Fang Xue's wife immediately went to pour him a glass of water, and after handing the water to Fang Xue's hand, she said, "Your father was killed, you still have the heart to watch TV here."

Xiang Xiangxue sighed and said, "The police are working on finding the murderer. I heard that a major suspect has been found. In terms of catching the murderer, I can't do anything. What else can I do without watching TV?"

Fang Xue's wife sighed and said, "Oh, by the way, you go to the bank tomorrow to get [-] yuan."

He was studying the direction of drinking water. After hearing his wife's words, he paused with his hand holding the water glass and asked, "What do you want [-] yuan for?"

Fang Xue's wife said, "Lend it to my mother, they are still a little too expensive to build a house. Don't we have it in our passbook? If we have it, just lend it to my mother, and it's not that we won't pay it back."

Fang Xiangxue sneered and said, "I don't have time for the past two days, wait... wait a few days and then go to the bank to get it."

Just as the direction of learning fell, there was a knock on the door.

When Fang Xue heard the knock on the door, he immediately put down the water glass in his hand and walked out with his wife.

"Who is it?" Orientation said.

A man's voice came from outside the door: "Police."

After hearing the word "police", the direction of learning to walk a little faster. He walked to the door, opened the big iron gate of the yard, and saw more than a dozen policemen standing outside the door.

Xiang Xue was stunned for a while, not expecting so many police officers standing at the door.

After being stunned for a while, he asked: "Comrade police, what are you doing here to find me so late, have you found the murderer of my father?"

The leading policeman showed a sneer on his face and said, "Xiangxue, we have indeed found the murderer of your father."

The sneer of the leading police officer made Xiang Xue frown: "Comrade police officer, who is the murderer, do you know us?"

When Fang Xue's wife heard that the police found the murderer, she also said expectantly, "Who is the murderer?"

The leading policeman stared at the direction and said, "It's you, take him away to me."

As soon as the voice fell, several police officers rushed forward immediately, and immediately controlled the direction that was still in a daze.

On the face of the direction school, there was a look of horror, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

When Fang Xue's wife came back to her senses, she shouted, "Comrade police, are you mistaken? The murderer...the murderer is my husband? How could he be the murderer? How could a son kill Laozi..."

Amid the cries of Fang Xue's wife, Xiang Xue was forcibly taken away.

Orientation was taken to the police car, two police officers sat beside him, his arms were controlled.

Fang Xiangxue defended himself: "Comrade police... I... How could I kill my father? It's too unreasonable for you to say that I am the murderer?"

The leading policeman sneered and said, "Guangxue, don't make pale excuses here, we won't arrest you without sufficient evidence."

After the opposite direction Xue said such a sentence, the police car returned to silence.

The two police officers who were sitting next to the direction school could feel the direction school's body shaking. The car was air-conditioned, but the direction school's shirt was still soaked in cold sweat.

Prisoners with poor psychological quality often have this kind of situation when they are arrested. It depends on the direction. After this guy arrives in the interrogation room, his mouth is not hard. . .

The police car drove fast, and after a while, it arrived at the door of the county public security bureau.

Xiang Xue was carried into the Public Security Bureau by two policemen and placed in the No. [-] interrogation room.

The police officers in the interrogation room and the police officers standing beside Fang Xue all had serious expressions on their faces, and the look in his eyes made him shiver.

After Fang Xue was locked in the interrogation chair, footsteps came from the door of the interrogation room. Fang Xue immediately looked at him. After seeing the person who entered the interrogation room, his pupils shrank.

The person who made Xiang Xue's pupils shrink is naturally Lin Chen.

Lin Chen walked in the front, Zheng Yong Li Guo and the others were behind, and walked into the interrogation room step by step.

Xiang Xiangxue looked at Lin Chen, with a smile on his face, and said, "Comrade police, why...why do they say I killed my father? Which son would kill his father..."

"You." Lin Chen replied quickly, staring at the direction, and said, "You can kill your biological father."

"I..." The direction was choked by Lin Chen's words after learning.

Before he could speak, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Xiangxue, you can give up your sophistry, I will let someone arrest you in the Public Security Bureau because we already have evidence that you killed your biological father. You can even kill your own father, call you a beast, and beasts will protest. 0.5"

Zheng Yong had a cold face and said, "I have seen many cases of various kinds, but there are really not many cases of sons killing their fathers. I didn't expect that I would bump into them today."

"I, I, I..." Fang Xue stammered, "I didn't."

Lin Chen said: "The evidence of the person who killed Fang Dongshan is there, so you don't need to make useless sophistry."

The direction theory said: "I really... didn't kill my father, don't wrong me."

Lin Chen stared at him and said, "Xiangxue, your father was killed the night before yesterday. Where were you the night before yesterday?"

Fang Xiangxue wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and replied, "The evening before yesterday... I was at home the evening before yesterday, and I was chopping wood at home."

"Simple things like this have to lie, then look at this." Lin Chen said, and picked up something from the table. .


1111 Of course it is confirmed [2 more for subscription]

The thing that Lin Chen picked up was a mobile phone. In this mobile phone, the clues provided by the villagers when visiting and investigating the villagers were stored.

Lin Chen opened the video, and then put the phone screen in front of the orientation school.

In the video, the policeman said, "Did you see the orientation study in the evening the day before yesterday?"

The villager replied: "Yes, the TV show I watched started at noon and ended at four o'clock in the afternoon. After watching the TV show the day before yesterday, I walked out of the house and saw the direction to learn to ride a motorcycle towards I went outside the village, and I wanted to say hello to him, but he was riding too fast and didn't have time."

The policeman said, "Are you sure?"

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