Can she, Shang Yunwei, endure this kind of thing?

What is he?

After scolding Shang Yunwei, she said to Shang Ming: "Dad, this bastard not only scolded me, but also scolded my mother. This tone cannot be tolerated. Let him know the consequences of offending our Shang family."

After Shang Yunwei said this, she put her hands on her chest and said viciously: "Isn't he doing this because I bumped into his woman? Want to pretend? Want to be brave? Everyone in Tianzeyuan knows that. Okay? Well, let's play with him to the end, I'll see if I go to kowtow to his woman, or if he brings the whole family to kowtow to me to make amends."

"That's right." Shang Yunwei's mother agreed: "Now everyone in the community knows that the commotion is so loud that those who can live in Tianze Garden are all people at our level. It's not good for 510 to take care of him this time. Others think our Shang family are soft persimmons."

Shang Ming's sister-in-law said, "That's right, sister-in-law, your brother is the second-in-command of our Demon Sea. With him around, who would dare to be presumptuous?"

When Shang Yunwei and her mother heard this, the pride on their faces grew even more.

The Shang family's biggest support is Shang Yunwei's uncle.

The second-in-command of the Demon Sea, these words are enough to shock many people.

After listening to the words of his daughter and wife, Shang Ming's expression was still solemn.

He took a sharp puff of cigarette, and then stubbed out the few remaining cigarette butts in the ashtray.

Then, he said, "It's not as simple as you think. The crazy young man in the video, his name is Lin Chen, has a lot of energy."

"Is his energy not small?" Shang Yunwei was slightly surprised and asked, "Dad, to what extent is his energy not small? Can my uncle be so powerful?"

Shang Yunwei's mother said: "Although my brother has not been in office for a long time, his foundation is not very stable, but even so, is he able to compare?"

Shang Ming said solemnly: "We are the Ling (bbcj) family of the Devil Sea, do you know?"

After Shang Yunwei heard her father's words, she immediately said, "I know, the Ling family, the head of several major families in the magic sea. We are insiders in the magic sea, who doesn't know the Ling family in the magic sea."

When it came to this, Shang Yunwei paused for a while, and then said: "What, Dad, you mean, the one named Lin Chen in the video has something to do with the Ling family? His name is Lin Chen, and he is the junior of the Ling family? But I've never heard of it, there is a Lin Chen in the Ling family."

Lin Chen's Lin and Ling's family's Ling are homophones, Shang Yunwei is a Lin Chen who is a junior of the Ling family.


Shang Ming shook his head and said, "The Lin Chen I said was Shuangmu Lin, not the Ling from the Ling family."

"Then what does he have to do with the Ling family?" Shang Yunwei's mother asked.

Shang Ming sighed and said: "The Ling family is in the magic sea, and it is like a behemoth. Some time ago, all the Internet industries in the Ling family's hands were hacked and inaccessible, causing the Ling family's stock price to plummet. This matter, you guys you know?"

"I know." Shang Yunwei nodded and said, "There was a lot of noise about this incident some time ago. When I heard the news, I thought it was very strange, how could a family as big as the Ling family be hacked like that? The server cannot be recovered yet."

Shang Yunwei's mother added: "After a few days, it seems that the Internet industries of the Ling family have recovered, right?"

"That's right." Shang Ming nodded heavily and said, "The Ling family's network industry servers were all hacked that time and they were restored again. The Ling family did not explain the reason for this."

"However, according to reliable sources, the reason why the servers of the Ling family's industries were hacked was because of this Lin Chen."

"Because of him?" Shang Yunwei's eyes widened slightly: "Did he hack those properties of the Ling family?"

Shang Ming said: "It's him, didn't you see it from the video that the entire Tianzeyuan network was hacked? This Lin Chen has extremely high hacking skills, or he has a hacking team."

"These are not the main things. The main reason is that he fought against the Ling family, the first family of the Demon Sea. He is still alive and well. The Ling family can't do anything to him. Daughter, do you think we can do it?"

Shang Yunwei knew that the Ling family's industry was hacked before, but because the Ling family wanted face and blocked the news of the blockbuster, ordinary people would not know about it at all.

Now when she heard what her father said, Shang Yunwei's heart throbbed, and her heart beat faster.

Shang Yunwei's mother also looked surprised, she said: "He fought against the Ling family, causing the Ling family's stock to plummet, losing so much money, and now living well... This... how is this possible! "

Shang Ming's brother said: "Brother and sister, this is indeed true. You don't understand, you don't know this, and this Lin Chen is also very close to the Ouyang family, especially that Ouyang Chuying."

Shang Yunwei and her mother looked at each other, and the two women were slowly surprised and shocked.

They didn't know these things about Lin Chen just now, they thought he was just a rich and powerful guy. His power was nothing in the eyes of the second-in-command of Mohai.

But now, everything is beyond their expectations.

"Dad..." Shang Yunwei's voice trembled a little, and said, "Then...then you mean, it's this Lin Chen, we...can't afford to offend him?"

Shang Ming raised his head and took a deep look at his daughter, and said, "From all indications, our Shang family should be... unable to offend him, you bumped his woman without even apologizing, he Blacking out the entire network of Tianze Garden is to treat our Shang family as a chicken, and we want to kill the chicken and show the monkeys to everyone in Tianze Garden."

"But... don't be too pessimistic, tell your uncle about this and see what he has to say. If he can't do anything about it, our Shang family will be in Tianze Garden in the future, in the circle of Mohai, it will be a face. There's nothing left."

The words behind Shang Ming seemed to make Shang Yunwei see hope.

Shang Yunwei said excitedly: "Yes, I haven't heard what my uncle has to say. Maybe my uncle is not afraid of him. I will call my uncle now."

After Shang Yunwei finished speaking, she immediately took out her mobile phone. After finding her uncle's phone number, she would call it.

Shang Ming and others looked at Shang Yunwei and looked forward to what Shang Yunwei's uncle would say.

But at the moment when Shang Yunwei was about to dial out...


1133 Say No to Two [4 More Subscriptions]

When Shang Yunwei found her uncle's number and was about to call it, Shang Ming's cell phone on the coffee table suddenly rang.

Several people's eyes were turned towards Shang Ming's mobile phone screen, and they saw Uncle Shang Yunwei's name displayed on the screen of his mobile phone.

The second-in-command of Mohai called this time at this time. It seems that he already knew what happened in Tianzeyuan.

Shang Ming was about to reach out to answer the phone, when Shang Yunwei quickly reached out and took the phone, saying, "I'm here to pick up my uncle's call."

The second-in-command of the magic sea loves Shang Yunwei, the younger generation, and loves her even more. This is why Shang Yunwei is rushing to answer the phone. She wants to tell her grievance to her uncle.

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