"That's right." Shen Yue said, "Even if you don't leave a scar, the pain really hurts you. The person who bumped you is too hateful."

Xia Miaoyan was a little embarrassed by what Shen Qiu Shen Yue said, and Lin Chen kept paying attention to Xia Miaoyan's expression.

At this time, Lin Chen said: "Miaoyan, you know how I am, if you don't tell me about the grievances, do you know the person who bumped into you, or do you think that person is not easy to mess with? Afraid of causing trouble for me, why don't you tell me?".


1125 That girl [3 more subscriptions]

After Shen Yue heard what Lin Chen said, her pretty face was immediately raised with surprise, and her eyes looked at Lin Chen.

The expression on her face was obviously surprised after being told by Lin Chen, and even Shen Qiu and Shen Yue who was on the side could see it.

"Is what the boss guessed true?" Shen Qiu looked at the wound on Xia Miaoyan's arm and said, "Do you think the person who hurt you is not easy to mess with, so you don't want to tell the boss, for fear of causing trouble for the boss?"

Xia Miaoyan's bowed head nodded slowly under the gazes of several people.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue looked at each other, both of them were surprised and curious at the same time.

Xia Miaoyan has been with Lin Chen for so long, she must know Lin Chen's ability and personality, she was wronged, and she didn't talk to Lin Chen for fear of causing trouble for Lin Chen.

Who was the person who bruised her to make Xia Miaoyan like this?

"Tell me." Lin Chen said to Xia Miaoyan, "who is the one who hurt you."

Xia Miaoyan pursed her lips and told the situation 11 that she encountered at noon today.

At noon today, after Xiaohui took a nap, Xia Miaoyan wanted to buy some fresh fruit so that they could eat when Lin Chen and the others came back.

So Xia Miaoyan walked out and went to a large fruit shop outside Tianze Garden to buy fruit.

After picking some fruits in the fruit shop, Xia Miaoyan paid the money, carried the fruits, and walked back to the community.

On the way back, Xia Miaoyan thought that she would be able to see her master at night, and she was very happy.

But just when she was about to arrive at the gate of Tianzeyuan Community, a motorcycle coming fast from behind suddenly rubbed her arm abruptly as it passed by her.

This time, a small piece of skin on Xia Miaoyan's arm was rubbed off.

Because the skin was only scratched, there was not much blood flowing out, but Xia Miaoyan cried out in pain at that time, and the fruit she was holding also fell to the ground.

The motorcycle that rubbed against Xia Miaoyan was a motorcycle sports car. The model was very cool. At first glance, it was at least hundreds of thousands of imported motorcycle sports cars.

After rubbing against Xia Miaoyan, the motorcycle stopped, and after taking off the helmet, Xia Miaoyan saw that it was a pretty good-looking girl.

The girl held the helmet in one hand, fiddled with her long hair with the other, and glanced at Xia Miaoyan's arm.

When Xia Miaoyan saw this girl, she immediately recognized her.

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue went to Xuanbei County to deal with the case, Xia Miaoyan took Xiaohui to a restaurant in Tianze Garden to eat.

At that time, the girl on the motorcycle was sitting at a dining table talking with several other men and women, who were not far from Xia Miaoyan.

Xia Miaoyan could hear what they said.

From their conversation, Xia Miaoyan learned that the girl's family was in very good condition. Her uncle had just been promoted to the mayor of Mohai City, and her father was also the boss of a listed company.

It can be said that her family has both money and power, and the few people who ate with this girl were very flattering to her.

At that time, Xia Miaoyan did not expect that the girl she saw in the restaurant that day would rub her arm today.

When Xia Miaoyan saw the girl looking at her, she thought that the other party was going to apologize to her.

Xia Miaoyan's character is very generous and she never goes back to make trouble for others. Although the girl injured her arm, as long as she apologizes, she will be forgiven.

However, the girl stopped the car and looked at Xia Miaoyan, but her eyes were full of arrogance, and there was a look of boredom in her eyes.

She rubbed Xia Miaoyan's arm and broke the skin. It seemed that Xia Miaoyan didn't have long eyes when she walked, and she resented Xia Miaoyan.

There were several other people on the motorcycle with the girl, all of whom were friends of the girl.

They also saw the scene where the girl slashed Xia Miaoyan's arm and broke her skin.

An equally stylish girl parked the car beside Xia Miaoyan, pouted at the wound on Xia Miaoyan's arm, and asked, "Is your arm okay?"

Xia Miaoyan glanced at her and said, "it's okay."

The girl said, "I'm sorry, my friend was careless. In the future, you should walk carefully."

The girl said this to Xia Miaoyan, and put on her helmet again. The other motorcycle riders didn't look at Xia Miaoyan.

The girl who parked the car at the front and scratched Xia Miaoyan, after giving Xia Miaoyan a cold glance, rode on a motorcycle very handsomely and drove the hundreds of thousands of motorcycles into Tianze. in the garden.

The girl rubbed Xia Miaoyan's arm down, without saying a word of apology, and her eyes were full of boredom and indifference.

Rao is because Xia Miaoyan has a good temper and is also very dissatisfied with her attitude.

If you hurt yourself, don't you say a word of apology?Look at yourself with that look.

At that time, Xia Miaoyan wanted to tell Lin Chen about this and let Lin Chen teach that arrogant girl a lesson.

But she thought of hearing the girl and her friends chatting in the restaurant before.

This arrogant girl, she is rich and her father is the boss of a listed company.

However, the uncle of this arrogant girl is not simple. Her uncle is the mayor of Mohai City.

Mohai City is a municipality directly under the central government, and the weight of the mayor's position can be imagined.

He can sit on the position of mayor, not only because of his own power, but also because of the power behind him.

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