprints were collected.

During the time when the fingerprints were collected and sent for comparison, no one spoke in the interrogation room, it was quiet, and all the police officers were looking at him.

Silence is terrifying. During the quiet time in the interrogation room, Wu Wenlei was extremely panicked. He knew that he was going to die, but he still held on to the last glimmer of hope.

With the results of the fingerprint verification coming out, Wu Wenlei finally broke out under the ups and downs of emotions and complete despair.


Wu Wenlei cried so hard that he tossed on the locked interrogation chair. If he hadn't been fixed by the interrogation chair, he would have rolled on the ground.

"I don't want it either, I don't want it either... ah ah ah..." Wu Wenlei cried, tears falling down, the blue veins on his neck burst out, it can be seen that at this moment his heart is extremely Panic, but also full of remorse.

"Don't want to?" Lin Chen looked at his tear-stained face and said, "If you don't want to, why does this happen? Why don't you think about the consequences of doing that when the sperm is on your head?"

Wu Wenlei cried so much that he could not speak, and he said intermittently: "I... I am... just confused for a while..."

Zheng Yong had a cold face and said, "Hmph, it's enough to be confused for a while? Your moment of confusion will kill a fresh human life!"

Wu Wenlei was still crying, and while crying, he said that he didn't do it on purpose. Such words were pale in the ears of everyone present.

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