So, a few days later, Wu Wenlei rode a motorcycle and went to Xiaoshan Reservoir. As he passed the road leading to Linzi, the crime scene, he looked into the forest.

Because of the rain, the trees and weeds in the forest grew very lush, and there were no traces of walking that day near the edge of the road. Wu Wenlei was still quite relieved about this.

When he was fishing in the reservoir, he would always think of Ge Fanglai, which made him not in the mood to fish in the Xiaoshan Reservoir.

With the passage of time, more than a month has passed, and Wu Wenlei also feels that he is safe and sound in this life, and his crimes will not be discovered.

On the day that Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, was killed, Wu Wenlei also acted as a pretense. That day, Fang Dongshan was in a bad mood and deliberately found fault.

Wu Wenlei was violent again, and the two clashed.

After witness Zhang An went back to entertain relatives at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Wenlei did indeed leave the reservoir on a motorcycle at [-] o'clock.

Since the rape and murder of Ge Fang, almost every time he came to Xiaoshan Reservoir, he always went back early, for fear that he would leave after the sun had set.

Just as Lin Chen, Zheng Yong and the others speculated, when the police came to the door today, Wu Wenlei was startled, thinking that his rape and murder had been exposed.

Hearing that the police asked Zhang Anlai to identify him, he also thought that he was seen on the day he raped and murdered, so he was so heartbroken.

When he was brought back to the county public security bureau by the police for interrogation, he learned that the police arrested him because of Fang Dongshan's death. While Wu Wenlei was pleasantly surprised, he was also frightened.

Fortunately, he has been keeping silent. Otherwise, if he is frightened by the police, he will tell about Ge Fang. Wouldn't it be a disaster.

He didn't kill Fang Dongshan, and he was very confident when facing Li Guo's interrogation.

However, Wu Wenlei didn't expect that the little finger print he left on Ge Fang's perineum was not destroyed, but was found by Lin Chen, and reorganized and repaired.

It is also because of the existence of this fingerprint that Dong Zhengcai was cleared of the crime and convicted Wu Wenlei, the bastard.

When Wu Wenlei was talking about this, his face was full of tears. After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "Comrade police officer, I will honestly explain everything, please be lenient, please be lenient. I."

When Lin Chen heard Wu Wenlei's words, he shook his head slightly and said, "Whatever you do, you must take responsibility for what you did, and be lenient? It doesn't exist."

With a look of horror on Wu Wenlei's face, he shouted: "I admit my mistake, I am willing to apologize, I am willing to lose money, I will tell the whole story, why are you still unwilling to deal with it leniently? It's okay to go to jail, but don't sentence me to death, okay? ?"

Lin Chen ignored Wu Wenlei, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue and other police officers showed extremely contempt for Wu Wenlei.

This guy, who is still thinking about leniency, really doesn't know what is in his mind, or that he has been frightened by the fear of death, and now he has lost his mind.

A police officer on the side muttered: "So, Fang Dongshan, the reservoir administrator, was not killed by Wu Wenlei. Who would be the one who killed Fang Dongshan?"

Another police officer's eyes lit up slightly and said, "About the deaths of Ge Fang and Fang Dongshan, we have caught two suspects, one is Dong Zhengcai and the other is Wu Wenlei. We thought it was Ge Fang, who was raped and killed by Dong Zhengcai, and Wu Wenleiyan. The dead Fang Dongshan."

"It turns out that Wu Wenlei is the murderer who raped Ge Fang. So, is there a possibility that the positions of the two suspects are swapped. Dong Zhengcai is the murderer who killed Fang Dongshan?"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

The police officer's remarks suddenly caused many people to think silently.

Dong Zhengcai and Wu Wenlei, both of whom pleaded not guilty at first, were very confident. This may have confused the crimes they committed. If they are exchanged, it may be the truth.

"It wouldn't be so coincidental, would it?" Shen Yue couldn't help but muttered, swapped the positions of Dong Zhengcai and Wu Wenlei, and found the murderer of the two victims?

Zheng Yong's face was more solemn, and Li Guo's face did not show a smile. The two of them looked at each other and Zheng Yong said, "I think this bold guess is still very possible."

After Zheng Yong said this, he turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the truth is, it's not my hindsight, I thought of this possibility before you came downstairs, Swap the charges against Dong Zhengcai and Wu Wenlei, and the case will be solved."


Li Guo heard the words and said: "Zheng Bureau did say that he had a guess before."

Zheng Yong said: "Assuming that Dong Zheng is the murderer who killed Fang Dongshan, why did he kill Fang Dongshan? What was Dong Zhengcai's motive?"

Li Guo glanced at Zheng Yong and said, "This is true. I don't know the reason for Dong Zhengcai's murder."

"It is not ruled out that the murderer of Fang Dongshan is someone else." Zheng Yong continued.

The other police officers also talked about who the murderer was and whether it could be Dong Zhengcai.

Shen Yue's bright eyes looked at Lin Chen. The key fingerprint was found by Lin Chen. I wonder if Lin Chen also found out who the murderer of Fang Dongshan was.

In Shen Yue's expectant gaze, Lin Chen said slowly, "You don't need to guess, the murderer who killed the reservoir administrator was not Dong Zhengcai, but someone else."

As soon as Lin Chen's remarks came out, the interrogation room that had been noisy because of the discussion suddenly became quiet.

All eyes looked at Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen would say this, which proves that he knows who the murderer of Fang Dongshan is.

Li Guo quickly asked, "Mr. Lin, who is the murderer of Fang Dongshan?".


1100 The reason for turning around and running [Subscribe]

After Li Guo finished asking those words, the people in the interrogation room all looked at Lin Chen's body.

They were all looking forward to seeing who the murderer Lin Chen said was someone else.

Lin Chen's eyes were a little deep. He looked back at Li Guo and said, "You have all seen the murderer who killed Fang Dongshan. The reason why I know who the murderer is has a lot to do with the autopsy and checking the records."

Hearing this, Li Guo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Mr. Lin, who are you talking about?"

Zheng Yong also said: "Mr. Lin, we have all met the murderer of Fang Dongshan? Who is he?"

When Lin Chen was about to speak, the phone in Li Guo's pocket suddenly rang.

Li Guo's cell phone rang loudly, and when it rang, some police officers who were more focused were startled.

Li "[-]" Guo gave Lin Chen Zheng Yong an apologetic look, then took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

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