When the Ling family of Mohai provoked him before, because the Ling family of Mohai had several relatively profitable Internet industries, Lin Chen directly used super hacking technology to hack all the Internet industries of the Ling family. .

As a result, Lingjia's industry stock plummeted, and users complained and abandoned the site.

While Lin Chen hacked the Ling family's network industries, Lin Chen also asked the company's employees to copy the same network industry. During the period when his network industry was inaccessible, Lin Chen's same network industry was madly sucking traffic.

Up to now, the same network industry that Lin Chen founded not long ago has been on par with those of the Ling family.

Moreover, relying on the software of Penguin Chat, Lin Chen's industries will surpass those of the Ling family in the near future.

This Shang Yunwei, who bullied Xia Miaoyan, her father's biggest industry is the Internet industry, which is simply to bring food to Lin Chen.

If he was a listed company, Lin Chen would have to take down their company and spend a lot of time and means to manipulate the company's stock and make it collapse.

But now, as long as Lin Chen completely hacks the servers of Shang Ming's network industry, he won't be able to jump up.

Lin Chen looked at the third photo in the email again.

This photo is also of a middle-aged man. The appearance of this middle-aged man is not evaluated. In the introduction below his photo, behind his name is the mayor of Mohai City, who has just taken office.

That arrogant Shang Yunwei did not lie, the mayor of Mohai City is indeed her uncle.

Lin Chen looked at the third photo, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

His eyes immediately turned to the fourth photo. The fourth photo was of Shang Yunwei's mother. She worked in Shang Ming's two Internet companies as a financial supervisor. In the company, her Power is great.

The fifth photo is of Shang Yunwei's uncle. He is an official, but his position is not high. For Lin Chen, he is the kind that can't catch his eye at all.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

The sixth, seventh, and eighth photos, Lin Chen Yiyi looked at them.

All the relatives and friends of Shang Yunwei, among them, the one in the highest position is her uncle, the mayor of Mohai City.

Lin Chen took a sip of the water on the table, and said to himself, "The whole family has a mayor of Mohai City, which is really good, but it's still not enough to see."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned off the phone and walked to the laptop on the other table.

There are many laptops in Lin Chen's villa, one or two in each room.

After Lin Chen opened the laptop, he quickly entered a web address, and started to operate with his fingers on the keyboard and mouse.


On the screen of this notebook, there are white characters on a black background, and characters that are either in English or incomprehensible are scrolled.

What Lin Chen is doing now is not to hack the two network industries in Shang Ming's hands, but to hack the CCTV and network in every villa in Tianze Garden.

As long as the residents in Tianze Garden turn on the TV or connect to the WIFI of the villa with their mobile phones, a video will appear on their mobile phone or TV screen.

This video is a video of Xia Miaoyan walking back with a few bags of fruit at the gate of Tianzeyuan Community. After being knocked down by Shang Yunwei and the others, Shang Yunwei and the others did not take Xia Miaoyan seriously at all. .

This video has been edited by Lin Chen, and the picture quality has been resolved to the highest-definition state. The voice of Xia Miaoyan talking to them has also been clearly processed.

At the end of this surveillance video, Lin Chen used the laptop's camera to record a short video of himself.

In this short video, Lin Chen said: "I heard that the uncle of Shang Yunwei, who rides a motorcycle, is the mayor, which is amazing. However, before 168 o'clock tomorrow evening, there will be Shang Yunwei, who was born by her mother and taught by her mother. It's better to go to Villa [-] and kneel in front of my friend to apologize, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk."

In this video, Lin Chen's tone of speech is very flat, but his expression and eyes are full of unquestionable taste.

After editing this video, I posted it immediately. .


1129 All received videos [7 more for subscription]

The reason why Lin Chen sent this video to all the residents of Tianzeyuan was to let them all know that Xia Miaoyan was his own woman, and no one could provoke her.

If you don't kill the chicken to warn the monkeys, maybe a certain second generation in Tian Zeyuan will dare to provoke the head of the woman next to him.

After Lin Chen released the edited video, he turned off the laptop, lay on the bed, and rested with Xia Miaoyan.

Although it was already early in the morning, there were still night owls in Tianze Garden.

A rich second-generation young man is lying on the bed and brushing his mobile phone at the moment.

He was watching the wonderful video of the day before yesterday with a certain model in the hotel on his mobile phone. Suddenly, the interface of the mobile phone to play the video was frozen for a while.

After being stuck for a second, the original red-faced video disappeared, and a video appeared on "May [-]" that made him feel inexplicable.

"What, what's going on?" The rich second-generation young man muttered, but he didn't turn off the video. He was curious and wanted to see what the video that suddenly appeared was about.

In the video screen, a girl who was too beautiful to be outrageous was walking on the road with fruit, and then a motorcycle appeared and knocked down the beautiful girl.

Then the motorcycle stopped, and a tall, long-haired girl got off.

After seeing this girl, the young man's eyes widened slightly, and he said in surprise, "Isn't this Shang Yunwei? How can there be her in this video?"

The young man was puzzled, and he quickly saw Shang Yunwei's disdain and anger after bumping into the beautiful girl.

After Shang Yunwei and the others left, the beautiful girl who was hit was left alone to wipe the wound on her arm, and picked up the fruits on the ground.

At this time, the picture of the video began to change, from the monitoring picture to a young man.

The moment he saw this young man, this rich second-generation young man felt ashamed of himself.

Originally, he thought that he would look handsome with a little make-up on his face and a haircut.

But compared with the young man in the video, I don't know where the difference is.

At the same time, the young man also muttered: "This guy looks a little familiar..."

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