After the call was connected, a male police officer's voice came from there: "Captain Li, Dong Zhengcai woke up ten minutes ago. Under our interrogation, he explained why he turned his head and ran away when he saw the police. already."

After Li Guo heard this, he immediately pressed the loudspeaker button, so that the voice over the phone could be heard by everyone in the interrogation room.

"Say." Li Guodao.

Immediately, the policeman, who is now guarding Dong Zhengcai, a motorcycle repairer, in the hospital told everyone what they had told Dong Zhengcai.

A month ago, Dong Zhengcai drove his boss's car and went out of town to get a batch of repair parts.

On the way back, he happened to meet Ge Fang who was planning to travel, and let Ge Fang take his own ride to Xuanbei County.

Dong Zheng is only about [-] years old, and he is still a bachelor. It is absolutely impossible for a young and beautiful girl like Ge Fang to say no.

On the way to let him take a ride to Xuanbei County, Dong Zhengcai cherished the time he spent with Ge Fang. After arriving at the repair shop, Dong Zhengcai also reluctantly gave up, thinking about getting along with Ge Fang more, maybe he and her It is possible.

After Ge Fang went to the car repair shop to use the toilet, Ge Fang gave Dong Zhengcai a little money, which was counted as the fuel cost for the ride.

Dong Zhengcai has a good impression of Ge Fang, so how can he collect gas money?

After robbing him, Dong Zhengcai still confiscated the money. He sent Ge Fang to the door of the car repair shop, and happened to be met by Zhou Dakai of the fish-stealing gang.

Zhou Dakai asked Dong Zhengcai to repair the car for him. Dong Zhengcai looked at Ge Fang, who was getting farther and farther away. How could he still have the slightest idea of ​​repairing the car.

He has been thinking about asking Ge Fang for a contact information, so that even if Ge Fang is about to leave, there is still a chance to meet her again.

But Dong Zhengcai never had the courage. After seeing Ge Fang's figure disappearing from his sight, he finally gathered up the courage and rushed to ask Ge Fang for her contact information.

The reason why Dong Zhengcai went after Ge Fang was to ask her for her contact information, and he didn't have any ill will towards her.

When Dong Zhengcai caught up with Ge Fang, Ge Fang was a little surprised and said, "Aren't you busy? The guests are still waiting for you to repair the car."

Dong Zhengcai responded: "It's okay, another person will help him fix it."

"Oh." Ge Fang snorted, which counted as a response.

After sighing, Ge Fang pointed to the road again and said, "I just saw a few people with fishing gear and motorcycles walking forward. Is there any fishing place nearby?"

Dong Zhengcai said: "There is a reservoir on the mountain in front, called Xiaoshan Reservoir. Many people go fishing there, and I often go there too."

In the following simple conversation, Dong Zhengcai learned that Ge Fang also has a great hobby for fishing. She is going to go to the Xiaoshan Reservoir where there are many people fishing, blow the wind on the side of the reservoir, and go out for a walk.

Dong Zhengcai said to Ge Fang at this moment: "That...Ge Fang, can you...can you give me your mobile phone number? Leave your contact information."

Ge Fang immediately replied: "Oh, it could have been, but I lost my mobile phone, so I can't give it to you. Let's talk about it when I change a new number."

On the way to hitchhiker, Ge Fang did not explain to Dong Zhengcai that his mobile phone had been dropped. When Dong Zhengcai asked for his mobile phone number, Ge Fang said that, which immediately made Dong Zhengcai think that Ge Fang was deliberately not wanting to find his mobile phone number. an excuse.

Dong Zhengcai was originally inferior to pursuing Ge Fang. He couldn't get Ge Fang's mobile phone number, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He felt that Ge Fang was not giving him a chance to communicate.

So, Dong Zhengcai gathered up his courage again and said, "This place is quite close to my house, why don't you come to my house and have a seat, or may I invite you to eat something?"

"No need." Ge Fang still refused and said, "I still have something to do, goodbye."

After Ge Fang said this, he left without hesitation, leaving Dong Zhengcai alone.

At that time, Dong Zhengcai was very bitter and bitter, and he felt that he was ridiculous.

He laughed at himself, he was not good looking and his income was mediocre, but the toad wanted to eat swan meat and wanted to pursue this young and beautiful girl Ge Fang.

Asking people for their mobile phone number, wanting to invite them to sit at home, or to have something to eat.

But people refused to be very straightforward. They didn't give their mobile phone numbers, and they didn't have dinner together. They had already expressed their meaning very clearly.

Seeing that Ge Fang felt that he was in love, and Dong Zhengcai, who felt that he was in love after being rejected, he felt very tired and had no mind to go to work. He dragged his tired body and returned to his residence.

In fact, if Ge Fang hadn't rejected Dong Zhengcai and went to eat something with Dong Zhengcai, she might not have encountered Wu Wenlei's poisonous hand.

After Dong Zhengcai returned to the rental house disheartened, his mind was full of Ge Fang. He wished he had a beautiful and generous girlfriend like Ge Fang, but unfortunately, a beautiful girl like Ge Fang, Don't look down on him at all.

5.5 Dong Zhengcai, who was lost, made a decision that he hadn't made in more than [-] years, that is, to find a lady in the red light district to vent his desires.

He was thinking that after finding a young lady to vent, maybe he would not care so much about Ge Fang.

So Dong Zhengcai took a few hundred dollars and walked towards the more famous red light district in the county that night.

When he came to the vicinity of the red light district, he was holding the hundreds of dollars in one hand, hesitating and wanting to taste the taste of women, but he felt too embarrassed to go in, and he was afraid that he would be caught by the police or something if he had bad luck. .

After hesitating for a long time, Dong Zhengcai finally gathered up his courage and walked towards one of the shampoo shops.

It was also because of this shampoo shop that Dong Zhengcai's subsequent behavior made the police suspect that he had killed Ge Fang. .


1101 How to charge [2 more for subscription]

Dong Zhengcai squeezed the money in his pocket, bit his head, and walked into one of the hair salons in the red light district.

Sitting at the door of the hair salon was a woman in her thirties, with long hair, average appearance, heavy makeup on her face, and the scent of perfume on her body could be smelled two meters away.

When the woman saw Dong Zhengcai walking in, she immediately put down Erlang's legs, stood up from the chair, and greeted Dong Zhengcai enthusiastically.

"Yo, handsome guy, come in, come in quickly..." The woman walked to Dong Zhengcai's side and held Dong Zhengcai's arm very skillfully, she smiled very happily.

That smile, that expression, was like Dong Zhengcai's original husband.

Dong Zheng is only about [-] years old, and he has never touched a woman until now. It can be said that he is an old virgin.

The woman grabbed her hand so suddenly, and the woman pressed her chest over, which immediately made Dong Zhengcai's thoughts soar, and his blood flowed.

In this hair salon, there was only one woman. After holding Dong Zhengcai's hand, she greeted Dong Zhengcai to sit on the sofa 11, then turned around and closed the glass door of the hair salon, and the roller shutter was also pulled halfway down.

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