What Li Guo said is the common psychology of murderers. After killing someone, I wish others would not know that the person was dead, or when the police investigate, I hope the police feel that the deceased committed suicide.

In this way, if the police do not investigate further, thinking that the deceased committed suicide, the murderer will be free from justice forever and will not need to take responsibility for what he did.

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "You also said that the general murderer has that kind of mentality, and you don't want the police to investigate more, but it's unusual to learn from this murderer."

"Mr. Lin, what is the evidence that Fang Xue is the murderer?" a police officer asked hesitantly.

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the police officer, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and the others, and said, "You guys talk about it first, what kind of person do you think this person is."

Li Guo pondered slightly, and then said: "Mr. Lin, we have relatively little contact with orientation, and we are relatively unfamiliar. The first time I saw him, it was when I received a call from you. I rushed to the scene with someone. After that, I went to Xiaoshan Reservoir and dealt with Fang Dongshan's affairs."

"After a simple contact, I feel that the direction of this person is more filial. He said that when he is free, he will go to the reservoir to see his father, buy something for him, bring him some dishes, or Go to the reservoir for a meal or something."

A police officer who handled the case said: "Xiangxue this person, I also contacted him. My opinion is similar to that of Li team. This person looks very upright, and he doesn't seem to be able to kill Lao Tzu."

Shen Yue said, "I also think Fang Xue has filial piety. Just yesterday, when we found Fang Dongshan's body, Fang Xue bought two bags of fruit and sent them to the reservoir by motorcycle to give Fang Dongshan to eat."

Zheng Yong did not speak, and looked at Lin Chen curiously.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Lin Chen said again: "Well, your views on orientation are similar to my previous views on him, but some of his previous actions still made me a little puzzled. , However, because the deceased is his father, like you, I think it is rare for a son to kill Laozi, so I don't think much about it."

Li Guo asked, "What were some of your doubts about orientation before?"

Lin Chen replied: "First of all, when we salvaged Fang Dongshan's body and Fang Xue arrived on a motorcycle, Fang Xue immediately rushed over and hugged him after he knew that it was his father lying on the ground. Fang Dongshan's body."

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"Xiang Xue was crying while holding Fang Dongshan's body. During this process, Fang Xue's eyes never dared to look at Fang Dongshan's face, and after he finished crying, he took off his shirt and put Fang Dongshan's body on his back. Your face is covered."

"In psychology, relatives who commit crimes will have obvious guilt behaviors after committing the crime, such as covering the corpse with a quilt, covering the face with clothes and towels, etc. The murderer feels ashamed of the deceased and is afraid to see his face and face. Eyes, this is an act of guilt."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Shen Yue recalled it for a while, and immediately said, "Oh, yes, yesterday the direction school took off his clothes and covered Fang Dongshan's face."


Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue and said, "At that time, I saw this kind of guilt behavior in the direction school, and I had some doubts, but psychology may not be completely accurate, he covered Fang Dongshan's face with clothes, and he was hugging Other reasons are also possible, for example, he is timid and afraid to see his father's terrifying face, for example, he can't bear his father's painful remains, exposed in the air, and being seen by others."

"So, at the time, I was just a little confused, and I didn't think too much. After going to the reservoir, I found the second question that puzzled me."

"Learning from the direction gives us the feeling that in his words, he is a more filial son. At first, he did not want Fang Dongshan to work in the reservoir. He felt that he was dangerous alone. After Fang Dongshan worked in the reservoir, he would often Go to the reservoir and see Fangdong Mountain."

"Buy him food, accompany him for a meal or something. After he was free yesterday, he also bought fruit and went to visit Fang Dongshan."

Lin Chen paused for a moment, then continued: "All in all, this person is filial. However, after I went to the cabin where Fang Dongshan lived, I couldn't see the slightest trace of his filial piety."

"Fang Dongshan will not talk about what he eats. It is very possible that he is frugal. However, in the house where Fang Dongshan lives, there is a big hole in the ceiling of the room."


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After hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Guo said, "The big hole on the roof of Fang Dongshan's residence, we didn't notice it when we first went in at night. It was Miss Shen who saw it first."

As Li Guo said, he stretched out his finger and glanced at Shen Yue who was standing beside him.

Last night, Lin Chen, Li Guo, Shen Yue and the others entered the house where Fang Dongshan lived for the first time. At first, Lin Chen and the others were observing the furnishings and what was in the house.

It was Shen Yue who suddenly pointed at the ceiling and told Lin Chen that there was a big hole in the roof.

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Yes, when I first entered that room, Shen Yue told us that there was a hole in the roof."

"When I returned to the scene this morning, while I re-observed the log cabin, I also focused on the large cave "four nine three" on the roof of the log cabin."

"The hole in the roof is not small. The reason for this should be that the wooden roof has rotted for many years. Standing under the hole, you can see some trees up. There is a lot of dust, litter, and moss on the edge of the hole. "

"Judging from the dust, litter and moss, the hole in the house where Fang Dongshan lived has existed for at least half a year."

Lin Chen's eyes swept over Li Guo, Zheng Yong and the others, and said slowly: "Although there are some branches of trees above the hole, but on a rainy day, the rain will definitely fall in, and it will rain heavily outside. , there is light rain inside, snakes, worms, rats, ants, and other animals in the mountain may enter Fang Dongshan's bedroom from that hole."

"The existence of the hole on the roof of Fang Dongshan's bedroom is very unsafe, and it will be affected by strong winds and heavy rain."

"The roof of the wooden house is about 2.8 meters above the ground. Fang Dongshan's height is 1.60 meters. His body is not very good. If he uses his own ability to repair the hole in the roof, it is dangerous."

"Learn from that guy, what it gives us, and in his self-report, he is a filial child, but why did he not repair the hole in the roof of his father's residence for at least half a year?"

Shen Yue said: "After I saw the hole at the time, I also wondered why I didn't fill it up, leaving such a big hole there, and I couldn't sleep well at night, but I didn't know whether the big hole and the direction were studied. Connect with filial piety.”

Li Guo nodded his head and said solemnly: "I never suspected that the murderer would be a directional learner, and I didn't think too much about some details."

Zheng Yong, the deputy director, had never been to the crime scene. After hearing the conversation between Lin Chen and the others, he said, "Mr. Lin said this, one can suspect that the filial piety of the orientation school is faked."

"Yes." Lin Chen said yes, and said, "After seeing the big hole before, I doubted the filial piety of the orientation school. If he is a filial son who often visits Fang Dongshan, how can he see his father? There is such a big hole in the roof of the house, why don't you fix it?"

"I had two guesses at the time. First, the filial piety of Xiangxue was faked, and it was deliberately pretended to be seen by everyone, so that people would think that he was a filial son and that he was a good person, but he had no other purpose. After all, In today's society, many people pretend to be filial on the surface, but in fact it is a different set for their parents."

"Second, if the hole is not repaired, it is related to Fang Dongshan. He may think it doesn't matter."

"Because of the wooden house, I had some doubts about the direction, but because of other things, I didn't have time to investigate him until I saw a piece of information about Fang Dongshan found by the forensic doctor. All kinds of doubts are connected in series, and it can basically be determined that the orientation is the murderer."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone's curiosity was immediately hooked.

The doubts that Lin Chen said were all from some details, and the doubts about orientation were not so critical.

The one Lin Chen found from the Fang Dongshan document must be a very crucial piece of evidence.

Zheng Yong couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Lin, what did you find in that Fang Dongshan document?"

Shen Yue, Li Guo and other police officers all stared at Lin Chen with big eyes and small eyes.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Chen reached out and slowly took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket.

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