The reason why Lin Chen said these words was because he felt that Orientation was too ruthless, and he could drown his father by himself for money. One can imagine what kind of person he is.

These words will immerse Orientation School in endless regret and anguish, and the uncomfortable life is better than death.

Regret why he believed what he said had evidence, and annoyed why he didn't continue to insist and let the police come up with the evidence first.

If you persist, if you are smarter, you can be exempted from criminal responsibility, and you don't need to be responsible for your father's death.

Fang Xue had just explained his entire crime and the reasons in detail. Everyone in the interrogation room watched and listened, and several cameras in the interrogation room recorded the process.

Even if he now knows that the police have no evidence, he can't plead guilty.

"What? What? What?" Xiangxue said three things in a row, and his eyes were full of disbelief: " police, there evidence at all?"

"Yes." Lin Chen responded lightly with a smile on his face: "You didn't leave any evidence at the scene, and you dealt with the corpse, the scene, and the wooden house. Your anti-reconnaissance awareness played a role, and we didn't find it. Anything that convicts you."

When Lin Chen's voice fell, Zheng Yong also said: "Mr. Lin is right. Before our police, there was no conclusive evidence, but now, there is."

"Ah ah ah..." Xiang Xue was about to stand up from the interrogation chair suddenly, and he was about to pounce on Lin Chen with his teeth and claws. With that look and movement, he wanted to tear Lin Chen to pieces.

It's just that he was locked in the interrogation chair and couldn't approach Lin Chen at all.

The police officers in the interrogation room had just heard Fang Xue say that his father's life was so insignificant, and felt that killing his father in exchange for a sum of money was a matter of course.

But now, seeing Xiang Xue's frantic appearance, their hearts are much more at ease.

"You don't have evidence, you don't have evidence, ah ah..." Xiang Xue roared and burst into tears.

Lin Chen said: "It is very brave to have the courage to kill the biological father, why are you crying?"

Orientation was even more angry, his face flushed red, his fist slammed on the interrogation chair, he shouted: "He is my father, if I kill it, I will kill him, his old life, If you don't kill him, you will die, can you control it? Can you fucking control it? Ahhhh..."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I may not be able to control it, but the law can control it."

453 After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't bother to learn more about the direction of the wolf-hearted, so he turned around and walked towards the interrogation room.

Seeing this, Shen Yue glanced in the crazy direction to learn, followed behind Lin Chen, and walked outside.

Orientation is still very excited, the interrogation chair was deformed by him, and his strength is really not to talk about.

Several police officers stepped forward immediately and brought it under control.

Zheng Yong said to Li Guodao: "Tomorrow morning, I will take him to the identification site, arrange the materials, and send it to the procuratorate."

"Yes." Li Guo nodded, indicating that he understood.

After Zheng Yong said something to Li Guo, he also walked out of the interrogation room.

After coming outside, Zheng Yong said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, now the murderer of the case has been found, and the case has finally been solved. I'll be the host tonight, let's have a late-night snack together."

Facing Zheng Yong's invitation, Lin Chen waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need for Zheng Bureau, my friend and I have made an appointment to have dinner together."

Seeing Lin Chen's refusal, Zheng Yong said, "Then tomorrow, I will hold a briefing on the case. After the briefing, I will hold a celebration banquet."

Lin Chen still smiled lightly and said, "I will leave Xuanbei County tomorrow, you can just celebrate."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he left with Shen Yue. .


1117 Not so fast [2 more subscriptions]

Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen who was leaving, and sighed slightly.

He wanted to get along with Lin Chen more, and it was best to establish a little friendship, but looking at Lin Chen like this, he didn't give himself a chance to get close.

After Zheng Yong watched Lin Chen and Shen Yue leave the Public Security Bureau, he turned around and went back to his office to deal with things.


Shen Yue sat in the passenger seat of the black Maserati, she asked Lin Chen while wearing her seat belt: "Boss, tomorrow is the case briefing, it's on the news, you helped the police in our county solve the case, why not Are you attending?"

When Shen Yue said this, she stopped. In fact, she still didn't say a word, that is, this is something to show off.

Lin Chen started the car and smiled lightly: "The case is not too difficult, it will be solved as soon as it is solved. Besides, I am not interested in participating in any case briefings for the time being."

After Shen Yue heard the words, she nodded slightly. Now that the boss is a big boss with tens of billions of dollars, he doesn't care much if there is no such small limelight.

When they had dinner before, the two agreed to have a supper together tonight.

This supper was eaten at a food stall in a remote location with a very general environment. Lin Chen asked Shen Yue to recommend it. After Shen Yue asked her cousin, her cousin said that it is good here.

Shen Yue's cousin and his cousin's friends were already waiting for Lin Chen and Shen Yue at this food stall.

Shen Xiaofeng was still leaning on crutches, his friend Guan Yuanxin, the guy who had an idea for Shen Yue at first, but after knowing Lin Chen's existence, he completely dispelled that idea.

Guan Yuanxin took the initiative to ask to come with him. After going back last night, he went to the Internet to check Lin Chen again, and read the cases that Lin Chen solved.

He admires Lin Chen very much.

After Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin saw Lin Chen and Shen Yue get out of the car, they walked over together and greeted them warmly.

After being seated, Shen Xiaofeng asked Lin Chen, "Boss Lin, I heard from Xiaoyue that the murderers have been found in both murders.¨?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen gave a light grace.

Shen Yue said with a smile: "The two corpses found last night, the murderers who killed the two deceased today have all been found. If it weren't for the boss, the police in our county would not have been so quick."

Guan Yuanxin said on the side, "Of course, Mr. Lin is a detective. If he takes action, there must be no unsolvable case. After I went back last night, I watched a lot of documentaries about Mr. Lin. It's really..."

Guan Yuanxin was determined to make friends with Lin Chen, and when he spoke in front of Lin Chen, he couldn't help but compliment Lin Chen.

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