The call Lin Chen made was quickly connected.

A man's voice came from there: "Hello, Lin Shao."

Lin Chen said to the man over the phone, "I'll send you a few photos now, and within ten minutes, send all her information to my phone."

"Okay, no problem." The man over the phone replied without any hesitation.

Lin Chen hung up the phone immediately, took a few screenshots of the photo of the arrogant girl who bumped into Xia Miaoyan in the surveillance video, and sent it to an email.

After sending it, Lin Chen turned off the computer and walked upstairs, preparing to take a shower in the bathroom.

When Lin Chen pushed open the door of his bedroom, he found that Xia Miaoyan was wearing pajamas and helping herself make the bed.

When Xia Miaoyan saw Lin Chen come in (bbce), she smiled and said, "Master, the hot water is ready for you, and the changed clothes have been hung in the bathroom for you. Come in and wash."

Xia Miaoyan is so considerate, taking care of Lin Chen very comfortably.

Lin Chen walked into the bathroom and started to take a shower.


Tianze Garden, in Villa 32, the location of this villa is relatively good in Tianze Garden.

A very beautifully dressed girl, riding a motorcycle, parked at the door of Villa 32.

The girl took off her helmet, revealing her pretty face.

She straightened her hair and walked towards the villa.

After knocking on the door, the nanny came to the door immediately.

When the nanny saw the girl, she immediately called out, "Miss, you're back."

The girl's name is Shang Yunwei, she gave her a kindness, and was very indifferent to the nanny's response.

Shang Yunwei strode towards the living room, and when she came to the living room, she found that her mother was still watching TV in the living room.

Seeing this, Shang Yunwei wondered, "Mom, you haven't slept yet?"

Shang Yunwei's mother glanced at her daughter and said, "You're still outside so late, and you haven't come home. I'm worried about you."

"Oh." Shang Yunwei waved her hand and said, "I'm so old, what's there to worry about."

As she spoke, she sat on the sofa, picked up an orange, peeled it and ate it.

Mom glanced at her, as if remembering something: "Oh, by the way, I heard that you knocked down a woman at the gate of the community at noon today?"

After Shang Yunwei heard the words, she smiled lightly and said, "If you don't mention this, I almost forgot, um, I went for a bike ride with someone at noon today, and halfway through the ride, I found something I forgot, so I rushed back to get it. At that time, I bumped a woman and scratched a little skin on her body, but her body was quite hit, and she got up quickly after bumping her once."

"Is that so?" Shang Yunwei's mother nodded and asked, "The girl asked if you lost any money?"

"Losing money?" Shang Yunwei seemed to have heard a very funny joke, she said: "I bumped her once, but I didn't bump her into the hospital, it's okay to ask me to lose money, if it wasn't for her today Interesting and honest, just bumping into her made me startle and ruined my mood, and I wanted people to beat her up."

Shang Yunwei's mother smiled and said, "It's fine, I'll just ask casually, baby girl, it's getting late, go and rest."

Shang Yunwei's mother really just asked casually, and didn't take this trivial matter to heart. This matter was just a small topic in the chat between her and her daughter.

Shang Yunwei nodded, got up and went back to her bedroom. .


1128 Not enough to read a little [6 more for subscription]

In Villa 168 of Tianzeyuan, Lin Chen walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Lin Chen, who came out, glanced at the bed, and after seeing Xia Miaoyan helping her make the bed, she fell asleep on the bed.

Judging from her sleeping position lying on the quilt, this girl was too sleepy to fall asleep directly on the bed.

Lin Chen was about to put a blanket over Xia Miaoyan's body, when his phone vibrated, indicating that an email had been placed in his mailbox.

Lin Chen knew that this was the result of the investigation on that arrogant girl.

So, Lin Chen first covered Xia Miaoyan with a blanket, then turned on the phone and entered his mailbox.

After opening the email, he sat on the bed and checked it.

In this email, there are photos one by one, and under each photo, there is an introduction to the identity of this person.

The first photo in the email is the personal information of the girl riding a super motorcycle.

Her name is Shang Yunwei, 22 years old this year. She is studying at a university in the magic city. Her hobby is riding motorcycles. In her school, she is called the goddess of motorcycles.

The second photo is of a middle-aged man named Shang Ming. Shang Ming is Shang Yunwei's father. At the same time, he is also the boss of a listed company.

The listed company founded by Shang Ming is an online live broadcast platform. In this world, the live broadcast industry is also very popular.

There are also several large-scale live broadcast platforms in China. The live broadcast platform founded by Shang Ming ranks first among these large-scale live broadcast platforms.

In addition to this live broadcast platform that ranks first in China and is listed on the market, Shang Ming also has mobile APP short video software in his hands.

This short video software is also very popular at present. Videos are posted on this software every day, and the traffic of browsing videos is very large.

This short video software can be ranked second or third in the domestic short video software.

The online live broadcast company has already been listed, and the short video software is also in the stage of preparation for listing. If this short video software can also be successfully listed, Shang Ming has two listed companies in his hands. It can be said that he is rich and has a worry-free future. .

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing after seeing the profile of Shang Yunwei's father Shang Ming.

"It's not good to own any industry, but the two major industries in your hands are the Internet industry." Lin Chen shook his head, the expression on his face was very playful.

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