Lin Chen looked at Zheng Yong and said, "What you said just now has already reached the key point. Orientation should be aware of the flaws in the fruit he bought, so he took away the diabetes-related things in the house."

"However, Fang Dongshan didn't necessarily clean up those things the day before yesterday. After he bought fruit and met us, he also had the opportunity to clean up the diabetes-related things in the wooden house."

Before everyone could think about it, Lin Chen looked at Shen Yue and said, "Shen Yue, when we went to chase Zhou Dakai and their group of fish thieves in the woods, you and Fang Dongshan stayed at the wooden house for a while, right?"

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said to Lin Chen, "Boss, when Fang Dongshan and I were waiting for you at the wooden house last night, Fang Dongshan said something to make it easier, and then went to the wooden house. over there."

"I was worried about you at the time. I wouldn't look at a man who was convenient. I didn't care about the convenience of the direction."

Lin Chen asked, "The direction theory says that it is convenient for him to go to the wooden house. How long has it been since he passed, and during the period, did any light come out from the wooden house?"

Shen Yue thought about it for a while and said, "I don't remember how long it has been. It must have been a while. I was looking in another direction at the time. I didn't pay attention to whether there was light in the wooden house when it was convenient for him."


1107 Three birds with one stone [2 more subscriptions]

Shen Yue said that she went to the orientation school for a long time, but she didn't care whether there was light in the wooden house, maybe there was or maybe not.

After Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue said, he said, "regardless of whether there was light in the log house at that time, in short, at the time when the direction of learning excuses was convenient, it was possible for him to take away everything about diabetes in the log house. of."

"After all, Fang Dongshan has worked in the reservoir for so many years, and he is very familiar with the layout of the house where his father lives and where the medicines are placed."

Li Guo looked puzzled and said: "Xiangxue killed Fang Dongshan the night before yesterday, and last night he took the opportunity to go to the wooden house and took all the things related to diabetes. This guy looks like a big old man, how can he suddenly become Being so clever, it is a big flaw to find that the fruit he bought his father's body can't eat at all, so he wants to cover up the fact that his father has diabetes..."

"Yes." A young police officer next to him said, "We thought about it too much, or we are really clever in the direction of learning, or it is a coincidence that there is nothing about diabetes in the wooden house. For example, the former Fang Dongshan ran out of medicine in a few days, and he threw away all the boxes?"

A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he said, "Direction Learning is so clever all of a sudden, maybe that's the reason."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Zheng Yong quickly asked, "Mr. Lin, what are you talking about?"

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Lin Chen said: "Let's not mention this for the time being, it's not the point, in short, the fruit that he bought for the direction school is not fresh, and his father's body can't eat the fruit, and he also said that he specially bought it for his father to eat. , This is very proof that when he was buying fruit, he already knew that his father was dead, so he bought it so casually."

Lin Chen didn't say the reason in his words, which made everyone slightly disappointed, but Lin Chen didn't want to say it for the time being, and there was nothing they could do.

"Yeah." A police officer said excitedly, "Fang Dongshan has been suffering from diabetes for [-] years, and his orientation is very clear about his disease. His father couldn't eat food, but he said he bought it specially for him. ."

"It's rare for Lao Tzu to kill his son. What is the purpose of killing Fang Xue?" Someone asked this question, why did Fang Xue kill Fang Dongshan, and what was his purpose.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he glanced at the questioning police officer, and said indifferently, "I made some speculations about Fang Xue's murder motive, Fang Dongshan's death, for Fang Xue, kills three birds with one stone. "

"Fang Dongshan suffers from diabetes. This disease requires money to buy medicines every month to control it. Fang Dongshan will stay in the lonely reservoir to work alone. I am afraid it is because of diabetes. As his son, Xiang Xue also needs to bear the responsibility. Some economic pressure, in the eyes of the direction school, his father Fang Dongshan is probably a burden, and he died just as he wanted."

"Fang Dongshan's death has relieved the financial pressure on Xiangxue. At the same time, he can ask the reservoir owner for a sum of compensation. His father died in the reservoir, which is considered a death in line of duty. money."

When Lin Chen said this, he looked at Li Guo who was a few meters away, and said, "Officer Li, remember when I went to Xiaoshan Reservoir for the second time in the morning, the reservoir owner complained to us?"

Li Guo pondered slightly and said, "Remember, the owner of the reservoir was very distressed and said that Fang Xue found him and talked to him about compensation. For Fang Dongshan's death, Fang Xue asked the reservoir owner to pay a large sum of money."

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Xiang Xue kept saying that Fang Dongshan was killed by someone. He gave us the impression that he was a dutiful son. If he is really a dutiful son, who should kill his father should be the first priority. Instead of talking to the reservoir owner about compensation as soon as possible the next day.”

"Fang Dongshan died because of his work. The reservoir owner couldn't run away because of the compensation issue. What should the direction learn to do in such a hurry? Is this the performance of a dutiful son?"

"Yeah." Li Guo now believed that Fang Dongshan's death was related to Orientation. He said, "Orientation is indeed too urgent in terms of money."

Zheng Yong groped his chin and said, "It seems that Fang Dongshan's death is really good for orientation studies. It can get rid of Fang Dongshan's economic burden and ask for a sum of money from the reservoir owner. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. ."

When Li Guo heard Zheng Yong say the words "one stone, two birds", he immediately looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, what you said just now is three birds with one stone, what is the third bird?"

Zheng Yong was also slightly stunned, what Lin Chen said just now was indeed three birds with one stone.

Shen Yue blinked her bright eyes and asked, "... Boss, the third bird in the abacus, is it?"

Lin Chen pointed his hand at Wu Wenlei, who was locked in the interrogation chair, and said lightly, "The third bird in the abacus is the guy Wu Wenlei."

When Zheng Yong and Li Guo heard the words, they immediately lowered their eyes and thought.

Lin Chen didn't give them much time to think about it, he just made it clear, he said, "When we were investigating the Xiaoshan Reservoir, we determined that the place where Fang Dongshan was drowned in the water was next to a Diaoyutai. , and the place where they were killed happened to be the place where Wu Wenlei and Fang Dongshan clashed."

"Xiang Xiangxue is obviously the murderer. Why does he insist that Fang Dongshan didn't stumble and drown, but was killed? Because, in his plan, there is already a scapegoat, and the scapegoat is this Wu Wenlei."

Lin Chen's eyes began to become deep, and he (Li's) said slowly: "At noon the day before yesterday, Zhang An went to the reservoir to fish. He saw Wu Wenlei and Fang Dongshan clashing and threatened to kill Fang Dongshan."

"Perhaps, when Wu Wenlei aggressively cleaned up Fang Dongshan, shouting that Fang Dongshan would be arrogant, he was about to kill him, as Fang Dongshan's son, he hid in a corner of the reservoir and saw everything in his eyes. ."

"He saw that his father was being bullied. He didn't go up to help. Instead, he figured it out, thinking about using Fang Dongshan's death to make the most profit for him."

"After Zhang An left, and after Wu Wenlei left at about four o'clock, the direction school came out of the hiding place. He walked to Fang Dongshan and called Fang Dongshan to the spot where Wu Wenlei was fishing. Then, he pressed Fang Dongshan against the water. , drowned alive."

"About this, there is also a second possibility...".


1108 Another possibility 【Subscription】

When Lin Chen was talking about his reasoning, the interrogation room was very quiet. Zheng Yong, Li Guo and the police officers were all listening carefully to Lin Chen's analysis.

Including Wu Wenlei, Lin Chen said that he was the third bird with one stone and three birds, which made him feel cold on his back.

Lin Chen said, "Apart from the possibility that Orientation was present when Wu Wenlei was cleaning up Fang Dongshan, another possibility is that after Wu Wenlei left unintentionally fishing, Orientation came to the reservoir to see Fang Dongshan."

"On the stovetop of the wooden house where Fang Dongshan lived, I picked up the lid of the iron pot and saw that there was a pot of sour gnocchi soup in the iron pot. There was a lot of gnocchi soup in that pot. One person definitely can’t finish it, and now the weather is hot and there is no refrigerator in the wooden house, just leave it like that and it will spoil quickly.”

"Fang Dongshan cooks so many gnocchi soup all at once, because his son has come to see him at the school, and he left his son to eat together."

"Maybe when he was cooking the gnocchi soup, Fang Dongshan talked to the direction of being bullied by Wu Wenlei. Fang Dongshan's original intention of saying that might be to let his son vent his 497 anger, but the direction was playing his own abacus."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "In the abacus of the direction study, as long as Fang Dongshan dies, he will no longer have to pay for this old father, he can ask the owner of the reservoir for compensation, and incidentally, he can put the blame on the murderer. Wu Wenlei, Wu Wenlei, who is the murderer, has to compensate the victim's family for a sum of money."

"Three birds with one stone in the direction of learning, he is the one who benefits the most."

After Lin Chen's words were finished, the room fell into silence again.

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