After he finished muttering, he slowly said Lin Chen's remarks.

The young man's eyes widened when he heard what Lin Chen said.

This young monk, Shang Yunwei, had a little encounter. Once at a ballroom ball, he still wanted to pursue Shang Yunwei in the past.

He clearly knew that Shang Yunwei's uncle's current position was the second-in-command of the Demon Sea.

In Lin Chen's remarks, Lin Chen also pointed out this point. Knowing that Shang Yunwei's uncle was the second-in-command of Mohai, he dared to say that Shang Yunwei was born or taught by a mother, and let her Go to Villa 168 and kneel in front of his friend to apologize.

You can see how brave this guy is.

"I'll be darling..." The rich second-generation young man slapped his thigh: "What is the origin of this kid, to make Shang Yunwei kneel in front of his friend to apologize, this is simply daring."

In another luxury villa in Tianze Garden, two girls who lived in the same room saw this video when they were scanning their mobile phones.

People who live in Tianze Garden will know more or less about the neighbors who live in it.

After all, people are curious, and they all want to know what kind of powerful people are in their neighbors.

The two girls looked at each other after watching the entire video.

A girl said: "Who is the guy at the end of the video? Although he looks handsome, his tone is too loud, right?"

Another girl said, "Yeah, Shang Yunwei's uncle is the second-in-command of the Demon Sea. When he said this, he really wasn't afraid to flash his tongue."

The girl who spoke first giggled: "Maybe, after posting this video, he will lose his tongue."

Another girl echoed: "Yes, yes, if you dare to scold Shang Yunwei for having a mother and not being taught by a mother, just by this sentence alone, he will be finished."

"I'm so curious, why did our mobile phones receive this video."

"I don't know, but from the guy's mouth, we can tell that he lives at No. 168. Although I don't know who the person who lives at No. 168 is, if Shang Yunwei sees this video, there will be a good show tomorrow. already."

In another villa where the lights were still on, a man in his forties also saw the video.

Unlike the first few people, the first few people didn't know who lived in Villa 168, nor did they recognize the handsome young man in the video.

But, this man knows...

After watching the video, the man smiled and said, "Haha, Shang Ming, Shang Ming, if you messed with this guy, you're going to be finished this time."

This man and Shang Ming have a certain hatred, so after seeing the video and knowing Lin Chen's ability, he is very gloating in his heart, waiting to see Shang Ming's good show.

At this moment, almost all the night owls in Tianze Garden saw the video sent by Lin Chen.

Not only the residents, but even the guard room, all the guards saw it.

A doorman said, "I'm going, it seems that two households in the community are going to work."

The second guard said: "The people who can live here are all people we can't afford to offend. Although the words this young man said are very plain, but in my eyes, they are very shocking."

The third doorman said: "I'm looking forward to what will happen tomorrow. The 168 residents are really strong."

The fourth guard said: "The girl's uncle is a big man. I think it's useless for this young man to be strong."

Fifth doorman: "Not necessarily."


Ouyang Chuying got up early today. She was busy with some simple cases in the Public Security Bureau these days.

Today is her holiday, she can stay at home to rest.

After getting up, she walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. For some reason, Lin Chen's figure appeared in her mind.

"Lin Chen 2.6, this guy has been in Xuanbei County for several days, and I don't know if he has come back." Ouyang Chuying knew that Lin Chen went to Xuanbei County to deal with matters.

These days when Lin Chen went to Xuanbei County, she always misses Lin Chen, who she loves and hates.

When Ouyang Chuying had just finished washing up and was about to go downstairs for breakfast, there was a sudden knock on her door.

After the knock on the door, it was accompanied by a young man's voice: "Sister, come out, come out."

After hearing the sound from outside the door, Ouyang Chuying walked to the door, opened it abruptly, and scolded the youth outside the door, "What's your name in the early morning, you won't knock on the door lightly?"

Standing outside the door was Ouyang Chuying's younger brother, Ouyang Jie.

After Ouyang Jie was reprimanded by Ouyang Chuying, he was not angry, took his mobile phone, and said to Ouyang Chuying: "Sister, something big happened.".


1128 Not enough to read a little [6 more for subscription]

In Villa 168 of Tianzeyuan, Lin Chen walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Lin Chen, who came out, glanced at the bed, and after seeing Xia Miaoyan helping her make the bed, she fell asleep on the bed.

Judging from her sleeping position lying on the quilt, this girl was too sleepy to fall asleep directly on the bed.

Lin Chen was about to put a blanket over Xia Miaoyan's body, when his phone vibrated, indicating that an email had been placed in his mailbox.

Lin Chen knew that this was the result of the investigation on that arrogant girl.

So, Lin Chen first covered Xia Miaoyan with a blanket, then turned on the phone and entered his mailbox.

After opening the email, he sat on the bed and checked it.

In this email, there are photos one by one, and under each photo, there is an introduction to the identity of this person.

The first photo in the email is the personal information of the girl riding a super motorcycle.

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