When Shen Yue saw the picture that suddenly appeared on Lin Chen's mobile phone and the words on the picture, her delicate eyebrows frowned.

Although this mobile phone belongs to Lin Chen, Shen Yue has just used Lin Chen's mobile phone.

Lin Chen's mobile phone screen saver is the initial screen saver of the system, and there are no pictures at all.

Just now Lin Chen's phone vibrated, the screen lit up, and a picture with black characters on a white background suddenly appeared.

I'm suddenly curious about you?

Where did this picture come from and why did it suddenly appear?

Lin Chen focused on driving, and didn't pay attention to the vibration of the phone, and still looked at the road ahead.

Shen Yue was aroused by this photo, she reached out and picked up Lin Chen's mobile phone, wanting to see if this photo was taken.

But just when Shen Yue's fingers touched the screen of the mobile phone, the picture with black characters on a white background displayed on the screen of the mobile phone suddenly changed into a terrifying grimace.

This grimace has messy hair, black eyes, and blood flowing out. The background is in a dark alley, which makes people horrified.

Shen Yue just wanted to see why the picture with black characters on a white background appeared. She was completely unprepared for this picture of a grimace that appeared suddenly.

People are frightened when they are unprepared, and the reaction is great.

Shen Yue was so frightened that she took off her phone and let out a scream.


Following Shen Yue's scream, Lin Chen's cell phone also clapped and fell on the position where he stepped on the foot in the car.

Shen Yue's sudden scream made Lin Chen look over immediately.

Seeing the frightened look on Shen Yue's face, Lin Chen asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Yue covered the murderer with one hand, took a deep breath, and said, "I was scared by your phone."

"Frightened by my cell phone?" Lin Chen glanced at the cell phone that fell under Shen Yue's feet, and said, "What's the matter?"

After Shen Yue calmed down, she said, "Just now your phone vibrated, and then the screen lit up, and I saw a picture with words written on the screen. curious'."

"Boss, your phone screen doesn't have a screen saver, so I think it's very strange, where did that picture come from, I picked up your phone to look at it, but I didn't expect that when my finger touched the picture, the picture would turn into a Grimace."

"That grimace is so scary, bloody, staring straight at me..."

Lin Chen's curiosity was immediately hooked by Shen Yue's words.

A picture with the words 'I'm suddenly curious about you' suddenly appeared on my mobile phone. After Shen Yue touched the screen of the mobile phone with her finger, the picture with the words suddenly turned into a grimace picture. ?

Shen Yue's appearance was really frightened, and Lin Chen could understand it.

Just like on some forums, some people will deliberately post a very long picture. This picture is a landscape or something else at the beginning.

Just when you were about to pull to the end of the picture, in your unprepared state of mind, a terrifying grimace appeared.

The timid person is fine, or shivered with fright, while the timid person may be so frightened that the phone falls to the ground.

Lin Chen started to slow down the speed of the car and said to Shen Yue, "Pick up the phone and let me take a look."

"Yeah." Shen Yue picked up the phone that had fallen at her feet and handed it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen drove the car with one hand and opened his mobile phone with the other. His fingers quickly flipped the phone, but after searching for the phone, Lin Chen did not see the picture with words written by Shen Yue, and the A grimace photo.


PS: In the next case, we will join the characters of Chinatown detectives, KIKO, Axiang, Chen Ying, Qin Feng, Tang Ren, etc.

The plot is original, and the case is also original, I hope you will not be disappointed. .


1123 Back to the villa 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen checked his phone, he said to Shen Yue, "Are you sure you didn't read it right?"

"No." Shen Yue said with a serious face: "Boss, I was so frightened, how could I be wrong."

Lin Chen handed the phone to Shen Yue and said, "There is nothing on the phone, not the picture with black characters on a white background, nor the picture of the grimace."

Shen Yue took Lin Chen's cell phone and flipped through it.

Just like Lin Chen, Shen Yue turned around and didn't see the two pictures she just saw.

"It's weird..." Shen Yue stretched out her hand and scratched her head, and said, "I really didn't read it wrong just now. At first, it was a picture with black characters on a white background. When I clicked the screen, it instantly turned into a grimace picture. "

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue's terrified appearance, and comforted: "It's okay, it's just a picture, there's nothing to be afraid of."

When Shen Yue heard that Lin Chen cared about herself, she was very useful in her heart.

Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen's cell phone and muttered, "Well, I was just taken aback all of a sudden, it's nothing to be afraid of, but boss, why did those two pictures disappear after they appeared, you I can't find 593 on my phone at all."

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's question, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

Lin Chen said, "Wait until the sea of ​​magic, and then explain it to you."

Shen Yue heard the words, nodded, and put Lin Chen's mobile phone back to its original place.

After the little episode after the grimace photo appeared on the mobile phone and disappeared, Shen Yue's whole person was awake a lot.

The two chatted and talked from time to time, and when it came to funny things, Shen Yue let out a good laugh from time to time.

At nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, Lin Chen's car finally drove into the territory of Mohai City.

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