He knows that the inner defense line of Orientation has been broken, and he has been disguising himself. In the past few days, his inner pressure has been extremely great.

His cry is also venting the inner pressure of these days.

"Why, why, isn't that the death of a dying person, why don't you let me go..." Xiangxue burst into tears.

Hearing what he said, Lin Chen frowned slightly and said, "A person who is dying? If you don't drown your father, he can still live."

"No." Fang Xue stared at Lin Chen with blood-red eyes, and shouted, "Even if I didn't kill him, he won't be alive for a long time. I create value and let me pay off those loan sharks."

It's hard to imagine a son saying such things after killing his father.

As Lin Chen said, with this kind of virtue learned from the direction, calling him a beast, beasts are not happy, why insult the word beast.

Li Guo scolded directly: "Xiangxue, are you still a fucking person? Use your biological father's life to create value? Why don't you create value by dying?"

Xiang Xiangxue glared at Li Guo and shouted: "I still have a wife and children, I am dead, what should I do with my wife and children? My father is a burden to our family, and he has burdened me for many years. He died. , can let me sit and collect money, how good, how good? Hahaha..."

The direction learned talking and laughed.

In the interrogation room, the strange laughter of the direction school echoed. After he laughed for a while, the laughter turned into a cry, and he burst into tears.

Shen Yue looked at the crying direction study, and then looked at Lin Chen, thinking that it was fortunate that the boss noticed the details of the fruit, otherwise he would have missed the wolf-hearted guy in the direction study.

After Xiang Xue cried and laughed for a while, he told the whole story of his crime.

When Xiang Xue was young, because of Fang Dongshan's bad temper, he often beat and scolded his mother. Finally, his mother couldn't stand that kind of beating and scolding, so he secretly ran away from home and never came back.

Since then, Orientation has lived with Fang Dongshan.

When Fang Dongshan was young, he had a bad temper. After he beat his wife away, there was no one to beat him, so he started to learn.

To say that the most profound memory of Fang Dongshan since childhood was Fang Dongshan's powerful slap. Fang Dongshan did not know how many slaps he had received since he was a child.

As he grows older, Fang Dongshan's temper has subsided, and he will no longer beat and scold Fang Xue, but Fang Dong Shan always harbors resentment in Xiang Xue's heart.

He felt that he had hurt him without the care of his mother since he was a child, and that he always beat himself when he was a child.

After Fang Dongshan learned to make money, Fang Dongshan's diabetes gradually became serious, and Fang Dongshan couldn't do many things.

Xiangxue has always been reluctant to give money to his father to see a doctor. After he got married, his wife also showed reluctance, feeling that Fang Dongshan was a burden.

Fang Dongshan became more and more disobedient to him as he got older, but he didn't want to be gossiped by outsiders, so he would still pretend to be in front of outsiders.

As Lin Chen speculated, Fang Dongshan would stay in the reservoir to work, and he was not afraid of loneliness because of his illness.

Fang Dongshan needed money to see a doctor, but his son and daughter-in-law ignored him, so he could only rely on himself.

For Fang Dongshan to go to see the reservoir, he is very happy with the orientation study. His father has a job, which can greatly reduce his financial burden.

Originally, by working on the construction site and being thrifty, I could still make a little money all year round.

He and his wife also have a small savings, and they can get by.

But just a while ago, after being taken to the casino to play twice in the direction of the school, he was caught by the casino's routine, and the whole person fell into it. usury.

I borrowed it from relatives and friends in the direction of learning. Because of his poor personality, no one lent him.

No money to pay usury, which made him extremely distressed.

So, at four o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, he went to Xiaoshan Reservoir by bicycle, and wanted his father to think of a way for him. .


1114 Fishing Platform【Subscribe】

The direction learned to find a way to find his father Fang Dongshan, but there was no way to do it.

Relatives and friends were reluctant to lend him money, and he lost all the savings at home, and the casino also gave him a deadline for repaying the money.

If the money is not paid off within the deadline, the casino guy will have to chop off his hand first.

Fang Xue knew the power of the casino in the county seat, and did not dare to doubt whether they dared to do so.

He rode a motorcycle and went to the Xiaoshan Reservoir. After arriving at the Xiaoshan Reservoir, he saw his father sitting at the door of the log cabin, his head drooping, and his clothes were wet.

Direction Xue stopped the motorcycle and walked towards Fang_dongshan.

Fang Dongshan, who was sitting on the stool, saw his son coming, and he also stood up from the stool.

Fang Dongshan asked Fang Dongshan: "What's wrong with you? Are your clothes so wet and sweaty?"

Fang Dongshan scolded loudly. Of course, he was not scolding his own son, but Wu Wenlei, who was in conflict with him.

During the abuse, Fang Dongshan explained the situation at that time in detail to his son's direction, and said that he couldn't swallow this breath, and he must find that Wu Wenlei to settle the account.

Because Wu Wenlei used to go fishing in Xiaoshan Reservoir, Fang Dongshan learned from some fishing enthusiasts and Wu Wenlei that Wu Wenlei's family conditions are very good, and he has two money in his pocket.

In the process of telling the story of being bullied by Wu Wenlei, Fang Dongshan also mentioned Wu Wenlei's economic situation, saying that he is a guy who likes to pretend when he is rich.

After finishing speaking, Fang Dongshan said to Xiang Xiangxue: "Son, I can't swallow this breath, you have to help me clean him up."

When Xiang Xue listened to Fang Dongshan's words, what he thought in his mind was not how to vent his anger for his father, but the idea of ​​killing Fang Dongshan and making his death generate huge economic value.

After having this idea in his mind, Fang Xue also felt that he was crazy, but when he thought about how he would be chopped off if he didn't pay usury loans, and how his father treated him when he was a child, this idea became more and more intense.

So, Fang Xue kept calm and said, "Dad, tell me more about the process at that time. There was a person on the other side watching Wu Wenlei bullying you, but that person left soon, didn't he?"

Fang Dongshan said: "Yes, that person often came to the reservoir to fish, and his name was Zhang or something. After he left, Wu Wenlei's bastard also left. You and him are the front and back."

At that time, Fang Dongshan was still thinking about it when he said this.

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