Lin Chen pointed to the photo and said, "You often go to see your father. Are you familiar with this big hole in his bedroom?"

"According to my observation and judgment, this big hole has existed for at least half a year. If this hole is not repaired, rainwater will fall into the house, litter will fall in, and snakes, insects, rats and ants will also pass through the hole. Climb in."

"Xiangxue, you are quite a filial person. Why does this hole exist for more than half a year, and you don't help your father to repair it. Your filial piety is pretending?"

"I..." Xiang Xue's eyes saw the photo in Lin Chen's hand, and he didn't know how to refute Lin Chen's words.

"Obviously he's an unfilial son, and he has to pretend to be in front of outsiders." Lin Chen shook his head and learned from the other side: "Except that we have evidence and physical evidence to prove that you are the murderer, do you know which point made you completely exposed? ?"

When Xiang Xue heard the words, he immediately raised his head and looked at Lin Chen without saying a word.

Lin Chen looked at him and said slowly, "When you just said that you were filial, you mentioned a few words last night, but didn't continue to say '"."

"Guangxue, you want to say that you bought two bags of fruit for your father last night, didn't you?"

Xiangxue still didn't speak, Lin Chen continued: "Your biggest flaw lies in the two bags of fruit you bought for your father last night, you said you were a dutiful son, you said you had a clear conscience to your father, you Father has diabetes for [-] years, don't you know?"

"According to the autopsy and medical records transferred from the hospital, your father's current physical condition means that he can't eat bananas and longan at all."

"But you bought these two kinds of fruit last night. Why, why did you buy the fruit that your father couldn't eat, and said you bought it specially for him?"

"The reason is very simple. Before you buy the fruit, you already know that your father is dead, and it is impossible for him to eat the fruit you bought, so you buy it at will."

Xiang Xue was stunned and did not speak. Lin Chen looked at him and said, "Why don't you explain this to us?"

"I..." Xiang Xue said a word of "I", but did not say the following words.

Zheng Yong snorted at Xiang Xue: "Direction Xue, don't you plead guilty? Are you ready to speak hard?"

Fang Xue didn't respond to Zheng Yong's words, Lin Chen said, "Fang Xue, in fact, when you saw me by the river last night, you already recognized me, didn't you?"

Lin Chen's words not only made Xiang Xue stunned for a moment, but Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue and the others in the interrogation room also looked at each other.

Lin Chen has solved many cases. In the public security system, there are many people who know him, but ordinary people don't know much about Lin Chen. After all, not everyone is interested in unsolved murder cases. aspect.

Lin Chen said that Fang Xue recognized him by the river last night. Although he was a little surprised, he was not surprised. Maybe, Fang Xue had read the news report about Lin Chen.

"What do you mean?" Orientation's voice was hoarse.

Lin Chen smiled and said: "After you killed your father, your whole person was relaxed and not too tense. When you went to the market to buy fruit to pretend, you didn't consider your father's diabetes, and bought fruit that he couldn't touch. ."

"However, when you met me for the first time, your eyes were a little weird. After that, after entering the reservoir together, you sneaked into the wooden house while we were chasing others in the woods and took the house. Everything about diabetes that we later searched the house and didn't know from anything in the house that your father had diabetes."

"You will take away those diabetes-related drugs, and you don't want us to know that your dad has diabetes, but you realize that the fruit you bought is not right, and you are suddenly so clever because you know me, know me, and you are afraid that I will I found out that you are the real murderer."

"Orientation, right?"

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Xiang Xue's lips trembled, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and the others looked at each other. They had been discussing before, why did Xiang Xue suddenly realize that there was something wrong with the fruit he bought, and took the opportunity to run to take away the things about diabetes in the wooden house.

They have a lot of speculations. For example, the drug for diabetes was thrown by Fang Dongshan before, and the direction is to learn from this old man.

Judging from the reaction of the direction school at the moment, Lin Chen seems to have guessed correctly. He knows Lin Chen and knows that Lin Chen has solved many unsolved cases. After seeing Lin Chen, his originally relaxed mood became tense.

Under tension, he recalled the process of committing the crime, thinking about whether there were any flaws, and then realized the problem that his father could not eat the fruit he bought.

Lin Chen said: "...Xiangxue, your reaction has basically told me the answer. Originally, before your father was killed the night before yesterday, I had two speculations, one was that Wu Wenlei (you Li Hao) was bullying your father. When it happened, you hid in a corner of the reservoir and watched, and then came up with the idea of ​​framing it and killing your father."

"The other is that after Wu Wenlei left, you came. Your father made gnocchi soup for you and told you about him and Wu Wenlei. When you listened to him, the idea of ​​killing your father came up."

"According to the certificate provided by the villagers that you left the village, it was the second situation at that time."

"Now, let me reason, the day before yesterday, what happened to your crime."

Lin Chen paused for a moment and began to narrate. He said, "At four o'clock in the evening the day before the school, you rode a motorcycle, left the village, and went to the reservoir where your father worked."

"After you arrived at the reservoir, there was no one in the reservoir except your father. When your father saw you coming, he left you for dinner in the reservoir. He cooked a big pot of gnocchi soup. he……".


1113 Breaking the Defense Line [2 More Subscriptions]

Lin Chen said, "When your father was cooking gnocchi soup, he told you that he was pushed into the water by Wu Wenlei and was bullied by Wu Wenlei."

"Your father Fang Dongshan should have told you all the details at the time. He told you that because he wanted you to help him out of his anger, but because you owe the casino usury, you are full of money, and your heart is wrong. The idea of ​​killing your father came up."

Lin Chen looked at the direction of study, and then said: "Your father has been suffering from diabetes for nearly [-] years. You said that you did not let him work in the reservoir. It was he who insisted on working. In fact, it was not that he was so daring and wanted to persevere. , because of his illness, he needs money to invest every month, and it is entirely up to you, you are under too much pressure."

"Your father's salary may not be enough to cover his illness, and you need to put some money into it."

"At that time, you might be thinking that as long as your father is dead, the money you owe from loan sharks will be settled. First, the owner of the reservoir will compensate you, and then put the blame on Wu Wenlei, and Wu Wenlei will also lose money. You After your father dies, you don't need to pay for his illness anymore."

"Three birds with one stone, the death of your father will be of great benefit to 500 you, so you made up your mind that you tricked your father into him before you even started to eat that pot of gnocchi soup. The position that conflicted with Wu Wenlei before."

"I don't know what reason you used to lie to your father, but when you got there, you pressed your father's head into the water with your own hands and drowned him alive."

When he said this, Lin Chen's tone was a little dignified: "Xiangxue, can you tell me what it feels like when a son kills his father with his own hands?"

The body of the direction learner has already been shivering like a sieve.

Lin Chen's words brought tears to his eyes.

Lin Chen's eyes were very penetrating. Orientation raised his head and looked at Lin Chen. After seeing the confidence in Lin Chen's eyes, he finally burst into tears.

Lin Chen has been using various means and words to break through the inner defense line of Orientation Learning, making him think that he has enough evidence and grasps all the keys to the case.

Because I couldn't find any conclusive evidence, I could only use this method to break through the inner defense line.

(bbai) Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief the moment he saw the direction school cry.

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