Lin Chen was unmoved when he heard Guan Yuanxin's flattering words.

Except for Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin, the few people who were fishing together yesterday were all there.

This is the first time Lin Chen has come to Xuanbei County, and he will be going back tomorrow. Since they are all willing to come, tonight can be regarded as an invitation to them for a meal, and it can be regarded as a farewell.

The sanitation of this food stall is not very good. The tables and chairs are old, and the floor is dark and full of oil stains. However, every dish brought by the food stall owner tastes very good, comparable to that in a star-rated hotel. the chef.

"Secret crayfish, please use it slowly."

The waiter at the food stall put a plate of crayfish with a strong aroma on the table.

After Shen Xiaofeng saw this plate of lobster, he immediately said: "Boss Lin, don't look at the location of this food stall, the taste of the food is really good, especially this secret lobster, you can try it, every time we Eating here is a must.”

Shen Yue bit her chopsticks lightly and said, "When I was on the phone with my cousin, he also told me that this fried crayfish is delicious, and I can finally try it today."

Lin Chen also said to taste it, then stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a crayfish, and put it into the bowl.

After the quick glass shell bit the white and tender crayfish meat, Lin Chen nodded slightly and praised: "It's really good, it's much better than the last time I ate in the magic sea."

After hearing Lin Chen's approval, Shen Xiaofeng immediately laughed.

Guan Yuanxin and the others also stretched out their chopsticks and picked up the plate of crayfish.

The crayfish was not small, but the meat on his body was only that little, a large plate of crayfish was eaten by Lin Chen and the others in a few moments.

Of course, if something tastes good, I would like to eat more. After finishing one plate, Shen Xiaofeng asked the boss of the food stall to prepare two more.

At this moment, Lin Chen's cell phone in his pocket rang.

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Xia Miaoyan who sent him a video invitation.

Lin Chen immediately pressed the answer button, and Xia Miaoyan's innocent and lovely face immediately appeared on the screen of her mobile phone.


It is Xia Miaoyan's patent to call Lin Chen a master, and Lin Chen is also used to her calling him that.

Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan on the screen and said, "Well, why did you send me a video today?"

Xia Miaoyan said with a smile, "you have been going to Xuanbei County for many days, and I would like to know when you will come back."

"... I'll be back tomorrow." Lin Chen said to Xia Miaoyan.

Hearing the words "tomorrow", Xia Miaoyan's eyes lit up: "tomorrow? Really?"

Lin Chen took a bite of the vegetable and stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "Why am I lying to you?"

"Okay, master, what time will you arrive tomorrow? I'll prepare food for you." Xia Miaoyan said.

Lin Chen said: "I don't know when to leave tomorrow, just prepare the meals. When will it arrive, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay." Xia Miaoyan nodded her head.

At this moment, Xia Miaoyan was in Lin Chen's villa. After Lin Chen and Shen Yue left Mohai and came to Xuanbei County, Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui lived in the villa.

Because they were afraid that the two of them would be lonely in such a big villa, Shen Qiu would drive to the villa after work every day to accompany Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui.

After Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan said a few words in the video, Shen Qiu also appeared in the video.

Shen Qiu's character is very straightforward, never (is Zhao Zhao) twisted, and after making a few jokes with Lin Chen, Shen Qiu told Lin Chen a few things about the company in the past two days.

It's all trivial matters. Shen Qiu spoke quickly, and Lin Chen listened to it.

Shen Yue, who was sitting next to Lin Chen, also leaned over and said a few words to Shen Qiu. Shen Qiu quietly winked at Shen Yue. Others might not understand what Shen Qiu meant by this action, but Shen Yue knew. of.

The meaning of elder sister Shen Qiu's eyes was to ask how she and Lin Chen were going. Shen Yue understood what elder sister meant, but she still pretended not to see it.

This video call will soon end.

The two secret crayfish ordered by Shen Xiaofeng also happened to be served.

After the supper, Lin Chen was going to pay, but Shen Xiaofeng and Guan Yuanxin were rushing to pay, so Lin Chen didn't bother to be polite to them, so he went.


PS: In the next case, there will be characters from Chinatown detectives. .


1118 Have you reached that step [3 more subscriptions]

After paying the money, Shen Xiaofeng, Guan Yuanxin and the others went home.

After watching Guan Yuanxin and the others drive away, Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue, and asked her, "Tomorrow, we are going back to the sea of ​​magic, do you want to take you back and sleep with your mother tonight?"

After Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she smiled and said, "Boss, how old am I, and I still sleep with my mother. It's alright. I'll go to the hotel with you as I did last night."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, and the two immediately got into the car and headed for the hotel where they were staying.

After arriving at the hotel, after parking the car, the two took the elevator to the top floor of the hotel.

Wang Xiaojun was afraid that Lin Chen would be angry because of his father's partner, but he arranged a luxury suite for Lin Chen.

After entering the luxury suite, Lin Chen was about to go to the bathroom to take a shower. The temperature was too high today, and the clothes on his body were wet and dry, and he felt very uncomfortable wearing them.

Shen Yue replaced the work that Xia Miaoyan had done before. When she saw Lin Chen preparing to take a bath, she hurriedly went to Lin Chen's backpack and took out Lin Chen's changed clothes from the backpack.

After Shen Yue went to the bathroom to put away her clothes, she said to Lin Chen, "Boss, all right, you can go wash."


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