Lin Chen shook his head: "Not for now, let's just pass the day like this, I don't want to go out any more recently."

When Ouyang Chuying saw Lin Chen said that she didn't want to go out again, her face was a little dignified, and she asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you want to go out recently."

(Manuo's) "Because I can encounter homicides wherever I go, I'd better go out less and reduce the occurrence of homicides in this society." Lin Chen made a joke of his own.

This joke also made Ouyang Chuying laugh.

After Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue finished the meal, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying both sat over, and Lin Chen's phone was put aside.

When he started to eat, Lin Chen's mobile phone on the table vibrated, and then the screen lit up, and a picture with black characters on a white background appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

On this picture with black characters on a white background, the words 'I am suddenly curious about you' are written.

The position where Shen Yue was sitting was the closest to Lin Chen's cell phone.

After seeing this picture that suddenly appeared on the screen, she was a little surprised: "Boss, this picture has appeared again."

When Shen Yue's voice fell, Lin Chen had already seen this picture. .


1142 It's Unreasonable [2 More Subscriptions]

On the way between Lin Chen and Shen Yue from Xuanbei County to Mohai City, Lin Chen was driving and his cell phone was put aside.

After Shen Yue heard the phone vibrate, the phone screen lit up, and on the lit screen, a picture with black characters on a white background appeared, with the words 'I'm suddenly curious about you'.

At that time, Shen Yue was very puzzled. Lin Chen's mobile wallpaper was not like this at all. Where did this picture come from?

Shen Yue went to pick up the phone, and when her finger touched the screen of Lin Chen's phone, the picture with black characters on a white background instantly turned into a terrifying picture of a grimace.

That gloomy and terrifying grimace scared Shen Yue to drop her phone.

Lin Chen didn't see it, and asked her what was wrong. Shen Yue told Lin Chen what she saw. Lin Chen rummaged through the phone and didn't see the photo.

Shen Yue asked Lin Chen what was going on at the time, but Lin Chen didn't say it clearly, and looked like he understood in his heart.

After returning to Tianze Garden, Shen Yue almost forgot about it because of Xia Miaoyan, but now Lin Chen's mobile phone has this picture with black characters on a white background again. Let Shen Yue remember again.

Lin Chen had already seen the words that appeared on the lit phone screen.

After hearing Shen 567yue's words, Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan also looked over curiously.

"I'm suddenly a little curious about you?" Xia Miaoyan read the words displayed on the picture after seeing the picture with black characters on a white background.

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Did you see this picture last time?"

"Well." Shen Yue said: "It was on the way back to Mohai City, which shocked me a lot."

Immediately, Shen Yue told Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan about the situation at that time to let them know what happened at that time.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and took the phone in his hand.

Shen Yue said, "Boss, as long as you touch the screen, the picture will instantly turn into a scary grimace."

Lin Chen's fingers were already very close to the screen, and Xia Miaoyan was a little afraid to look at what Shen Yue said was so terrifying.

Ouyang Chuying was very calm, after all, he was used to seeing corpses, let alone a picture of a grimace.

When Shen Yue's voice fell, Lin Chen's finger also touched the screen.

With this touch, the picture with the words 'I'm suddenly a little curious about you' written in black on a white background has indeed changed (bbdj), but it's not the terrifying grimace picture before, it's another one Picture in black on white.

I saw a line of words written on this picture: "Did you freak out last time? This time I was careful? Haha..."

Behind the word haha, is a simple smiley icon.

"This..." Shen Yue, who was standing beside Lin Chen, immediately felt a sense of being played after seeing the changed picture.

If it was me, I was taken aback last time, this time I would definitely click on the picture carefully.

"Master." Xia Miaoyan asked, "How come this kind of picture appears on your phone? Who sent it to you?"

As Xia Miaoyan finished her question, the pictures on the phone screen disappeared, and the phone screen went dark.

"Boss, last time you said that you went back to the Demon Sea, you will explain to me what happened." Shen Yue said to Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen was about to explain, Ouyang Chuying said, "It's very simple, Lin Chen's phone was hacked."

Ouyang Chuying's words surprised Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue slightly, and after two or three seconds of surprise, they were relieved.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Chu Ying is right, someone used a hacking program to hack into my phone through my mobile phone number, and sent me a picture with a burn-after-read program."

"This kind of picture that contains the program that burns after reading it, as long as you click and watch it, the picture will be automatically deleted without leaving any traces. In terms of hacking technology, it is a medium skill. "

When Lin Chen said this, his handsome face was very indifferent, and the fact that his mobile phone was hacked did not make him panic.

"Who hacked your mobile phone, master? People from the Shang family? No, when you were back in the sea of ​​magic, the people from the Shang family didn't know it was you who were offending you." Xia Miaoyan said.

"Boss, do you know who it is?" Shen Yue asked.

Ouyang Chuying was also a little curious and reminded Lin Chen: "The other party can hack into your phone, so be careful that your phone's data is leaked."

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "I don't have anything indecent in my phone, even if the data is obtained, it's fine, but the person who hacked my phone scared Shen Yue last time, and this time he Come to this kind of trick, how can you do it if you don't get him out."

Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue's three daughters, after hearing Lin Chen's words, all had some expectations in their hearts.

Lin Chen's hacking skills are there, so that the entire Ling family can't do anything, and the girls want to know who the person who hacked Lin Chen's mobile phone is and what is the purpose.

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue and said to her, "Bring my notebook here."

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