It will take at least an hour to reach Tianze Garden from here, but because it is very late and there are no cars on the road, we can still reach Tianze Garden within an hour.

In the early morning, Lin Chen's car came to the gate of Tianze Garden.

As a high-end community, Tianzeyuan has stricter security measures at night. There are several security guards at the entrance and night patrols.

Lin Chen slowed down the speed of the car, and after showing his ID, drove into Tianze Garden.

Shen Yue took out her mobile phone and called her sister Shen Qiu to ask if Shen Qiu was off work (bbbi).

After Shen Qiu answered the phone, he said that he would be at the gate of the community in a few minutes.

Shen Yue said: "Sister, then we are about the same. The boss and I just came in through the door."

Shen Qiu said: "That's it, let's not talk about it, see you later."

Seeing that Shen Qiu was behind, Lin Chen didn't speed up the car, and slowly drove towards Villa 168.

When Lin Chen's car was parked in front of Villa 168, Shen Qiu's car also stopped right behind.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue got out of the car, and Shen Qiu also got out of the car.

Shen Yue trotted and ran towards Shen Qiu, the pair of sisters who looked alike hugged tightly together.

After the two sisters hugged, Shen Qiu said hello to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at the tiredness and haggard hanging on Shen Qiu's beautiful face, and said, "You have worked hard these days."

Shen Yue pushed a strand of messy hair behind her ear, which was very feminine.

She smiled at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, I'm your employee. You should work hard. You go all the way to my home county to help my dad get rid of the accusation and return his innocence. I want to thank you, boss."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Well, you really should thank me for this, Shen Qiu, how are you going to thank me?"

Shen Qiu is not the coy and shy type of Shen Yue. She smiled and said, "Boss, how do you want us to thank you? Otherwise, just follow the usual practice and promise to let my sister marry you."

"Your sister?" After Lin Chen heard the words, he glanced at Shen Yue's body.

Shen Yue was also embarrassed by what Shen Qiu said.

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue, in fact, he meant to say, your sister is already mine, and she has promised herself.

However, in Shen Qiu's eyes, this gaze was understood to mean something else.

"What, boss, do you think my sister can't do it? Don't you want the two of my sisters to commit themselves together?" Shen Qiu said jokingly, looking at Lin Chen with a hint of teasing.

Shen Yue gently pushed Shen Qiu and said angrily, "Sister, don't talk about this."

Several people made a few jokes and then walked towards the gate of the villa.

The door of the villa was unlocked with a fingerprint. Lin Chen pressed it on the sensor, and the door opened with two beeps.

Walking into the hall of the villa, Lin Chen and the others saw that several lights in the hall were still on.

On the leather sofa in the living room, there was still a person lying there.

This person was lying on the sofa, curled up, one hand rested under his head, and there was a touch of tranquility on his face, which made people look at him and would not bear to wake her up.

This person is naturally Xia Miaoyan.

On the phone before, Lin Chen asked her to take a rest, don't wait for him, I didn't expect this girl to be sitting on the sofa stupidly and waiting.

It is estimated that he waited too long, and fell asleep after waiting.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue also saw Xia Miaoyan sleeping on the sofa, and at the same time they saw several dishes on the dining table that looked very delicious although cold.

Shen Qiu said, "In the days when you left, sister Miaoyan prepared supper for me every day. The dishes on the table have not been touched. She should have cooked them specially for us."

Shen Yue asked Lin Chen, "Boss, do you want me to go upstairs to get the quilt?"

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "let her go to the room to sleep."

Having said that, Lin Chen walked towards Xia Miaoyan.

After calling Xia Miaoyan softly a few times, Xia Miaoyan slowly opened her eyes.

The moment her hazy eyes saw Lin Chen, they immediately widened.

Xia Miaoyan started from the sofa and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms.

With that little face, she rubbed against Lin Chen's chest and said, "Master, you are back."

"Well." Lin Chen said: "Didn't I tell you not to wait for us, why are you still waiting here stupidly?"

Xia Miaoyan raised her pretty face, looked at Lin Chen, and said with a smile, "I prepared food for you. I'll wait here. When you come back, I'll serve you hot dishes."

After Xia Miaoyan finished speaking, she walked towards Shen Yue.

Xia Miaoyan has a very good personality and gets along well with the two sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

After talking to Shen Yue, she went to the kitchen to warm up the dishes.

Shen Yue also followed Xia Miaoyan to the kitchen to warm up the dishes.

Lin Chen walked to the door of the kitchen and looked at Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue who were busy in the kitchen, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Lin Chen's brows suddenly wrinkled. .


1124 That person is not easy to mess with [2 more for subscription]

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