"Okay." Shen Yue immediately trotted, took a notebook from the coffee table, and handed it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen opened the laptop, connected the mobile phone to the computer with the data cable, and then quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard of the laptop.

People are curious about the unknown, Ouyang Chuying and the others were curious about how hackers work.

They stared intently at Lin Chen's laptop, trying to figure out what to do.

But they stared and looked at the densely packed letters and symbols on the screen, they couldn't understand it at all, it was like reading a book from heaven.

"Da da da……"

In the dining room of the villa, it was quiet, only the sound of Lin Chen's fingers tapping on the keyboard.

When Lin Chen locked the person who hacked into his mobile phone, at this moment, in a luxurious suite in Huaxia Xiangjiang, a girl was also sitting in front of a laptop, typing quickly on the keyboard there.

The girl has dyed long light blue hair, flat bangs, two ponytails, and wears a lot of metal accessories on her hands, giving the whole person a two-dimensional feel.

Her appearance is very delicate and beautiful, and she belongs to the type of man who can't take his eyes off after one glance.

There was a lollipop in her rosy little mouth, her frown from time to time and her long eyelashes quivering slightly, full of cuteness.

The girl was operating the laptop in front of her, and her relaxed and pretty face was gradually replaced by a sad look.

"It's unreasonable, you actually found me, and you want to hack my computer." The girl said angrily, with a trace of anger written on her lovely face. .


1143 Super Hacker 【Subscription】

The girl's voice of anger, with some adoration, echoed in the suite.

On the screen of her laptop, there are many complicated codes. As her slender fingers tap on the keyboard, the codes on the laptop screen are also scrolling rapidly.

If you are familiar with the software of Crime Master, or if you are ranked in it, you will see this girl with blue hair, cute ponytail, and a two-dimensional atmosphere.

At a glance, she can be recognized as the fifth-ranked Hong Kong girl in the crime master detective~ hacker kiko.

Kiko ranks fifth among crime masters. This ranking is not too high. She relies on hacking into the police database to obtain massive information sources to improve the detection rate. The hacking skills are so high that she can hack every point in your bank account- money.

Many people, many organizations, love and hate Kiko, a super hacker. Once she is provoked, she looks like a weak and cute girl who can cause you great trouble.

But it is such a master who is well-known in the detective world and in the hacker world, but at this moment, he is sitting in front of the laptop and is in trouble.

As her angry voice fell, a girl came out from another room of the suite.

This girl looks about the same age as Kiko, but in terms of temperament and appearance, she is far inferior to her. She is a relative of Kiko. When Kiko is usually in Xiangjiang, she is Kiko's life assistant.

The girl walked up to kiko and said strangely, "kiko, what's the matter, what's hacking your computer?"

Kiko's big eyes stared at the laptop screen with anxiety on his face: "I was very curious about a certain detective in China, so I followed his mobile phone signal, hacked into his mobile phone, and took a picture with him after reading it. The prank pictures of the burning program were transmitted to his mobile phone."

"Now this guy seems to be angry, has recovered the traces of data I deleted from his phone, entered the internal IP network and found me, and now he is attacking my computer to take control of my computer."

After hearing Kiko's words, the girl's face showed an extremely shocked look.

She is Kiko's relative and Kiko's life assistant in Xiangjiang. She has a very comprehensive understanding of Kiko's hacking technology and knows how terrifying Kiko's hacking technology is.

But now, there is someone who has recovered the traces of data left by kiko, and found kiko and wants to take control of her computer, which is simply incredible.

"No, your hacking skills are already so strong, he is even more powerful than you?" the girl said in surprise.

Kiko's face was full of solemnity: "Very strong, this guy's hacking skills are beyond my imagination."


The cyber war between Lin Chen and Xiangjiang female hacker Kiko is still going on. Lin Chen's hacking skills are beyond doubt, and Kiko is also very powerful, a super expert who can access the bank's intranet.

One is in the Magic Sea Villa and the other is in the Xiangjiang Luxury Suite. The two are separated by a long distance and have a duel on the Internet.

Tianze Garden, in Villa 168.

Lin Chen's fingers were still quickly tapping the keyboard, and he hadn't stopped since he started looking for kiko.

Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan, Shen Yue watched Lin Chen operate for a while, and Ouyang Chuying couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter, do you know who is playing a prank on your phone?"

With a faint smile on Lin Chen's face, he nodded and said, "I have successfully entered her computer and know her identity information."

Ouyang Chuying's eyes lit up slightly: "Who is it?"

Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue also waited expectantly for Lin Chen's answer, wondering who made the prank.

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and said, "In the morning, didn't you tell me about the c-day master crime master software? Also let me participate in answering questions and enter the crime master detective ranking."

Ouyang Chuying knew that Lin Chen would not bring this up for no reason. After hearing the words, she had a thoughtful look on her face and asked, "You mean, the person who pranks you on your phone is a crime master detective leader. The person above?"


Lin Chen nodded his head and said, "She ranks fifth in the crime masters. Her name is kiko. She was born in Xiangjiang. She is a detective and a super hacker."

"Why is she?" Ouyang Chuying's pretty face showed a surprised expression.

She herself has entered the detective list of master crime masters, and she knows some information about the top ten people on the list.

As the fifth-ranked kiko, her two-dimensional dress and pure and lovely appearance made Ouyang Chuying take a look and firmly remember this person.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Ouyang Chuying learned some information about Kiko, this girl is a hacker genius, her hacker skills far exceed her detective skills.

It can be said that most of the cases she solved were solved by her hacking into the police database and databases in other fields, and comprehensively matching various information to obtain effective clues.

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