The villagers responded: "Of course it's confirmed, what's the matter, why are you asking this question?"

When the video was played here, Lin Chen pressed the pause button and stopped playing.

Lin Chen looked at the direction to learn, and said, "You were chopping firewood at home the night before yesterday? Why did this villager say that he saw you leaving the village on an 11 motorcycle at four o'clock?"

"I..." After learning the direction, he stuttered, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Bang." Li Guoyi slammed his fist on the table in front of Xiangxue and shouted, "Say, why are you hesitating? Are you going to make up a lie?"

"Comrade police, I didn't make up a lie." Xiang Xue said busyly: "I have a bad memory, I am just recalling, the night before yesterday evening, whether I was at home chopping firewood or riding a motorcycle to go out, I really It's just a memory."

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "Do you remember it now?"

"I remember it." Fang Xue nodded his head and replied: "This person in my village is right. In the evening of the day before yesterday, I did go out on a motorcycle. Chopping firewood was a matter of the day before yesterday. I am a person. Bad memory, confused."

"Don't have a good memory?" Lin Chen smiled slightly, and didn't care about Orientation's defense. He said, "At four o'clock the night before yesterday, where did you go after you left the village? Why did you go out?"

Fang Xiangxue said: "The evening of the day before yesterday... The evening of the day before yesterday, I... The salt in my house was gone, and there was no commissary in the village, so I went out to buy salt."

Lin Chen said, "Which store did you go to buy it, and where is the location? How much did you spend on how many packets of salt you bought?"

Fang Xue's forehead was sweating, and he replied, "That's right... I just bought it from a random store. I bought it casually that day, and I forgot which store. I bought two packs of salt and spent five dollars."

"Now I want you to find the store where you bought the salt, can you find it?" Lin Chen asked with a half-smile.

The fingers of the direction learner kept moving and said, "It should be... It should be possible... It can be found."

Lin Chen said, "What about after buying the salt?"

The direction theory said: "I'll go home after buying the salt."

"What time do you go home?"

"I didn't check the time. Anyway, after I bought the salt, I went back. It might be less than five o'clock."

"Have you gone out again after buying salt and going home?"

"No, no going out, nothing, I don't go out at night."

When Lin Chen heard the answer from Xiang Xue, he immediately turned on the phone in his hand and said, "Look at this video again."

The video recording of the questioning of another villager on the mobile phone was opened. The villager in the video said that at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, he saw Xiang Xue Xue riding a motorcycle into the village.

After the video was played, Lin Chen said, "I only asked you two questions, and you lied twice. Orientation, do you have too many flaws?"

Xiang Xue stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead and said, "Maybe... maybe he misread it. At seven or eight the night before yesterday, I... I was at home."

Lin Chen sneered and said, "Wrong reading? Orientation, but two or three villagers saw the village you went back to at seven or eight o'clock in the evening. These two or three people were all wrong? Besides, you went to buy salt the day before yesterday. Yan didn't go out, who can testify for you?"

"Can your wife and children testify for you? Xiangxue, your wife doesn't know about your murder of your father. She can't give you perjury if you didn't testify with her."

Every word of Lin Chen made Fang Xue's face a bit ugly. His performance has already explained the problem. Without conclusive evidence, he can only take it step by step to break through all the thoughts of resistance in his heart, so as to let him Admit the crime committed.

Orientation stopped talking, or rather, he didn't know how to justify it.

He lowered his head slightly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and his body was shaking slightly.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "You went to Xiaoshan Reservoir on a motorcycle at about four o'clock the night before yesterday and killed your biological father Fang Dongshan, but you lied here and said that you bought two packs when you went out. Salt, direction learning, lies don’t come out of your mouth, if you don’t prepare in advance, the lies you say will definitely be full of loopholes.”

Fang Xue said in a low voice, "I... I may have misremembered. The day before yesterday, it seemed that I actually left the village around four o'clock, and then returned to the village at seven or eight o'clock."

Seeing the orientation study, Lin Chen was not in a hurry and asked him, "You left the village at four o'clock and returned to the village at seven or eight o'clock. Where have you been during the time you left the village?"

The direction school replied: "I didn't go anywhere, just because I was in a bad mood, I rode a motorcycle around the country road."

"Did you go to Xiaoshan Reservoir 483?" Lin Chen asked.

"No, I didn't go." Orientation replied.

Lin Chen said: "You lied, we found a witness. The witness is a villager who lives near Xiaoshan Reservoir. He saw you driving a motorcycle to Xiaoshan Reservoir in the evening the day before yesterday."

Zheng Yong shook his head and sighed: "Orientation, useless lies are really unnecessary. From Mr. Lin's interrogation to the present, every answer you answered is a lie."

"I didn't..." Orientation's voice was very small, but he still refused to admit it.

Lin Chen said: "You killed your father with your own hands. It's not that you can cover up the past without a word. Learn from the direction. Last night, when we salvaged your father's body in the river, I felt a little bit of you at that time. suspicious."

"At that time, you didn't dare to look at your father's eyes at all, and even took off your shirt and covered his face. I noticed that when you took off your clothes and covered your father's face, you relaxed slightly. In one breath."

"You dare not look your father in the eyes and take off your clothes to cover his face, which fits well with the psychological guilt of kinship crimes."

Fang Xiangxue defended: "I dare not look at my dad's face and cover his face with clothes, out of distress."

Lin Chen said: "It hurts? Well, then are you filial to your father?".


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After hearing Lin Chen's question, Xiang Xiangxue said, "Of course I'm filial. My father wants to work at the reservoir, but I don't want to. He insisted on going, so I let him go. Usually when I have time, I will go to the reservoir to see him, last night..."

When Orientation said a few words last night, he paused slightly and did not continue to speak.

"What happened last night?" Lin Chen asked him.

Xiang Xue's eyes looked elsewhere, but he didn't look at Lin Chen, and said, "It's nothing, in short, I treat my father well, and I have a clear conscience towards him."

"What a clear conscience." Lin Chen smiled and picked up a photo.

This photo is of the wooden house where Fang Dongshan lives, the big hole in the roof of the bedroom.

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