
Wang Li walked out of the factory building, stretched, yawned, and walked towards the dimly lit parking shed.

I worked overtime so late today, and I will start work tomorrow afternoon. While swinging the keys of the bicycle, Wang Li thought about taking a good night's sleep today.

Qingshi Town is a small town located in the mountains. The town is surrounded by mountains. At night, the weather is still a bit cool.

Wang Li was wearing a pair of short sleeves. She rubbed her hands, thinking that this bluestone would be comfortable to live in. It would be cool at night in summer, and there were few opportunities to turn on the air conditioner, which would save a lot of electricity bills.

The factory's parking shed is not small. At this time, there are not many cars parked in the parking shed.

At the top of the parking shed, there is a dim light bulb, and the brightness of this light bulb is not enough to illuminate the entire parking shed.

Wang Li walked to the spot where her bicycle was parked. There were still some lights on the spot where her car was parked.

She squatted down slowly and unlocked the bike lock with the key.

Just then, she heard a sound coming from the depths of the parking shed.

This sound was a little dull, like the sound of something hitting, mixed with a little other sound.

Although the sound is not large, it is still very obvious in this silent night, in this unmanned parking shed.

Wang Li's eyes immediately looked towards the depths of the parking shed, but the light was dim and the depths of the parking shed were pitch black, and Wang Li couldn't see the dull sound from something.


Wang Li shouted into the depths of the parking shed.

After she shouted this sentence, there was no response from the depths of the parking shed.

Wang Li didn't pay much attention to it, so she pulled her bicycle and walked towards the exit of the factory.

Just after pulling the bicycle and walking a few steps, a dull sound came from the depths of the parking shed again.

This dull voice was similar to the previous one.

Wang Li turned her head sharply, looked into the depths of the parking shed, and said again, "Who's inside?"

The factory is quiet, and the parking shed is even quieter.

Deep behind this parking shed is a forest. When Wang Li asked who was inside for the second time, there was still no response.

Wang Li is a girl, and she is not very courageous. She dare not go into the depths of the parking shed to see if something is making noises in the depths of the parking shed.

Immediately, she got on her bicycle, pedaled hard twice, and walked towards the gate of the factory.

There is a guard room at the entrance of the factory. At this moment, there is an old guard sitting in the guard room watching TV.

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When Wang Li saw the old guard, she stopped the car and said to the old man in the guard room: "Master, when I was picking up the car from the parking shed, I heard movement in the innermost part of the parking shed, as if someone was inside. , but it was so dark I couldn't see what was inside."

"Oh?" The old guard's eyes moved away from the TV and landed on Wang Li.

Wang Li said: "Otherwise, you can go to the parking shed to see if there are thieves or something?"

"A thief?" The old guard said with a smile: "The walls of our factory are too high, how could there be thieves."

"But I heard someone's movement. I asked who was inside, but no one agreed to me." Wang Li said.

"That's it." The old guard guard glanced in the direction of the parking shed and said to Wang Li, "Girl, I see, I'm about to finish watching this episode of the TV series, so I'll go to the parking shed to see it, it's getting late. Come on, go back quickly, be careful on the road."

..... .....

After Wang Li heard the words, she nodded: "Okay."

After telling the guard about the strange movement in the parking shed, Wang Li continued to ride her bicycle towards the place she rented.

For some unknown reason, Wang Li, who heard a strange movement in the depths of the parking shed, always felt something strange in her heart when she left the factory on a bicycle.

She turned back from time to time and glanced behind her, as if there was something behind her.

On the short road from the factory to the town, Wang Li's heart was a little flustered. After entering the town and seeing a late-night snack stall at the entrance of the town, Wang Li's flustered heart quickly calmed down.

Wang Li rubbed her stomach and felt a little hungry, so she went to this late-night snack stall to buy a late-night snack.

Hanging the supper on the bicycle, Wang Li continued to ride the bicycle.

A few minutes later, Wang Li stopped at the entrance of an alley on her bicycle.

The house she rents is in this alley.

When Wang Li pulled the bicycle into the alley, a breeze blew out from the depths of the alley.

The breeze also blew a few pieces of paper in front of Wang Li.

Wang Li's eyes looked, and found that the wind was blowing over, it was actually a few coins.


PS: A new case is coming, thank you brothers for your support all the time, thank you. .


1149 Deep in the Alley 【Subscription】

In this dark night, in the dimly lit alley, a breeze blew, and a few coins blew to Wang Li's feet, which immediately caused a layer of goose bumps on the girl's body.

Ming coins, that is, the money used by the dead, is now in July in summer, and the traditional Qingming Festival has passed. Why are some coins blown out by the wind in the depths of this alley?

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