When Xiangxue saw Fang Dongshan's body being salvaged and placed on the shore, he did not dare to look at Fang Dongshan's face, and even covered his face with clothes, psychologically guilty of a relative committing the crime.

He pretended to be filial and showed himself very well, but from some details, it can be seen that he is not filial at all, and he is pretending.

Fang Dongshan's body obviously can't eat those two kinds of fruits, but Xiangxue said that his father likes them and bought them specially for Fang Dongshan. This is a huge loophole.

Linking these doubts together, coupled with the financial burden and the orientation school's emphasis on money, everything points the murderer to the orientation school.

"Mr. Lin, then I will immediately go to arrest the direction school?" Li Guo asked Lin Chen's opinion.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't have to arrest him right away, the direction is to learn to kill his father, and he takes money so seriously, and asks the reservoir owner so urgently for money, maybe he has some financial problems recently. Difficulties."

"You go to investigate whether there is a crime time for Orientation School first, and then investigate his emergency situation."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Guo nodded in agreement, and then took someone to do it immediately.

After Li Guo led the people away, many police officers in the interrogation room were still discussing in a low voice.

Zheng Yong frowned at this time and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, although all kinds of suspicions point to the direction of learning, but... we don't have any substantive evidence."

An old criminal policeman looked at Lin Chen expectantly, and asked, "Mr. Lin, you have found conclusive evidence of Wu Wenlei's murder, and evidence of orientation, have you also found it?"

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said, "No, because Fang Dongshan's body floated in the reservoir and flowed into the river along the gap in the reservoir, he no longer had any fingerprints on his body, and Fang Dongshan did not leave any substantial evidence in the direction of Xue Xue's killing. evidence."

"Without evidence, it's hard to convict..." the old detective sighed.

Lin Chen's face was still calm, and he said, "I should still be immersed in the joy of getting compensation for my current orientation. He has a certain amount of wealth, but there is still a way to make him admit everything."

After Zheng Yong heard Lin (bbad) Chen's words, he probably understood that there was still a way to what Lin Chen said.

This method is often used when interrogating prisoners, and it was used just now.

Wu Wenlei, who raped and killed Ge Fang, pleaded guilty, and the murderer of Fang Dongshan has basically been identified.

Lin Chen didn't stay in this interrogation room any longer, so he stepped forward and walked outside.

Zheng Yong followed behind Lin Chen, and communicated with Lin Chen about the way to make Fang Xue confess his guilt.

Because there is no conclusive evidence, it is not easy for Orientation to admit it.

Lin Chen declined Zheng Yong's invitation to come to his office for tea. He and Shen Yue walked out of the Public Security Bureau building and walked to a snack bar across the road from the Public Security Bureau.

After a busy day, Lin Chen and Shen Yue are hungry, especially Lin Chen. The autopsy process in the forensic laboratory requires very careful attention and is still very tiring.

Walking into the snack bar, Lin Chen and Shen Yue ordered some snacks, and while waiting for the food to be served, Shen Yue said, "Boss, you were in the interrogation room just now, and you said that you have become so clever when you learned that direction, knowing that he appeared when he bought fruit. There is a loophole, so I went to take the things about diabetes in the wooden house, maybe for one reason, you didn't say that."

Lin Chen smiled and said to Shen Yue, "This reason is not too unexpected. Let's talk about it when we learn the direction of the interrogation."

Shen Yue was a little disappointed, but still said, "Oh, okay."

The two said this, and soon, the snacks they ordered came up.

Lin Chen ate quickly, while Shen Yue took small bites. After seeing that Lin Chen ate a lot, and he ate quite quickly, Shen Yue hurriedly asked, "Boss, do you want to order more?"

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "No, it's almost done, let's deal with it like this first, and then have a better meal later in the evening."

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen talk about supper, she asked, "Boss, what are you going to eat for supper tonight?"

Lin Chen looked at Shen Yue and said, "You recommend me, this Xuanbei County is your hometown."

"Well, let me think about it, our county does have some pretty good things." Shen Yue tilted her head and remembered.

After deciding what to eat tonight, Shen Yue said, "Boss, we've been out for a long time this time. When are we going back?"

Lin Chen took a tissue, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said, "solve the case tonight, and go back tomorrow."

"Well." Shen Yue nodded her head and said, "Okay, it's been out for so many days, and it's time to go back. My sister handles so many things in the company by herself. It must have been really hard recently."

Lin Chen and Shen Yue ate while talking. After eating the snacks they ordered, they greeted the owner of the snack bar to come over and calculate how much they ate in total.

Just then, several police officers rushed into the snack bar. .


1109 Order to Arrest 【2 More Subscription】

The owner of the snack bar is calculating the accounts for Lin Chen and the others, how much they have spent in total.

The few policemen who suddenly rushed in in a hurry gave him a start. Halfway through the calculation, they forgot to continue the calculation.

The few policemen who suddenly rushed into the snack bar came straight towards where Lin Chen and Shen Yue were sitting.

Lin Chen looked around and saw that among the few police officers, it was Li Guo who was walking in front.

"Mr. Lin." Li Guo and Lin Chen greeted each other with excited expressions on their faces.

Li Guo just took someone to investigate the direction to learn about the recent emergency situation and whether he had time to commit the crime the day before yesterday. Now, with the expression on his face, you don't need to guess, you must have a good harvest.

"How's the investigation going?" Lin Chen asked Li Guodao.

Li Guo looked at the shop owner standing by the side, and at the curious glances from the diners in the snack bar, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Lin Chen knew that it was really inconvenient to say some words in front of others, so he said to the owner of the snack bar, "Calculate the money."

"Okay." The owner of the snack bar agreed. After doing a quick calculation, he smiled at Lin Chen: "It's 186 yuan in total. I'll give you a fraction and 180."

Lin Chen directly took out two hundred yuan and put it on the table, saying that he didn't need to look for it.

Then he stepped out of the snack bar.

After coming to the outside of the snack bar, Li Guo immediately said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I just took someone to investigate that direction, and I learned a lot. I have gained a lot. He is definitely the murderer of Fang Dongshan."

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