People who often go to the red light district will know that this kind of hair salon usually closes the door or pulls the shutter halfway, which means that all the women in the store are already working, and there are no extra people to receive customers.

After the woman in her thirties half-closed the shutter, she walked towards Dong Zhengcai.

The lighting in the hair salon is bright red. Some people think this kind of light is ambiguous and flirtatious, and some people think this kind of light looks uncomfortable.

Dong Zhengcai glanced at the woman and asked her, "How do you charge here?"

When this woman saw Dong Zhengcai's appearance, she knew that he was a novice and had no experience in playing.

So she stretched out five fingers and said, "Handsome guy, it's not expensive, five hundred dollars."

With a beauty like this woman, she can deceive a novice like Dong Zhengcai. If you are a veteran, you can give a maximum of [-] yuan, and some will bargain, and you can get [-] yuan.

This woman wanted to deceive Dong Zhengcai, but Dong Zhengcai was not a fool. He said, "When I came over, some people shouted two hundred once. You want five hundred here. Is it too expensive?"

The woman said, "Two hundred is two hundred. Can those two hundred be compared with me?"

With that said, the woman leaned on Dong Zhengcai's body, trying to evoke Dong Zhengcai's thoughts, and then won the novice at the price of five hundred yuan.

Dong Zhengcai said firmly: "Five hundred is too expensive, just two hundred. If you can, I will give you the money immediately. If you can't, forget it. I will go somewhere else."

When he said this, Dong Zhengcai still didn't say a word, that is, those women who shouted two hundred yuan a time were younger than this woman, but those stores were bigger and there were many women, Dong Zhengcai didn't feel embarrassed to walk in and choose. Just this little shop.

After the woman heard Dong Zhengcai's words, she deliberately teased again, saying that the two hundred can only be played casually, and that if it is not enough, if you play five hundred, you can play the full set, ensuring that he will come here today and go back satisfied.

Dong Zhengcai, an old virgin, can't stand the temptation of this woman, so he finally sold it at a price of [-] yuan.

After giving the money, the woman immediately took Dong Zhengcai to a small room at the back, and the two began to do indescribable things.

After Dong Zhengcai vented his inner desire for Ge Fang, his body was hollowed out, and he walked out of the hair salon floating.

When he walked to the door, the woman buttoned her trousers and said to Dong Zhengcai, "Handsome guy, come back next time, I can give you a discount."

Dong Zhengcai looked back at the woman and said, "Okay."

He promised, but Dong Zhengcai was thinking in his heart that the next time he wanted to play, he would have to change to another woman. Every time he looked for you, he didn't give me any advantage. I'm not a fool.

Dong Zhengcai put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly outside the red light district.

During the process of walking out, some women sitting at the door of the hair salon even yelled at Dong Zhengcai and asked him to come in and play, and the price was not expensive.

Because of the physical exhaustion in the hair salon, Dong Zhengcai felt a little hungry. Before returning to the rental house, he went to a barbecue shop, bought some barbecue, and packed it back to eat.

When passing by the convenience store, he also bought two bottles of beer, ready to eat barbecue, drink beer, watch TV, and relax.

As for that Ge Fang, let her go away.

In fact, when Dong Zhengcai went out to the red light district that day, the Ge Fang he was thinking about had already been buried in the soil by Wu Wenlei and turned into a cold corpse.

After Dong Zhengcai returned home, he turned on the TV, put the barbecue on the table, opened the beer and drank it.

After drinking two bottles of beer and eating a lot of barbecue, Dong Zhengcai lay on the bed contentedly and was ready to sleep.

But not long after lying on the bed, Dong Zhengcai began to feel itchy in the most important part. He reached out and scratched it, and it felt better, but after a few seconds, it started to itch again.

Scratched when it was itchy, and it was still itchy when scratched. Dong Zhengcai fell asleep in the very itchy spot.

The next morning, Dong Zhengcai was woken up by the itch in that area. When he woke up, he felt that the itch was very wrong, and a bad premonition flooded his heart.

So Dong Zhengcai immediately got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a break.

When urinating, he 497 saw the condition of that part.

He saw that small red dots appeared one by one on and near his life root. Those red dots were many and dense, and they looked very disgusting.

After seeing this, the first thought that popped into Dong Zhengcai's mind was that he contracted a sexually transmitted disease because of prostitution.

Dong Zhengcai, although Dong Zhengcai didn't know anything about venereal diseases and had never had them before, but he knew that venereal diseases were terrifying and panic spread throughout his body.

So he took out his mobile phone and called his colleague at the auto repair shop, asking him to take two days off for him. The colleague in the auto repair shop asked Dong Zhengcai what was wrong and why he asked for leave. Dong Zhengcai just casually responded. Physical discomfort.

After making the call, Dong Zhengcai took the money and went out, preparing to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

In seeing a doctor, Dong Zhengcai made another mistake in his eyes, that is, he did not go to a public hospital, but a private men's hospital.

Private hospitals are mainly for profit. When a patient enters, the doctor just thinks about how to make you spend money, how to make you spend money, how much you spend, and they get a commission.

If someone says that seeing a doctor in a public hospital is not cheap, then you can ask someone who has been to a private hospital, and if you know about it, you will know that the public hospital still has some conscience. .


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Dong Zhengcai went to the private men's hospital to see a doctor, and he was examined by a male doctor who seemed to be honest and honest.

After the male doctor examined Dong Zhengcai, his brows furrowed deeply, and he said to Dong Zhengcai in a very serious tone, "What's the matter with you, how did you get this kind of thing?"

When Dong Zhengcai heard the serious tone, he was immediately taken aback: "Doctor... Doctor... I was confused last night. I went to the hair salon and felt itchy when I got home. That's it when I wake up in the morning. , Doctor, is my illness serious?"

Dong Zhengcai's words just happened to ask the male doctor's heart.

He said more seriously: "Seriously, very serious, you have been infected with severe syphilis, hey... If this syphilis is in the late stage, it will kill people, and even if it is cured, it will not be cured. There will be sequelae.”

"A patient I treated before. He and his wife just got married. Because they went out to play once, they also contracted a venereal disease like you. In the end, his wife divorced him."

The doctor and Dong Zhengcai talked about the seriousness of his disease, how troublesome and severe it was, and the serious appearance of the doctor scared the inexperienced Dong Zhengcai to death.

Dong Zhengcai's STD was just contracted, but it's actually nothing. If he went to a public hospital, the doctor would only say to him, "It's not a big problem when he just contracted it. After a few injections and some medicine, there's basically no problem. "

Under the gullibility of the unscrupulous male doctor, Dong Zhengcai did a further examination. After the examination report came out, the doctor said to him with a serious face: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you listen to?"

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