As soon as you pass the toll booth and enter the flat and wide expressway, the sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high and the birds fly.


The black Maserati was speeding on the highway, and the cars driving on the highway were left behind by Lin Chen's car. . .

After being overtaken by Lin Chen, some car owners were a little unconvinced and wanted to race with Lin Chen, but after seeing Lin Chen's car, they gave up the idea.

After driving on the road for several hours, Shen Yue had already fallen asleep on her chair because of her tiredness last night.

Lin Chen is not sleepy, he is quite energetic, and the speed of the car has never slowed down. In some sections of roads without monitoring probes, Lin Chen directly overspeeds. With his driving skills, even if speeding, there will be no safety hazard. .

After driving for five or six hours, the sky had gradually darkened. Shen Yue, who had already woken up, took a bag of oranges from the back seat of the car and gave it to Lin Chen to eat.

After Lin Chen ate two bites of the oranges that Shen Yue had peeled, he asked her, "Will you be hungry? Stop at the service area to have something to eat when you are hungry."

Liu Yingmei prepared some food for Shen Yue, but it was cold. If she wanted to fill her stomach, it would be better to have it warm.

Shen Yue heard the words, touched her stomach, nodded and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly, we won't waste much time."

So, after the service area appeared in front, Lin Chen reduced his speed and drove towards the service area.

Lin Chen parked the car in the service area and was about to get out of the car to eat when the phone rang.

Lin Chen thought it was Xia Miaoyan calling for him, so he wanted to ask where he was.

But when he took out his phone, he saw that Pei Qian called him.

Lin Chen unfastened his seat belt, got out of the car, and pressed the answer button. 1.5

As soon as the call was connected, Pei Qian's voice came from the receiver: "Lin Chen, are you busy?"

"I was busy just now, driving on the highway, but I'm not busy now." Lin Chen responded.

Shen Yue also got out of the car, and after seeing Lin Chen on the phone with someone, she stood beside the car and didn't go anywhere else.

Lin Chen and Pei Qian chatted for a while, and then Pei Qian said, "I'm not calling you here."

"Oh?" Lin Chen heard something in Pei Qian's words and asked, "It wasn't you who was looking for me, but who was looking for me?"

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he heard some other voices on the phone. This voice should be that Pei Qian gave the phone to someone else.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I don't know, do you still remember me..." A man's voice came over the phone. .


1121 What's on my mind [6 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen heard the voice of the man over the phone, he instantly remembered who the voice belonged to.

I also know why the owner of this voice asked Pei Qian to call him.

Some time ago, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan went to visit Bixi Valley in Pingwang County, Xihang City. On the way back from the tour, they encountered a case of sinking a car at the bottom of the river.

In this case, the murderer was deeply hidden, and because of this case, Lin Chen and the others got to know Liu Jiankang and Liu Gang, the grandfather and grandson.

The old man Liu Jiankang was a witness to the car sinking case at the bottom of the river. When he finished his work in the field that night and was going home along the river, he heard a huge sound coming from the frozen river. The sound of falling water.

He saw a big hole in the ice, and also saw a figure running towards the shore, but because he had an opinion about the police, he didn't tell the police about it at first.

Lin Chen saw his hostility and dissatisfaction with the police, and knew that the old man should have suffered unfair treatment from the police.

Under questioning, Liu Jiankang stated that his son and daughter-in-law went out to buy medicine for him on 11 years ago, but he was deliberately run over to death by a car. At first, the police said that the driver was intentional and killed intentionally. Later, those police officers were suspended.

After changing a group of other police officers to handle the case of his son and daughter-in-law, there was a big change of 180, saying that the driver was not intentional.

Under the control of the murderer, the murder case of that year was over.

Lin Chen's promise to the old man Liu Jiankang was that he would re-investigate the case of that year, return his son and daughter-in-law's innocence, and bring the guy who deliberately drove a car to death and was still at large to justice.

The guy who drove a car to death on purpose was surnamed Gong, the head of a family in Xihang City, and his son was beaten up by Lin Chen in Bixi Valley, and he didn't even dare to let go.

Now Liu Jiankian asked Pei Qian to call him this call. Lin Chen calculated the time. It should be Liu Jiankang's son and daughter-in-law who died in the past. He made this call to thank himself.

Lin Chen said: "Remember, Mr. Liu Jiankang, the last investigation into the sinking of a car at the bottom of the river was the clue you provided. Your grandson Liu Gang found the victim's skull."

"It seems that Detective Lin has not forgotten my old bones." Liu Jiankian said with a trembling voice: "Detective Lin, thank you, thank you, more than ten years ago, the death of my son and daughter-in-law finally came to light. The police have already The guy who committed murder by car was arrested and sentenced to death... Detective Lin, I want to thank you in person, but you have left our county."

"I'll kowtow to you a few times over the phone, thank you for your kindness."

The son and daughter-in-law have been unjustly killed for more than ten years. With the help of Lin Chen, the truth is revealed. The powerful murderer of that year has also been arrested. Pei Qian also told Liu Jianjian that the murderer is very likely to be sentenced to death. Why not Let Liu Jiankang be grateful.

Before Lin Chen could say that he didn't need to kowtow, there were a few thuds of forehead colliding with the ground from the receiver.

Listening to that voice, Liu Jiankang's kowtow was still very strong.

"Uncle Liu, don't, forget about kowtowing, you..." Pei Qian hurriedly dragged old Liu Jiankang.

At the same time, Pei Qian also knew why Liu Jiankang was so grateful.

You must know that the murderer's power was not small back then, and he was able to reverse black and white. More than ten years later, the murderer's current power is even more terrifying.

If it wasn't for Lin Chen, it is estimated that Liu Jianjian would never have seen the murderer brought to justice in his life.

Sometimes, this is the helplessness of little people in this society.

Lin Chen said: "Uncle Liu, kowtow is serious. When I asked you about the sightings, I promised you to help you find out. You provide us with clues. I will return the truth to you back then, and you don't owe me anything. what."

"No, no, no..." Liu Jiankang's forehead had already knocked out a big bag, and he said seriously: "The clues I provided are trivial matters, Detective Lin, without you, I know that I would never have seen it in my life. When the murderer was caught, you were the benefactor of our family."

Liu Jiankang said many words of gratitude. Lin Chen knew that his heart was indeed full of gratitude and the excitement of waiting for the result for many years, so he let him express his gratitude.

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