Also because of her superb skills, she did not leave any traces after entering the police database. In addition, she did not do anything too outrageous, and for some other reasons, the police did not treat this super hacker for the time being.

"kiko?" Xia Miaoyan muttered, "Is this person famous?"

Shen Yue didn't understand: "Master of crime? Kiko? I haven't heard of it."

Ouyang Chuying explained: "You don't know much about criminal investigation, so naturally you don't know about crime masters and kiko. This is a detective whose hacking skills are higher than that of detectives. In the hacking world, her reputation is still very loud..."

Ouyang Chuying explained the person Kiko to the two girls. At the same time, she also took out her mobile phone and searched it quickly. Then, on the screen of Ouyang Chuying's mobile phone, a girl full of two-dimensional breath appeared.

Xia Miaoyan looked at the girl on the phone screen and said, "she looks so beautiful."

"She has beauty, figure, ability, and skill. She is a girl that many people her age can't match." Ouyang Chuying commented on Kiko.

Shen Yue pouted and asked, "This kiko is so good, why do you want to hack into the boss's phone and post that kind of prank pictures?"

Ouyang Chuying glanced at Lin Chen, who was operating the computer, and said, "The first picture of Kiko's prank reads, 'I am suddenly a little curious about you', which is already obvious. This two-dimensional girl has learned about Lin Chen. , I was very curious about Lin Chen, so I greeted Lin Chen by hacking into Lin Chen's phone."

"From some of the hackers I know, they like to say hello that way, to be unique and to show off their hacking skills."

After saying these words, Ouyang Chuying murmured in her heart, "Kiko, this girl's film, came to contact Lin Chen so proactively, shouldn't it be interesting to Lin Chen? .


1144 No backup [2 more for subscription]

Thinking of this, Ouyang Chuying shook her head again, thinking that she thought too much.

Since she has a good impression of Lin Chen, every beautiful woman around her will make her think about a point.

"Isn't kiko your opponent?" Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Although she is very strong, she is not my opponent. I found something good in her notebook, and she will go crazy soon."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen's fingers that were frantically tapping on the keyboard stopped, tapped the Enter key, and then sat on the chair without touching the keyboard of the laptop again.

Ouyang Chuying, Xia Miaoyan, Shen Yue and the three daughters, their eyes still fell on Lin Chen's laptop screen, and they saw a progress bar appear on the laptop screen originally full of codes.

The progress bar is rapidly scrolling "five five seven", and the progress of the progress bar will soon reach [-]%.

"What happens when the progress bar on the screen reaches [-] percent?" Ouyang Chuying asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen put his hands on his chest and said indifferently, "After reaching [-]%, a super virus I just wrote will completely cover Kiko's computer and control her computer, so that she can no longer use it. any function of a computer.”

After hearing the words, Ouyang Chuying first nodded, then seemed to have found something, and said, "Hey, no, Lin Chen, what you do doesn't hurt Kiko, you made her unable to use that computer, Couldn't she just get another computer?"

"Yeah." Shen Yue also said: "People like her shouldn't be short of computers, right?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "She doesn't lack a computer, but there are very important things in that notebook."


Xiangjiang, in the luxury suite, Kiko with blue hair and flat bangs sat in front of her laptop in a daze.

The progress bar on the laptop has reached [-] percent, and the screen dims.

Kiko has completely lost control of her laptop. Now this laptop has been locked by the virus implanted by Lin Chen. The data in the computer cannot be retrieved, and any functions cannot be used.

With her ability, she couldn't crack the virus that Lin Chen implanted in her computer.

Kiko's life assistant saw Kiko's dazed look, as if she had suffered a major blow, and she hurriedly asked, "Kiko, what's wrong?"

Kiko took a long sigh, and his eyes were full of helplessness: "That hateful guy, planted a super virus into my laptop, I can't do anything about it, and now this laptop is completely unusable. Now, any data or files inside, even if the hard drive is disassembled, cannot be transferred out."

"Ah?" The life assistant's heart was full of surprise, and after the surprise, she comforted: "That's okay, a laptop is nothing to you, this one can't be used, so I just bought one. Taiwan."

The life assistant knows that Kiko is not short of money, she is a little rich woman.

"It's different." Kiko shook her head, and her two lovely ponytails swayed together, she said: "In this laptop of mine, there is a super database program that I spent a lot of time writing, and with This program, what I want to know, what I want to check is very convenient."

"This program is not easy to back up, so I have no backup. Now that the computer is occupied by the virus implanted by Lin Chen, I will no longer be able to use that super database program. This is very troublesome for me."

"Also, in this notebook, there are some other files that I need, but I haven't backed them up."

"This computer has been blocked by a virus, and the trouble it has caused me is extremely great."

Kiko said this weakly, then pouted and slumped on the soft sofa.

The angry look was like a newlywed daughter-in-law who was bullied by her husband.

The life assistant thought it was just a matter of changing a computer. After hearing what Kiko said, she understood the seriousness of the matter.

She asked, "kiko, how long have you been writing that super database program?"

Kiko reached out and took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore off the wrapper, and stuffed the lollipop into his mouth.

Kiko said: "It took me nearly a year and a lot of hard work. If I can't use this super database, it will be very troublesome for my future investigation."

"So what now?" said the life assistant. "Take the time to re-write one?"

When kiko heard this, her little head shook like a rattle. She waved her hand: "No, No, No, I don't want to waste time writing that program anymore, it's too boring..."

"You can't crack the virus that Lin Chen implanted, and you don't want to rewrite it, what should you do?" the life assistant asked again.

When Kiko was about to speak, the screen of her laptop, whose screen was black, suddenly lit up.

The laptop screen, which was already dark, suddenly lit up, surprising both Kiko and her assistant.

Kiko wondered if something good happened, but the next moment, three big characters appeared on the screen:

"Are you angry?"

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