She quickly pressed the answer button and pressed the loudspeaker, so that everyone in the hall could hear the content of the call.

"Uncle, I'm Yunwei." Shang Yunwei said, "You're calling now, do you know what happened here? Uncle, let me tell you, that bastard named Lin Chen is in It's too crazy, do you know what he scolded me? He scolded me for having a mother's life and not having a mother's education, not only scolding me, but also scolding my mother, who he thought he was, what was he, he... "

Shang Yunwei's mouth was like a barrage of cannons telling whether Lin Chen was wrong.

But just before she finished speaking, the voice of the second-in-command of Mohai came over: "Okay, Yunwei, shut up for me."

The voice of the second-in-command of the Demon Sea was serious, and there was a sense of blame in his tone.

As soon as he said these words, Shang Yunwei was stunned.

When Shang Yunwei heard her uncle's tone, she felt a little stunned in her heart.

Shang Ming, Shang Ming's wife, brother, brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law and others all had a premonition that something was wrong.

Shang Yunwei stammered and asked, "Uncle...Uncle...I...I..."

It was the first time that Shang Yunwei had been murdered by her uncle, and she was so frightened that she could not speak.

The voice of Mohai's second-in-command came from Cong's receiver, and said, "Yunwei, it's not your uncle who said you, it's not good for you to provoke anyone, why do you want to provoke Lin Chen's head, don't you know that the Ling family is facing that Lin Chen, is there nothing you can do about him?"

Shang Ming said this just now. Shang Yunwei was shocked at the time, but now her uncle said it again, which made her feel desperate.

"I...I..." Shang Yunwei was still in a panic and couldn't say a word.

Shang Ming frowned, his wife stood up, took the phone in Shang Yunwei's hand, and said, "Brother, can't you take that Lin Chen too?"

The second-in-command of the magic sea said: "Sister, even if you really have the strength to fight against some people, it's just a fight. After a fight, do you know what will be the bigger consequences?"

The second-in-command's words deeply shocked everyone present.

As the second-in-command of the Demon Sea, he can only compete with Lin Chen, and after the fight, he is still afraid of Lin Chen's more ferocious methods.

"Also...that means..." Shang Yunwei's mother also started to stutter, she said, "That is to say, you are not going to help us, you want us to submit to that Lin Chen and let your niece go to his woman Kowtow and apologize?"


The second master of the magic sea said earnestly: "Being able to bend and stretch is a man. You can't deal with a tiger with your bare hands. It is better to back down and avoid the tiger than to hold on to the end and be swallowed by the tiger."

The second-in-command of Mohai has made his thoughts on this matter very clear, and everyone present understood the obvious meaning of his words.

Shang Yunwei was in a dazed state at the moment. Yesterday, she was still riding a motorcycle supercar in a heroic manner and speeding on the street with others.

Shang Yunwei was never soft on who dared to provoke her.

But now, what she is about to face is to go to Villa 168 and apologize to Lin Chen's woman, knowing that the entire Tianzeyuan residents know it.

These residents in Tianze Garden, who live in the upper-class circle of the magic sea, they know, and within a day, the entire upper-class circle of the magic sea will know.

At that time, Shang Yunwei will have no face to meet her friends in the circle.

"Okay, I get it." Shang Yunwei's mother hung up the phone after saying this in despair.

The phone hung up, and the room was deadly silent, except for the sound of breathing, there was no other sound.

After a while, Shang Ming exhaled a long breath and said to Shang Yunwei, "Yunwei, since that's the case, go to Villa 168, kowtow to Lin Chen's woman and apologize..."

· · Flowers · ·

After saying such words, Shang Ming's strength seemed to be drained, and he lost his energy.

"I don't!" There was a mist in Shang Yunwei's eyes, that was because she felt wronged, and she said, "You want me to kowtow to apologize? If I really kowtow and apologize, how can I go out to meet people in the future? What's the matter with Yunwei's face?"

Shang Ming sighed: "I know, it's shameful to apologize to Lin Chen's woman by kowtowing, but if you don't go, do you know what serious consequences there will be?"

"Face? It's so far up to this point, you're still here telling me about face, isn't it all your own fault? You bumped into someone yesterday, apologized to them, and lost some money? You're polite. A little, be polite, will others ask you to kowtow and apologize?"


Shang Yunwei stopped talking immediately, and she knew in her heart that it was her own reasons that caused everything.

But she was used to being arrogant, and for a person who was used to being arrogant, asking her to kowtow and apologize would be more uncomfortable than death.


Shang Yunwei finally couldn't hold back the pressure in her heart, and suddenly collapsed on the sofa, crying loudly.

When Shang Yunwei's mother saw her daughter crying so sadly, she sighed and comforted: "Daughter, actually... it's nothing to kowtow and apologize, think about it... a family as big as the Ling family, He has all suffered losses from him, how can we compare the Shang family and the Ling family, let's kowtow and apologize, in fact... it's actually nothing."


Listening to her mother's words, Shang Yunwei cried even louder.

Shang Yunwei's uncle also comforted: "Yunwei, this guy Lin Chen, we really can't afford to offend this guy in our family, your uncle has the most power in our family, he can't do anything, we... what can we do? ."

Shang Yunwei's uncle said, "If you don't want to beg for mercy, just apologize, just kowtow..."

Shang Ming shook his head: "It's useless, Lin Chen said nothing, what he asks is what..."

At this moment, Shang Ming's cell phone rang, and after it was connected, Shang Ming's eyes were about to pop out. .


1134 The same thing [5 more for subscription]

Shang Ming held the phone, his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

He was stunned there, like a stone, motionless.

Shang Yunwei and the others saw that something was wrong after Shang Ming answered the phone, and they all cast curious glances.

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