Lin Chen originally watched Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue busy in the kitchen with a smile on his face.

His brows suddenly wrinkled, the reason is that Lin Chen saw that on Xia Miaoyan's arm, there were four Band-Aids sticking side by side.

Band-Aids are generally used to bandage small wounds. Small scratches and bruises can prevent the wound from becoming infected after the Band-Aid is attached.

Xia Miaoyan had four Band-Aids pasted on her arm, which showed that the wound on her arm was quite large.

Moreover, Lin Chen saw the coagulated blood scab from the edge of the Band-Aid, and there were such obvious blood scabs on the edges of several places.

Xia Miaoyan was lying on the sofa just now, and the hand with the Band-Aid was placed under her head. Lin Chen didn't see it. Now, after seeing the wound on her arm, Lin Chen immediately thought that he was on the phone before. I think Xia Miaoyan's words are weird, maybe it's because of the injury on the arm of "May [-]".

"Miaoyan." Lin Chen called out to Xia Miaoyan who was busy with hot dishes.

Xia Miaoyan turned her head with a bit of sleepiness on her face: "Master, what's the matter?"

Shen Yue also glanced at Lin Chen, wondering why the boss called Sister Miaoyan.

"What's the matter with your hand?" Lin Chen asked seriously without a smile on his face.

Xia Miaoyan glanced at her injured arm subconsciously, with a reluctant smile on her face: "Master, it's nothing, it's just a small injury."

Shen Yue's eyes also fell on Xia Miaoyan's hand, she also frowned and said, "Miaoyan sister, you have put on several band-aids, and there is blood on the outside of the band-aid, isn't this a minor injury?"

The color of the band-aid is very close to the skin, and Shen Yue didn't notice it just now.

Xia Miaoyan shook her head and said, "it's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Saying that, Xia Miaoyan will continue to cook the dishes.

Lin Chen's voice was a little serious. With what she knew about Xia Miaoyan, this girl must have been wronged before she did this.

"Stop hot dishes, come here." Lin Chen called to Xia Miaoyan again.

Xia Miaoyan pouted and had to put down what she was doing and walked to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan and said, "raise your hand."

Xia Miaoyan obediently lifted the injured arm, Lin Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Miaoyan's arm with one hand, and started to tear the Band-Aid with the other.

Xia Miaoyan stood obediently. When Lin Chen's hand touched the edge of the Band-Aid, her delicate eyebrows were wrinkled, as if Lin Chen was in pain after touching the wound.

Lin Chen pinched the corner of the Band-Aid, and gently tore up a piece of Band-Aid on the edge.

Lin Chen's movement of tearing the band-aid was very slow, Xia Miaoyan glanced at Lin Chen and couldn't help reminding: "Master, slow down, it hurts..."

As Xia Miaoyan's voice fell, Lin Chen also tore off the band-aid on the edge.

After the Band-Aid was torn open, Lin Chen saw that there was a wound on the skin covered by the Band-Aid, and the edge of the wound had scabbed over.

Lin Chen tore off all the remaining three Band-Aids, and saw the extent of the wound under the Band-Aids.

I saw that on Xia Miaoyan's arm, there was a wound the size of half a ping pong ball.

Then Xia Miaoyan covered the skin lifted by the wound and fixed the skin with a Band-Aid, allowing it to scab and grow again.

This wound, whether it is serious or not, is not light.

Fortunately, the wound is only on Xia Miaoyan's arm. If it is on the face or more obvious parts, it will be destroyed by this wound.

Seeing the wound on Xia Miaoyan's arm, Shen Yue frowned and said, "Sister Miaoyan, what are you doing, the skin on your arm is rubbed off, why don't you go to the hospital, just do it yourself? Simple to deal with."

Xia Miaoyan bit her red lips, bowed her head, and said nothing.

Lin Chen's face became gloomy. He knew that the cut on Xia Miaoyan's arm must have been done by someone else, and it could not have been Xia Miaoyan's own fall.

Judging from the wound, it was an object that touched the skin of Xia Miaoyan's arm at a very fast speed, scratching a small piece of skin on the arm.

This small wound was separated by the scraped flesh, which shows how painful Xia Miaoyan would be at that time.

Lin Chen's anger came up immediately, he looked at Xia Miaoyan and asked, "What happened to this injury?"

Xia Miaoyan, who lowered her head, slowly raised her head, she muttered, "yes... it was noon today, when I went out to buy something, I was rubbed by someone else's motorcycle next to the gate of the community. And that's it..."

Lin Chen's gloomy face made Xia Miaoyan a little scared. She knew that the master was very unhappy.

"Someone else rides a motorcycle, passes by you, and hurts your arm?" Lin Chen asked.

Xia Miaoyan nodded: "Well..."

"What about the guy on the motorcycle? Did he apologize to you? Why didn't he send you to the hospital for treatment of the wound?" Lin Chen asked.

Xia Miaoyan bit her lip and said, "the person who bruised me didn't apologize, but... but her friend said sorry to me."

"Then what?" Lin Chen looked at Xia Miaoyan, this girl didn't tell herself the first time she was wronged.

"Then, after that person's friend apologized to me, they left." Xia Miaoyan said.

Shen Yue said: "They bruised your arm and bleed. The person who bumped into you didn't apologize. Her friend said an apology and left, didn't they say they would take you out to the hospital to treat the wound?"

"No..." Xia Miaoyan shook her head.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" At this time, Shen Qiu, who had just gone upstairs to change a pair of shoes and was walking down, hurried over to ask what happened when he heard what he said.

When Shen Qiu saw the cut on Xia Miaoyan's arm, he was slightly taken aback and said, "Miaoyan, what's wrong with your hand, wasn't it fine when I went out on 1.9 this morning?"

Xia Miaoyan said, "I was rubbed by someone riding a bicycle. It's will be fine, and it won't leave scars or anything."

Shen Qiu said: "With some instruments and products, there will be no scars. The wound on the arm will not affect you, but when the wound rubs against a piece of your skin, it hurts so much... …”

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