He slowly opened these pieces of paper and handed them to Zheng Yong.

Zheng Yong immediately took these pieces of paper, and then looked down. . .

When Zheng Yong looked at the pieces of paper, Lin Chen also said, "This is the personal medical record of Fang Dongshan that the forensic doctor retrieved from the hospital. It is found from the medical record that Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for [-] years."

"Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for [-] years. It has developed from the early stage of diabetes to the middle and late stage of diabetes. Patients with middle and late stage diabetes are very painful, and their lives will end at some point."

"During the investigation, I learned that the old man Fang Dongshan has a bad temper. He often gets angry, has a straight face, and has a very bad attitude. In fact, his diabetes makes him very painful. It is not that he does not want to laugh, but that he does not laugh. When he came out, he was tortured by diabetes all the year round, which also made his temper very bad."

When Lin Chen finished speaking, Zheng Yong and Li Guo had also finished reading Fang Dongshan's medical records on those pieces of paper.

Judging from the records, Fang Dongshan has indeed been suffering from diabetes for [-] years. To be precise, he has been suffering from diabetes for almost [-] years.

After Zheng Yong and Li Guo finished reading, they handed these pieces of paper to other police officers for them to look at.

Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen with doubts in his eyes, he said, "Mr. Lin, you said just now that you found evidence that Orientation was the murderer in Fang Dongshan's medical records, but this case only stated that Fang Dongshan was a patient with A diabetic patient for almost 0.0 years, how does this prove that his son Xiangxue is the murderer?" [-]

Li Guo's heart is also full of doubts. There are many patients with diabetes now. This is a disease of wealth. If you will get diabetes, one is genetic. Because the family has a history of diabetes, it is passed down from generation to generation.

Another is environmental factors, eating too much, lack of exercise, eating too well, plus some other reasons, got diabetes.

Shen Yue looked at the medical records circulated in the hands of the police officers, and muttered, "Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for [-] years... This point, how does it prove that Orientation is the murderer..."

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you think of it? There is a key point that you overlooked."

Zheng Yong frowned, and Li Guo also frowned, he said, "Mr. Lin, what are you talking about?".


1106 Why do you think he is a murderer 【Subscription】

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said to the crowd, "The key point is the two bags of fruits that I bought at Xue Xue yesterday evening."

"Guang Xue said that he had nothing to do yesterday, so he went to the market to buy some fruit specially, sent it to his father to eat, and then had a meal with his father by the way."

"Officer Zheng, Officer Li, do you still remember what kind of fruit Fang Dongshan bought for his father Fang Dongshan?"

Before Zheng Yong and Li Guo could answer Lin Chen's question, Shen Yue on the side quickly said, "Xiangxue bought two bags of fruits, one is bananas and the other is longan, both of which are not fresh. After I saw it, I was still thinking, it should be that the conditions of the orientation scientists are average, so I bought stale and cheap fruit to eat."

As Shen Yue's words fell, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and several police officers showed still puzzled expressions on their faces.

But the next moment, Zheng Yong's eyes lit up and said, "I understand, Mr. Lin, I understand why you think Orientation is the murderer."

As Zheng Yong's words fell, Li Guo also showed a happy expression on his face, he smiled: "I also understand, Mr. Lin, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have given 11 the matter of the two bags of fruit. forgotten."

Seeing that Zheng Yong and Li Guo understood, Lin Chen said, "This key point is not difficult, but it is easy to be ignored."

After saying this, Lin Chen said seriously: "Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for nearly [-] years, and his diabetes is in the middle and late stages. Due to his physical condition, he can't eat many things, or eat a small amount. Sugar intake is something that must be controlled.”

"People with severe diabetes can eat fruit, but they should eat fruit with lower sugar content."

"However, Xiangxue bought two bags of fruits for his father yesterday, one is bananas and the other is longan. The sugar content of these two fruits is more than [-]%. The sugar content of longan is more than higher than a banana."

"I think Fang Dongshan's physical condition, bananas and longan, he can't touch the two fruits."

When Lin Chen said this, some police officers who hadn't thought of the key points already showed clear expressions on their faces.

Lin Chen continued: "Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for nearly [-] years. As his son, Xiang Xue, wouldn't he know Fang Dongshan's physical condition?"

"Fang Dongshan obviously can't eat fruits with high sugar content such as bananas and longan. Why did he learn to buy them yesterday? He also said that he bought them for Fang Dongshan."

"Don't he know that Fang Dongshan doesn't dare to touch these two kinds of fruits?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "In my opinion, the reason why Fang Dongshan bought two bags of stale fruit that Fang Dongshan couldn't eat at all was because he knew that Fang Dongshan was dead, and Fang Dongshan couldn't eat it at all. "

Li Guo said: "Last night, I heard that the direction school bought two bags of fruits and sent them to his father to eat. I also thought that this kid is filial, but Fang Dongshan has severe diabetes and dare not eat these two kinds of fruits at all. "

Lin Chen said: "It's not that diabetics can't eat these two kinds of fruits, but because of Fang Dongshan's physical condition, they can't eat them at all."

"I bought fruit that Fang Dongshan can't eat and said that it was specially bought for Fang Dongshan. Learning this direction is really self-defeating." Zheng Yong said.

"There is one more doubt." Lin Chen said.

"What's the doubt?" Lin Chen's words roused everyone's curiosity again, wanting to know what another doubt Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen said: "Fang Dongshan's diabetes is very serious. In his residence, there should be drugs to control diabetes, or insulin and injection equipment. Most diabetics have these things at home."

"But when we searched the cabin where Fang Dongshan lived, nothing about diabetes was found in the cabin. If it weren't for Fang Dongshan's medical records and autopsy report, he would not have known that he was a diabetic."

"So, where are the things in the cabin that can prove Fang Dongshan has diabetes?"

Li Guo glanced at Lin Chen and said, "This is really strange. I also searched the wooden house, and there is nothing about diabetes in it."

Zheng Yong groped his chin and said, "Based on Fang Dongshan's physical condition, he must have these medicines in his residence. Where did these things go?"

"It's very simple." Shen Yue said: "It must be that the murderer went to the house after killing Fang Dongshan and took all the things about diabetes in the house."

This point that Shen Yue said, everyone present thought of it.

Li Guo said to Shen Yue: "Miss Shen, we have thought of this, but the question is, why did the murderer take away those things about diabetes, and what is the purpose?"

"Yeah." A male police officer said, "If the murderer is a direction study, then at around five o'clock the day before yesterday evening, after he killed Fang Dongshan, why did he clean up the diabetes-related things in the house?"

Zheng Yong said: "Is it the reason why Xiangxue noticed that the fruit he bought was too high in sugar and his father couldn't eat it at all? But, the fruit was bought the next day after he killed his father."

When everyone wondered why the orientation school took away the diabetes thing in the wooden house, Lin Chen smiled.

He looked at the crowd and said, "You have fallen into a misunderstanding."

630 Zheng Yong hurriedly asked, "What misunderstanding?"

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