After letting Liu Jiankang thank him for a while, Liu Jiankang returned the phone to Pei Qian.

Lin Chen said to Pei Qian, "Uncle Liu has finished talking to me, do you have anything to say to me?"

Pei Qian on the other side of the phone said, "Not yet. I'll call you later."

Pei Qian said no, but in fact there was, but with outsiders beside her, there were some things she couldn't say to Lin Chen.

"Okay." Lin Chen said a line and hung up the phone.

After putting away the phone, Lin Chen said to Shen Yue, "Let's go, let's go eat."

"Well." Shen Yue nodded, and walked towards the restaurant in the service area with who was behind Lin Chen.

The food in the expressway service area is not very delicious, but the good thing is that it is hot. For people who take a long bus ride, it is still very comfortable to eat some hot food.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue were in the service area, and after a simple dinner, they continued to set off.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Chen's cell phone rang.

Lin Chen thought it was Pei Qian calling, because Pei Qian said before that she would call herself later, but Shen Yue helped him pick up the phone to see, but it was Xia Miaoyan who called. 527

When Xia Miaoyan called, she naturally asked where Lin Chen was. Lin Chen said that it might take one or two o'clock tonight to get to Tianzeyuan's community.

After listening to it, Xia Miaoyan said, "Oh, one or two o'clock, well, I'll put Xiaohui to sleep in a while, and I'll wait for you in the living room."

Lin Chen said: "Miaoyan, no need, you go to sleep first."

"Master, it's alright." Xia Miaoyan said in a casual tone.

In this simple conversation between Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, something was wrong.

So Lin Chen asked, "Miaoyan, did something happen to you?"

Xia Miaoyan snorted, and then said, "No...No, what can happen to me, master, no."

Lin Chen said: "You can still deceive me, it's not right to hear your voice."

"Not really, I'm just a little sleepy." Xia Miaoyan said.

Seeing that Xia Miaoyan didn't say anything, Lin Chen didn't ask any further questions. After all, it was inconvenient to speak some words across the phone.

"Go to rest when you're sleepy, don't wait for us, be good." Lin Chen said.

When Xia Miaoyan heard the good word that Lin Chen said, she immediately gave her a kind word, and the voice was like a well-behaved kitten.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yue said, "Boss, I heard sister Miaoyan's tone, it seems like she has something on her mind.".


1122 pictures of mobile phones [7 more for subscription]

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Based on what I know about Miaoyan, she must have encountered something in her tone. Strange, your sister Shen Qiu goes to the villa to sleep every night. Okay, why do you have something on your mind today?"

"Or... I'll call my sister and ask?" Shen Yue raised her opinion.

"Alright, ask your sister." Lin Chen nodded, wondering why Xia Miaoyan looked unhappy in her tone.

Shen Yue immediately took out her mobile phone, found Shen Qiu's number, and dialed it.

"Beep beep..."

Shen Yue was using the amplifier, and Lin Chen who was driving could also hear the beeps waiting to be answered.

After a long while of the beep waiting to be answered, Shen Qiu didn't answer.

Shen Yue called again, this time, after ringing for a while, she was finally connected.

"Hello." Shen Qiu's tired voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Sister, why didn't you answer the phone just now, where are you now?" Shen Yue asked.

"I'm in the company. I had a meeting in the conference room just now, and now I came out to answer your call. What's the matter, you and the boss went to the magic sea?" Shen Qiu asked.

"No, it won't be until one or two o'clock." After Shen Yue said a sentence, she entered the topic: "Sister, the boss and sister Miaoyan called and found that there was something wrong with sister Miaoyan. She was fine yesterday, today Did something happen?"

"What's wrong with Miaoyan?" Shen Qiu said with surprise in her tone, "No way, when I came out of the villa in the morning, Miaoyan was still fine. Do you feel wrong?" Shen Qiu said Xia Miaoyan has been normal these days, and there is no problem.

Shen Yue heard the words, glanced at Lin Chen, and seeing that Lin Chen had nothing to say, she said, "Oh, that's it, let's talk about it when we return to the sea of ​​magic."

"Well." Shen Qiu said: "The meeting here will continue. I will work overtime tonight. When you arrive at the magic sea, it is estimated that I will almost go home after get off work."

Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. is now in a period of rapid development. Shen Qiu has done his best for the development of Lin Chen's company.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yue said to Lin Chen, "Boss, sister said that sister Miaoyan was fine in the morning."

Lin Chenen snorted: "It shouldn't be a big deal. I'll ask her when I go back."

"Yeah." Shen Yue nodded.

The car was still driving fast on the highway, night had come, and all the cars on the road had their lights on.

More than an hour later, Lin Chen and the others were getting closer and closer to Mohai City, and there was not much time left.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Shen Yue, who was watching the news with her cell phone, suddenly heard Lin Chen's cell phone vibrating next to the seat.

The phone screen is facing up, and the screen lights up while vibrating.

Shen Yue looked at it and saw a picture with a white background on the lit mobile phone screen. On the picture with a white background, several black words were written.

'I'm suddenly curious about you! '

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