While their eyes were curious, they were also extremely worried in their hearts. They could see from Shang Ming's expression that what was said on the other end of the phone was definitely not a good thing.

Under their gaze, Shang Ming slowly put down the phone with a desperate expression on his face.

"Husband, what's the matter, what happened?" Shang Yunwei's mother asked quickly, her voice trembling.

"Second brother, who called and what did you say?" Shang Ming's younger brother asked.

"Speak up, what's the matter?" Shang Ming's brother also urged, both afraid and wanting to know what was said on the "[-]" phone.

In their urging, Shang Ming said: "My professional manager just called to tell me that our Shangjia's live broadcast platform and the server of the short video software have been hacked and are currently inaccessible."


"The server was hacked? Can't access our two network properties?"

"This...this...I'll turn on my phone and check it out."

When the Shang family heard the news, they immediately made a mess.

They took out their mobile phones one after another and went to open the live broadcast platform and the software for the short video.

Shang Ming's brother opened the live broadcast platform, and both the web page and the client showed that the server could not be accessed.

Shang Ming's younger brother clicked on the short video software, and the homepage of the software no longer displayed any short videos uploaded by users, and directly displayed "Unable to connect to the server".

After trying for a while, but unable to connect to the server, the people of the Shang family look at me, I look at you, and my eyes widen.

Shang Ming's wife took the mobile phone, refreshed the software hard, and said anxiously: "What's going on, what's going on!"

Shang Ming's brother glanced at Shang Ming and said solemnly, "This is what Lin Chen did!"

Shang Ming's body was shaking. He didn't expect that Lin Chen's action would be so quick. The warning video sent out early this morning hacked two of his network industry servers at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Two network industries, one has been listed, the other is about to be listed.

Once the server is hacked, the stockholders will sell their stocks one after another and dare not hold them. The listed Internet industry stocks will plummet, causing the company's market value to plummet.

Another short video software company listed on the market will also be dissatisfied with users because the server is inaccessible, thus losing users.

These two network industries are the lifeblood of the Shang family. Now that the lifeblood is in the hands of others, how can Shang Ming not be afraid.

Last time, the Ling family had a big business and was hacked for so many days, but after recovering, he was able to stabilize his feet.

Compared with the Ling family, the Shang family may not be able to turn over again as long as they are harassed once.

"Yes...Yes..." Shang Ming said with a trembling voice: "It's Lin Chen, he started."

Shang Ming's brother looked at Shang Yunwei and said, "Yunwei, this Lin Chen is very strong, no one can restore the server he hacked, you...you should go to Villa 168 immediately and kneel in front of his woman and kowtow. Apologize."

Shang Yunwei was very reluctant just now, and now she also realizes the consequences of all this.

If there is a problem with the family's two major properties, how can she be a young lady in the future? She will have a lot of hardships in her life, and she will not be able to spend money like dirt.

Just when Shang Yunwei was about to stand up and promised to kowtow to apologize, Shang Ming said again, "My manager not only told me about the server being hacked just now, but also told me another thing."

"What else did you say?" Shang Yunwei's mother asked.

Shang Ming glanced at his wife and said: "At six o'clock this morning, Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd. announced that its Dousha TV and Feishou short video software were launched, a Dousha TV live broadcast platform, and a Feishou short video software. This is completely For our Shang family, we must kill them all."

"What!" Shang Ming's elder brother's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, he said: "Last time the Ling family's Internet industry was hacked, the same Internet industry immediately emerged to compete for traffic with it. It's the same as before."

"What to do, what to do, Lin Chen is really going to kill them all." Shang Ming's younger brother was also panicked.

Shang Yunwei was in a state of turmoil, and Lin Chen's handsome face appeared in her mind.

Why is he so cruel, why can't he let go of this girl?

When Shang Yunwei thought of this, a thought suddenly popped into her mind...

Lin Chen did this on purpose. Could it be that he took a fancy to himself and wanted to use this method to get something from himself?

If Lin Chen knew what Shang Yunwei was thinking at the moment, he would not help laughing out loud, this woman is too self-righteous.

Everyone in the Shang family panicked, and Shang Yunwei quickly made a decision.

That is to immediately go to Villa 168 to kowtow and admit mistakes, so that the situation cannot be too serious.

So, a few minutes later, everyone in the Shang family walked out of the villa and walked towards Villa 168.

There are many people in the Shang family, and a group of people walking in Tianze Garden is still very noticeable.

When they walked in Tianze Garden, many people recognized them.

Seeing that the Shang family was all dispatched and their faces were ugly, these residents understood that this good show was about to begin.

When Shang Yunwei was walking in the community, she didn't dare to look at passers-by. There was nothing she could do. She was going to kowtow to admit her mistake. How could she be so embarrassed to face other people's weird eyes?

"The good show has begun, and everyone from the Shang family is heading towards Villa 168."

"The Shang family, are they going to clean up that Lin Chen, or are they going to kowtow and apologize?"

"Shang Yunwei from the Shang family, such a proud daughter, really wants to apologize to Lin Chen's woman?"

"Just go and see. Anyway, my daughter was slapped by Shang Yunwei, and I wish the Shang family would collapse."

"Just now, the two network industries of the Shang family could not be accessed, and something happened."

The residents of Tian Zeyuan were discussing, and some people pretended to follow the Shang family's group and went to No. 168 together.

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