After seeing Lin Chen, his heart was even more shocked.

Before, when he was watching the news, he saw the case that Lin Chen solved. On TV, Lin Chen's reasoning and case-solving ability were admired by everyone who saw it.

It is rare to have solved so many cases at such a young age.

Xiang Xiang learned to use his mobile phone to surf the Internet. He knew that Lin Chen was such a person.

What Ling Xiangxue did not expect was that the detective Lin Chen on the TV actually appeared in front of him, and Lin Chen salvaged his father's body.

After the horror, Xiang Xue hugged his father's body and cried bitterly. He would cry bitterly, and part of it was nervous after seeing Lin Chen.

Lin Chen is very good at solving cases on TV. What if he knows that the person killed himself?

At the time of the orientation study, his heart was a mess. Out of the guilt of his relatives for committing the crime, he did not dare to look at Fang Dongshan's face, so he took off his clothes and covered his face.

When Xiang Xue took Lin Chen to Xiaoshan Reservoir, he was extremely nervous in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it too clearly.

Orientation tried to behave as normal as possible. When he got to the reservoir, he thought of a terrible problem.

In order to pretend to be filial, I said that the two bags of fruit hanging on the motorcycle were specially bought for my father to eat.

But my father's diabetes can't touch these two kinds of fruits at all.

If Lin Chen and the others knew that their father had severe diabetes and they noticed the problem with fruit, wouldn't it be over?

When leading Lin Chen to the wooden house, the heart of the direction school was about to jump out of his throat.

Because on the wall of the wooden house, there is a bag that his father specially put in diabetes medicines and syringes. There are medical records in the bag. As long as Lin Chen and the others see the bag and the medical records, they will reveal their contents.

When the direction study was about to despair, fortunately, there were people hiding in the woods, and Lin Chen ran to chase the people hiding in the woods.

Then, when Lin Chen and the others were attracted by the people in the woods, Xiangxue sneaked into the cabin and took the bag containing the diabetes medicine.

Fang Dongshan likes to keep things organized. For convenience, all the things related to diabetes drugs are in that bag.

After Xiangxue took the bag, Lin Chen and the others would not see from the things in the room that Fang Dongshan was suffering from diabetes.

Fang Dongxue insisted that Fang Dongshan could not have stumbled into the water and died. He killed him, and it was also to divert the focus. It made people think that if he insisted so much, no one would suspect that he was the murderer. The murderer wanted to alert the police. where is the murderer . .

The two days of orientation study were spent in anxiety, because Lin Chen was involved in this case.

With the mentality of fluke, he hopes that Wu Wenlei can be a scapegoat, and at the same time be responsible, he has to lose money.

He and the owner of the reservoir have also discussed the issue of compensation. The owner of the reservoir gave the money very easily, and the money will be transferred to his account tomorrow.

It's just a pity that Xiangxue can't go to the bank to get that money tomorrow, and he will pay a heavy price for what he did.

After Fang Xue finished telling the whole process of committing the crime, the whole person had already stopped crying, but he was sitting limply on the chair, without any strength.

In the interrogation room, many police officers scolded Xiang Xue, the beast who killed his father. Fang Xue was like a stone and could not listen to the scolds of the police officers.

Lin Chen looked at the direction and said, "After you killed your father the day before yesterday, you should have dealt with the wooden house?"

Xiang Xue said weakly: "I have seen several of your case-solving videos before, and I know a little bit of anti-reconnaissance awareness. After I killed my father, I wiped off the fingerprints left on him. When he struggled, I didn't Let his hand catch me."

"When people are struggling, their hands will be scratched everywhere. You police officers know this. If I was scratched by my father on 1.0, wouldn't it be too obvious?"

"Also, I also carefully wiped the place where I left fingerprints in the wooden house, and cleaned some places. I think I can rely on my father's death to successfully get a sum of money, but …”

When he said this, the voice of the direction school changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly looked at Lin Chen, and said: "But I didn't expect that I would meet you, you goddamn fellow, found me and killed me. Father's evidence, if it wasn't for you, I could get the compensation and live a good life."

"No." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Although Wu Wenlei is very suspicious of your father's death, after the police investigate, they will know that he is not the murderer. Even without me, the police will find you on the head. .".


1116 Case briefing [Subscribe]

Zheng Yong Li Guo and the other police officers in the house looked at each other after hearing Lin Chen's words.

Before, they suspected that Wu Wenlei was the murderer of Fang Dongshan. Although Wu Wenlei's calmness made them puzzled and shaken their hearts a bit, Wu Wenlei's suspicion was there, and he didn't have an alibi. The interrogation will go into depth.

Fang Dongshan suffers from diabetes, severe diabetes. In this regard, the forensic doctor of the Public Security Bureau should see the medical records of the hospital before Lin Chen.

Last night, the forensic doctor also followed Li Guo and the others to the scene, and also saw two bags of fruit hanging on the motorcycle of the orientation school.

However, after the forensic doctor learned that Fang Dongshan was suffering from diabetes, he did not pay attention to this, nor did he notice that the two fruits that Xianxue bought were not right.

It was Lin Chen, who noticed the small details of how to buy fruit in the direction of learning, as well as some questionable little actions of the direction of learning, and thus determined that the 11 of the direction of learning was the murderer.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and the others asked themselves, without Lin Chen, they would not be able to find out what was wrong with the two bags of fruit. Even if they finally found out about the orientation, they would not be able to avoid many detours and waste a lot of time.

There can be like now, the body was found last night, and now the real murderer has been found.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and the police officers in the interrogation room admired Lin Chen's ability to observe. In a case, sometimes a small detail can determine success or failure.

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Xiangxue said: "I know that others call you a detective, if it wasn't for you bastard who found evidence of my killing of my father, it is estimated that these policemen would not suspect me. "

Lin Chen smiled slightly, stared at the direction study, and said, "the direction study, there is something, I forgot to tell you."

Lin Chen's tone and expression on his face were a little weird, and he frowned as he looked at the direction school, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Actually, if you don't plead guilty, we have no evidence to convict you at all."

In the direction of despair in his heart, after hearing Lin Chen's words, his eyes widened suddenly, his lips trembled, and he said tremblingly: "You, you... What did you say?"

Lin Chen looked at the emotional direction and said, "When you drown your father, don't let his struggling hand catch you, wipe off the fingerprints on the corpse, and get rid of the traces and fingerprints that you have been here in the wooden house, do everything. It was perfect, our police found no evidence on the body, at the crime scene, or in the wooden house that would convict you."

"Because the Xiaoshan Reservoir is remote, including the fact that I said someone saw you entering and exiting the Xiaoshan Reservoir, it is also false. If you bite yourself to death, you are not the murderer. Without any conclusive evidence, we really have nothing to do with you."

"But, you have the guts to kill your father, but you don't have the brain to plead guilty."

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