There are three big characters, angry, followed by a question mark.

When Kiko saw this, she got up from the sofa angrily.

Before, she deliberately hacked into Lin Chen's mobile phone, and the prank office sent terrifying photos. Today, when she was idle and bored, she hacked it for the second time.

As a result, Lin Chen fought back, and forcefully hacked her very important computer.

It’s okay to be hacked, but after being hacked, he even asked Kiko if he was angry.

As a super hacker, kiko is going to ask her if she is angry at the moment, of course she is angry, her sizable chest is about to be blown up by Lin Chen.

Even if his skills are not as good as others, he was humiliated by Lin Chen, which was simply too much.

Kiko, who has never encountered many opponents in the hacker world and has not suffered much setbacks, is really powerless at the moment, with an unprecedented sense of frustration in 4.1, and the feeling of being bullied by men.

After reading the line of words on the screen, the life assistant glanced at the angry Kiko and said, "That Lin Chen is mocking you and asking if you are angry."


The lollipop that was just put in his mouth was bitten by Kiko in three or two strokes. The lollipop biting in his mouth seemed to be biting Lin Chen.

Kiko was so angry that she stopped talking. After a while, she opened her slender legs and walked to the window.

The curtains are opened, and the night view of Xiangjiang can be seen.

Kiko looked at the beautiful night view of Xiangjiang, blinked those big eyes, and said, "I'm about to go to the Devil's Sea, and since that's the case, I'll set off tomorrow."

"Looking for Lin Chen?" the life assistant asked.

"Yeah." Kiko nodded and threw the lollipop stick into the trash can. .


1145 Kind words 【Subscribe】

The sea of ​​magic, in the Tianzeyuan villa.

After Lin Chen hacked Kiko's important laptop with the super virus he just wrote, he closed the laptop.

"Master, is this all right?" Xia Miaoyan asked when Lin Chen closed the notebook.

"Well, it's alright." Lin Chen nodded.

"You hacked Kiko's computer. Is there something very important in that computer?" Ouyang Chuying also asked.

"It's very important to her," Lin Chen said.

Shen Yue's curiosity was also piqued, and she asked, "Boss, what is important to her in Kiko's computer?"

Lin Chen smiled and explained: "A super database program, this program should be programmed by Kiko herself, she can use this program to easily and quickly query many things she needs, without this program, her speed in investigating cases will be reduced. slowed down considerably."

"Besides this super database program, there are a lot of important things in her laptop, so I blame her for taking such an important computer to attack me. Now, in her laptop, Everything is unusable."

Ouyang Chuying still knows a thing or two about kiko's hacking technology. Knowing that kiko is a female hacker in Xiangjiang is not easy.

But now, Kiko is so vulnerable in front of Lin Chen that she didn't even protect her most important computer.

Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen worriedly: "That laptop is so important to Kiko, you have hacked her laptop now, what if she becomes angry with your penguin chat software server? Kiko's Hacking technology, in the hacking world, is also very famous."

Shen Yue became worried after hearing what Ouyang Chuying said.

She said, "Yes, boss, what if Kiko attacks our company?"

Lin Chen's face was calm, and he didn't look nervous at all. He said, "After the company was attacked by Hao Liang from the Ling family last time, I wrote a server protection program. This program is now Let Hao Liang take care of it, it can be said that as long as there is this program, let alone one kiko, ten kikos will not be able to touch my server at all."

Lin Chen's words were full of confidence.

The three girls knew him well, and seeing that Lin Chen had said so, knowing that he had full confidence, they didn't say anything else.

Lin Chen put the notebook aside, picked up the chopsticks, and greeted the three women: "Don't be stunned, let's eat, the food will be cold for a while."

The three women sat down one after another, picked up chopsticks, and started to eat.

After dinner, Shen Yue suggested, "Boss, we've been playing poker all afternoon, why don't we go out for a walk together?"

Lin Chen looked at Ouyang Chuying and Xia Miaoyan and asked, "Are you going?"

Ouyang Chuying was a little overjoyed when she saw Lin Chen asking for her opinion, she nodded slightly: "Go, take a walk to lose weight and maintain your figure."

Xia Miaoyan said, "I'll go too."

Immediately, Lin Chen and the others closed the door of the villa and walked together on the road of Tianze Garden.

The roads and greening of Tianze Garden are first-class in the community of Mohai City. At night, all kinds of lights come on.

Walking in the path of the green forest in the community is quite artistic.

Lin Chen walked in the middle, and on his left was Ouyang Chuying, who was tall and had a cold face.

To his right are Xia Miaoyan and Shen Yue, two young and lively girls.

Three beauties with their own beauty and beauty, walking by Lin Chen's side, can attract the attention of many people.

Many of the other residents of Tian Zeyuan would go out for a walk and talk about business while walking.

Some second-generation sons, when they first saw Xia Miaoyan and Ouyang Chuying, still thought of coming up to chat with them, making friends or something.

However, after seeing Lin Chen's figure, these second-generation sons and brothers recognized that Xia Miaoyan was here, and immediately dispelled the idea of ​​approaching him, and walked over from Lin Chen's side cautiously.

Just kidding, Lin Chen, the owner of Villa 168, is the one who isn't even afraid of the second-in-command of the Devil Sea.

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