It would have been better if Wu Wenlei had gone one step later, so that when his son came, he could take his son and find him to settle accounts.

The father and son walked into the wooden house while talking.

It was getting late, Fang Dongshan was about to make dinner, and his son came and ate with him.

Fang Dongshan usually eats very frugally. He asked his son what he wanted to eat, and the orientation said it was casual.

So Fang Dongshan made his best gnocchi soup. His son came to see him today, which made him very happy. Usually, his son rarely came.

After Fang Dongshan prepared the gnocchi soup, he steamed the few wild eggs he picked up from the mountains for his son to eat, and supplemented his son's nutrition.

Because there is a direction to learn, that pot of gnocchi soup is also cooked in a relatively large portion.

Just when Fang Dongshan cooked the gnocchi soup and was about to cook it, he thought about the direction and suddenly opened his mouth.

He said to Fang Dongshan, "Dad, where did Wu Wenlei bully you just now?"

Fang Dongshan: "It's right next to the fishing platform."

Xiang Xiangxue said: "Don't be in a hurry to eat, take me there first, fuck, this Wu Wenlei dares to bully you, I really don't want to live."

When Fang Dongshan heard his son's words, he was very useful in his heart, and felt that his son was caring for himself and filial to himself.

So Fang Dongshan didn't go to get the wild eggs.

When he walked to that position, Fang Xue's heart no longer struggled whether or not to kill his father.

My father was tortured by diabetes, and sometimes he had to pay him to see a doctor and buy medicine by himself. Compared with other people who were tortured to death by diabetes, it is better to let his death bring economic value to himself.

The direction of learning is very clear. As long as Fang Dongshan dies, he can get rid of this burden in the future. Fang Dongshan died in the reservoir. He works for the reservoir owner and can ask the reservoir owner for a sum of money.

· · Flowers

In the end, it was Wu Wenlei who bullied his father. This guy in a good family couldn't run away either.

After walking to the place where Fang Dongshan had a conflict with Wu Wenlei, Fang Dongshan pointed to the side of the fishing platform and said, "It's here, he pushed me into the water and wants to continue to beat me."

Without any warning from Fang Dongshan, Orientation School suddenly attacked him.

Xiang Xue stretched out his hand, pinched the back of Fang Dongshan's head, and pressed Fang Dongshan's head into the water.

After so many years of work on the construction site, Xiang Xue has cultivated his strength long ago, and his strength is very strong.

Fang Dongshan, who is old and sick, can't resist the strength of orientation.


Fang Dongshan was struggling in the water, and the water and sand choked into his nostrils.

Perhaps, in the short period of time when he was about to die, he was extremely puzzled in his heart. He didn't know why his son did this to him, and he didn't know if his son was playing with him.

During Fang Dongshan's struggle, his body gradually stopped moving. Orientation kept pressing Fang Dongshan's head underwater, from the shallow shore to a deeper position.

After a full six or seven minutes, after confirming that Fang Dongshan was dead, Fang Xue let go of the sinful hand.

When a person just died, because the density of the body is greater than that of water, it will sink and sink to the bottom of the water.

The corpse will not float up until it is decomposed and swollen, and its density is less than that of water.

Xiang Xiangxue looked at Fang Dongshan's sinking corpse, he said to himself: "Don't blame me, you can't blame me, for me, for your daughter-in-law, for your grandson and granddaughter, you can only use you in exchange for the greatest As long as I get the money, I will definitely burn more paper money for you every Qingming Festival in the future."

After talking to himself nervously in the direction, he walked from the water to the shore and stood there for a long time.

His stay was not because he blamed himself for killing his father, but because he was afraid that Fang Dongshan had not died completely.

After a long time, none of the corpses that sank in the water floated up, and then the orientation school left.

On the way back, he had already thought about the direction, and tomorrow he would pretend to come to the reservoir. .


1115 Treated wooden house [2 more for subscription]

When I go to the reservoir tomorrow, I can see Fang Dongshan's body floating up from the bottom of the water.

At that time, Xiang Xue pretended to be heartbroken, salvaged the body, and held the reservoir owner and Wu Wenlei accountable.

Xiangxue thought very naively at first. From the owner of the reservoir, the compensation he can get is limited, but from Wu Wenlei, he is ready to make a fortune.

He was going to let the owner of the reservoir and Wu Wenlei take the money obediently by saying that he would not call the police and not make the matter bigger, so that he could pay off the loan sharks himself.

If Wu Wenlei does not give the money, then call the police and put the blame for the murder on his head.

That night, Xiang Xue thought about a lot of countermeasures, how to get money, and how to make himself not in danger.

When he returned home, his daughter-in-law also noticed that his "May [-]" was a little abnormal, and asked him what was wrong, but Xiang Xue did not tell his wife about it.

After the second day, Xiang Xue went out to work normally, and when he returned from work, he went to the market and bought two bags of fruit.

He bought bananas and longan. Fang Dongshan's physical condition cannot eat these two fruits, but the son of Xiangxue loves them.

When Xiangxue was buying fruit, he already knew that Fang Dongshan was dead. The two fruits he bought were for pretense, and then they were taken home for the children to eat, so it was not a waste.

After buying the fruit, he got on a motorcycle and headed towards Xiaoshan Reservoir.

While driving on the road by the river, he ran into Lin Chen and the others. After seeing the salvaged body of Fang Dongshan, Xiang Xue was shocked.

In his plan, the corpse should be floating on the water surface of the reservoir. How could it have floated here along the river?

At the same time, Orientation also saw Lin Chen standing next to the corpse.

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