Dong Zhengcai's heart was beating wildly, and he was about to be scared to death by the doctor's words.

After thinking about it, Dong Zhengcai said, "Okay...good news, listen to the good news first..."

The male doctor looked at Dong Zhengcai and said, "Your venereal disease is not particularly serious, it can be treated well".

Dong Zhengcai heard the words, his face was not very happy, and asked: "Doctor, what about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that in addition to syphilis, you may also be infected with another STD that is currently medically insurmountable, HIV," the andrologist said.

"HIV virus?" Dong Zhengcai was very unfamiliar with this virus, he asked, "What is HIV virus?"

The male doctor said: "This virus has a common name, which you must have heard of, called AIDS."

When he heard those two words, Dong Zhengcai felt that all his strength had been taken away.

When I went to see a young lady, I not only contracted syphilis, but also contracted AIDS?

Dong Zhengcai knew a little bit about AIDS. This sexually transmitted disease has no way to cure it today. It is an incurable disease just like cancer.

At that moment, Dong Zhengcai felt that his world was collapsing. He got such a serious illness just because he found a young lady once?

After Dong Zhengcai regained his senses, he grabbed his hand and said with a trembling voice, "Doctor, I just found a young lady once, how... how could it be possible to contract two diseases..."

The male doctor sighed: "It can only be said that you are out of luck. The lady you are looking for has these two diseases. You and her are infected."

Dong Zhengcai had a hard time accepting the doctor's words, why is it okay for others to go to prostitutes for so long, but he was recruited once, Ge Fang doesn't look down on himself, is it so unlucky to go to prostitutes himself?

The male doctor comforted Dong Zhengcai and said, "I suspect that you are infected with AIDS now, but I am not sure yet. You have come to check frequently recently, and you may be able to save it by taking more medicines given by the hospital."

After Dong Zhengcai heard this, he immediately took this kind-hearted doctor as his life-saving straw.

As everyone knows, this doctor deliberately said that his condition was so serious just to cheat his money. This is a common method used by doctors in private hospitals to scare you first, and then ask you to pay.

So, under the intimidation of the male doctor, Dong Zhengcai began to pay for examinations, buy medicines, and run towards this private hospital every three days.

Because he suspected that he had contracted the terrifying AIDS, Dong Zhengcai became distracted after going to work in the shop for two days off. The car mechanic called him and he didn't hear him.

In the description and confession of the car mechanic about Dong Zhengcai, after Ge Fang left, Dong Zhengcai often asked for leave, and he was still in a state of despair, because the young lady contracted a venereal disease and was frightened by the unscrupulous male doctor.

Not long after Dong Zhengcai was treated in the men's hospital, all the savings he had saved were emptied by the hospital.

When Dong Zhengcai told the male doctor that he had no money, the male doctor frowned and said, "You must insist on treatment for this disease, or you will know the consequences. If you have no money, you can ask relatives and friends to borrow it. Now the bank also treats the disease. You can go to the bank to find out about the loan.”

There is no money to see a doctor, and Dong Zhengcai feels very uncomfortable. His relatives and friends have very weak relationships and will not lend him money at all. He does not like to ask others to lend money, and feels that borrowing money is inferior.

He felt that his good life had been ruined because of the woman in the hair salon. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he went to the red light district and found the woman.

Dong Zhengcai rushed into the woman's store. After the woman saw Dong Zhengcai, she thought that Dong Zhengcai came to consume and had business to do.

She smiled and posted it, ready to close the shutter.

But Dong Zhengcai yelled at her directly, calling her a slut who dared to come out to be a chicken when she was sick, and infected him with a venereal disease such as AIDS, which caused his life to be disrupted, and money was also because of seeing a doctor. All spent.

This lady who is a young lady knows that she has a sexually transmitted disease, but she does not have AIDS, so she told Dong Zhengcai not to talk nonsense. (Li Wangzhao) If it spreads out, how can she do business

At that time, Dong Zhengcai scolded this woman recklessly. The scolding was ugly, and the movement made a lot of noise, so that the ladies in other shops in the red light district came to watch the fun.

The woman saw Dong Zhengcai scolding so badly, so she called the local snake in the red light district.

Places like the red light district are covered by people. These ladies use their bodies to do business, and part of the money they make will be given to the local snakes. If something happens, the local snakes will send a group of people to support them. .

Therefore, in places like the red light district, clients of prostitutes generally do not dare to make trouble.

The woman called the local snake, and it turned out that Dong Zhengcai was beaten severely by the group of people, which also caused Dong Zhengcai to ask for leave again.

After taking leave to recover from his injury, Dong Zhengcai was walking on the street one night when his eyes suddenly turned in one direction. .


1103 The Murderer Is Him

The direction Dong Zhengcai was looking at was an alley.

A few seconds before he looked at the alley, a woman with a bag in her hand walked into the alley.

The time was at night, and there was only a dim yellow street light in that alley, and there were almost no surveillance probes in that section of the road.

Dong Zhengcai looked at the woman who walked into the alley, and a thought that he didn't dare to think about before popped up in his heart: grab a bag.

The little savings Dong Zhengcai had left after working for years has been eaten up by the men's hospital, and the monthly salary is only that little, which is not enough to spend.

The main thing is that he hasn't had a penny on him for days.

If there is no source of income, and if you don't ask others to borrow it, you will have to drink the northwest wind.

After a brief hesitation, Dong Zhengcai made a decision, that is, for the sake of money and for himself, he will grab it once and wrap it up.

After making this decision, he approached the woman in the alley step by step. After looking at the unsuspecting woman, Dong Zhengcai exerted force on his feet, accelerated sharply and rushed towards the woman.

With a frightened scream from the woman's mouth, Dong Zhengcai had already grabbed the handbag.

460 Dong Zhengcai snatched the bag, gritted his teeth and rushed desperately.

He was very familiar with the terrain in that area, and probably knew where there were surveillance cameras. He ran desperately, and after running for a while, he even tucked the handbag into his short sleeves.

After going around in a big circle and avoiding the surveillance, Dong Zhengcai returned to the rental house.

He locked the door, drew the curtains, and couldn't wait to check the handbag that came with the money.

This handbag is red. After the zipper was opened, Dong Zhengcai's eyes suddenly lit up.

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