Because Ouyang Chuying was also busy with her work these days, she didn't take the time to understand the news in Xuanbei County, and she didn't know how Lin Chen solved the case there.

After Lin Chen heard Ouyang Chuying's question, he started talking to her.

After a little talk, the three daughters of Xia Miaoyan, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue made breakfast and invited Lin Chen and the others to come over for dinner.

This is the second time for Ouyang Jie to eat at Lin Chen's side. He has a psychological shadow on the first time he eats here.

The last time I ate at Lin Chen's place, Ouyang Chuying's kitchen made dishes that were quite unpalatable.

Lin Chen didn't eat it, and expressed disgust. The angry Ouyang Chuying pushed all the unpalatable dishes in front of Ouyang Jie and let him eat.

This breakfast was made by Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue. The deliciousness of the dishes eliminated the shadow in Ouyang Jie's heart.

Ouyang Chuying ate the dishes made by Xia Miaoyan and sighed that it was delicious.

After eating, Lin Chen asked Shen Qiu and Shen Yue to take Xia Miaoyan to a high-level beauty institution in Mohai to repair the wound on her arm without trace.

Ouyang Jie knew something about the high-level beauty agency. After he learned about it, he said that the technology level of the beauty agency was very advanced. If the wound on Xia Miaoyan's arm was treated continuously, there would be no scars.

The consumption level of that beauty agency is also quite high, but for Lin Chen, it's not even a drop in the bucket.

Immediately, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue went out with Xia Miaoyan and Xiaohui, while Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, Ouyang Jie and the three stayed in the villa.

After talking about the case for a while, Ouyang Chuying suddenly said to Lin Chen, "Oh, by the way, Lin Chen, do you know 'criminal master'?"? "

After Lin Chen heard what Ouyang Chuying said, he looked at Ouyang Chuying's face and said, "C-day master, crime master, the exclusive community of global detectives?"

"Master of crime?" Ouyang Jie, who was beside him, muttered suspiciously.

"Yes." Ouyang Chuying nodded and said, "C-day master crime master is a global detective community. Many people upload various real cases in this community for your reference. In this APP, there is a detective ranking list. , you need to answer 99 questions correctly to be eligible for ranking.”

Ouyang Jie touched his chin: "I've never heard of this kind of software."

Ouyang Chuying couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Ouyang Jie and said, "You know how to eat, drink, and have fun all day long, and find those star young models, what can you know?"

Ouyang Jie was scolded by his sister and laughed immediately.

After saying one sentence from Ouyang Jie, Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen, "Do you know all the detective rankings of the APP Crime Master?"

"Understood." Lin Chen nodded and said, "On the crime master detective rankings, Q is the first, Qin Feng is the second, and Noda Hao from the island country is the third."

"Yeah." Ouyang Chuying nodded slightly and said, "The crime master app has not been around long, and I only recently learned about it."

Having said that, Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and said, "How about it, Lin Chen, do you want to try the 99 questions, and then upload the cases you have solved to see how much you can rank? "

Ouyang Jie flattered and said, "As far as Mr. Lin's brain and the solved cases are concerned, he must be the first to enter."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "This APP is not of interest to me for the time being."

Hearing this, Ouyang Chuying sighed slightly. She really wanted to see Lin Chen's ranking in the crime master app.

Ouyang Chuying had already downloaded the software on her mobile phone. In the past few days, she has answered the 99 questions correctly by relying on her own thinking and discussing with others.

However, after entering the ranking, the ranking was very unsatisfactory, and she was unwilling to mention it.


Tianze Garden, within the Shang family's villa.

At this moment, there are many individuals sitting in the hall of Shang Family Villa.

Sitting in the middle of the leather sofa is Shang Ming, the leader of the Shang family, and the other two are Shang Ming's brother and brother.

Shang Ming held a cigarette in his hand, his brows furrowed, his face extremely solemn.

He looked at his brother and brother and asked, "...that video, have you all watched it?"

Shang Ming's brother nodded: "I saw it early in the morning."

Shang Ming's younger brother said: "What kind of immortal is that kid? He dares to be so arrogant and dare to say that he is born with a mother and has no mother to teach him. I really want to die, thinking that our Shang family is easy to bully."

Shang Ming's wife, Shang Yunwei's mother, had a cold face and said, "That is, what kind of bastard is in the video? My daughter bumped into his woman and bumped into it, it's not bad if she didn't kill her. , didn't he just scratch a layer of skin and bleed a little, is it necessary for him to be so mad?"

Shang Ming's brother glanced at the angry younger brother and sister, sighed secretly in his heart, and didn't say anything, he knew Lin Chen's terrifying ability.

Shang Ming took a puff of cigarette and was about to speak when footsteps came from upstairs (Li's Zhao).

As the footsteps approached, Shang Yunwei, who was wearing pajamas, walked downstairs.

When Shang Yunwei saw that her uncle and uncle were all present, she was slightly surprised, and came over while saying hello.

Shang Yunwei didn't know the video yet. Seeing that everyone's face was not right, she asked, "Mom and Dad, uncle and uncle, what's the matter with you? It looks like something happened?"

Shang Yunwei's mother glanced at her daughter lovingly and said, "It's a dog who doesn't know the sky and the earth, barking wildly."

Immediately, she showed the video to Shang Yunwei.

After Shang Yunwei watched the video made by Lin Chen, she immediately became furious.

"Who is this bastard who dares to scold me like this?" Shang Yunwei said angrily: "Her woman? What happened to her woman? It's amazing? If I hit her, Shang Yunwei will hit her, and if I hit her, I will make a fortune. What else can he take with me for the coffin money?".


1132 Who dares to be arrogant [3 more subscriptions]

At this moment, Shang Yunwei was extremely angry in her heart.

Her uncle was just promoted to the second-in-command of the Demon Sea not long ago. With her uncle here, who would dare to bully her in the Demon Sea?

But nowadays, a guy who is handsome but has no brains actually points at his nose and scolds him that he has a mother's birth and no mother's education, and he has to go to Villa 168 by himself and kneel in front of the girl to apologize .

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